// ==UserScript== // @name AutoCompleteForm // @namespace // @version 0.14.12 // @description AScript! // @author You // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== function sleep(ms = 0) { return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms)); } function createBtn(name, text, top) { var btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.innerText = name; = 'fixed'; = `${top}px`; = `20%`; = '80px' = '45px' btn.addEventListener('click', () => { // 创建输入框 var textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); document.body.appendChild(textarea); // 隐藏此输入框 = 'absolute'; = 'rect(0 0 0 0)'; // 赋值 textarea.value = text; // 选中; // 复制 document.execCommand('copy', true); console.log(`copy ${name}: ${text} success`) }); return btn; } const insertBtns = (accountData) => { if (!accountData) { return } const btnSpace = 65 console.log('currentAddress', accountData.eth) let btnIndex = 1 const emailBtn = createBtn("Email",, btnIndex * btnSpace + 20); btnIndex++ const discordBtn = createBtn("Discord", accountData.discord, btnIndex * btnSpace + 20); btnIndex++ const ethBtn = createBtn("ETH", accountData.eth, btnIndex * btnSpace + 20); btnIndex++ const solBtn = createBtn("SOL", accountData.sol, btnIndex * btnSpace + 20); btnIndex++ const twitterBtn = createBtn("Twitter", accountData.twitter, btnIndex * btnSpace + 20); btnIndex++ const twitterProfileBtn = createBtn("TwitterLink", accountData.twitterProfile, btnIndex * btnSpace + 20); btnIndex++ var wrapper = document.body; wrapper.appendChild(emailBtn); wrapper.appendChild(discordBtn); wrapper.appendChild(discordBtn); wrapper.appendChild(ethBtn); wrapper.appendChild(solBtn); wrapper.appendChild(twitterBtn); wrapper.appendChild(twitterProfileBtn); } const answerSnatTest01 = () => { if (document.title != '响指测验卷-01') { return } console.log("start answer snat test 01....") const spans = document.getElementsByClassName("aDTYNe snByac") for (let spanItem of spans) { const text = spanItem.textContent console.log('text', text) if (!text || !text.length) { continue } if ( text.indexOf("The end of Feb—Gift for Meta Cowboy") != -1 || text.indexOf("股份授权证明机制") != -1 || text.indexOf("Eat to Earn") != -1 || text.indexOf("4个") != -1 || text.indexOf("跟管理员撒娇") != -1 || text.indexOf("加入未成年人防沉迷系统") != -1 || text.indexOf("绑定金系统") != -1 || text.indexOf("陈奕迅") != -1 || text.indexOf("用于激励生态") != -1 || text.indexOf("生态使用参与凭证") != -1 || text.indexOf("进行交易兑换") != -1 || text.indexOf("参与治理凭证") != -1 || text.indexOf("参与治理凭证") != -1 || text.indexOf("Volmex") != -1 || text.indexOf("Lv8 身份的用户") != -1 || text.indexOf("SubDAO") != -1 || text.indexOf("StarSharks") != -1 || text.indexOf("Good Luck Games") != -1 || text.indexOf("10") != -1 ) { continue } } console.log("answer snat test 01 done") } const answerCryptoKudasaiJP = () => { if (document.title.indexOf("CryptoKudasaiJP") == -1) { return } console.log("start answer CryptoKudasaiJP....") const spans = document.getElementsByClassName("aDTYNe snByac") for (let spanItem of spans) { const text = spanItem.textContent console.log('text', text) if (!text || !text.length) { continue } if ( text.indexOf("はい") != -1 ) { continue } } console.log("answer snat test 01 done") } const answerMoleHack = () => { if (document.title.indexOf('MoleHack: NFT 2.0 Finale Quiz') == -1) { return } console.log("start answer MoleHack....") const spans = document.getElementsByClassName("aDTYNe snByac") for (let spanItem of spans) { const text = spanItem.textContent console.log('text', text) if (!text || !text.length) { continue } if ( text.indexOf("NFT 2.0") != -1 || text.indexOf("Project Galaxy") != -1 ) { continue } } console.log("answer snat test 01 done") } const handleGleamEntry = async (entry, accountData) => { const innerText = entry.innerHTML.toLowerCase() const continuBtn = entry.querySelector("button") console.log('continuBtn', continuBtn) if (continuBtn) { await sleep(5000) return } const textareaItem = entry.querySelector("textarea") if (!textareaItem) { console.log('no textarea') return } textareaItem.focus() if ( innerText.indexOf("address") != -1 || innerText.indexOf("wallet") != -1 || innerText.indexOf("polygon") != -1 || innerText.indexOf("ethereum") != -1 || innerText.indexOf("bsc") != -1 ) { document.execCommand('insertText', false, accountData.eth); } else if (innerText.indexOf("discord") != -1) { document.execCommand('insertText', false, accountData.discord); } else if (innerText.indexOf("speakers were featured") != -1) { document.execCommand('insertText', false, "8"); } else if (innerText.indexOf("twitter") != -1) { document.execCommand('insertText', false, `@${accountData.twitter}`); } else if (innerText.indexOf("color of the hat") != -1) { document.execCommand('insertText', false, "blue"); } else { document.execCommand('insertText', false,; } await sleep(2000) const continueBtns = entry.getElementsByClassName("btn btn-primary") if (continueBtns && continueBtns.length) { continueBtns[0].click() await sleep(2000) } } class ActionPromise { constructor(_id, _timeout) { = _id this.timeout = _timeout || 10000 console.log(`new actionPromise id ${}, timeout ${this.timeout}`) let entryResolve const entryPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { entryResolve = resolve }) const entryWaitfunc = async () => { return entryPromise } this.entryResolve = entryResolve this.entryPromise = entryPromise this.entryWaitfunc = entryWaitfunc } async wait() { let catchThis = this setTimeout(() => { if (catchThis.done) { return } console.log(`action ${} timeout`) catchThis.done = true catchThis.entryResolve() }, this.timeout) await this.entryWaitfunc() } resolve() { this.done = true this.entryResolve() } } const preFillWallet = async (accountData) => { if (!accountData) { return } const inputWraps = document.getElementsByClassName("input boolean form-group additional-checkbox") if (!inputWraps || !inputWraps.length) { console.log('no inputWraps') return } for (let item of inputWraps) { const inputItem = item.querySelector("input") console.log("click input", inputItem) } const walletInputs = document.getElementsByName("bep20_wallet_address") if (!walletInputs || !walletInputs.length) { return } console.log('walletInputs', walletInputs[0], accountData.eth) await sleep(6000) walletInputs[0].focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false, accountData.eth); } const autoClickGleam = async (accountData) => { if (!accountData) { return } const localUrl = window.document.location.href if (!localUrl || localUrl.indexOf("") == -1) { return } if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("agree to the following") != -1) { console.log("pre fill wallet") await preFillWallet(accountData) await sleep(15000) } console.log('gleam loading start') const entryList = document.getElementsByClassName("entry-method") console.log('all entry count', entryList.length) if (!entryList || !entryList.length) { return } let waitGroup = {} for (let entry of entryList) { waitGroup[] = new ActionPromise(, 5000) console.log("add entry wait group", var observer = new MutationObserver(async function (mutations) { for (let mutation of mutations) { const className = console.log('entry class onChange', className,, mutation) if (className.indexOf("completed-entry-method") != -1) { const ap = waitGroup[] if (!ap.done) { ap.resolve() } return } if (className.indexOf("expanded") == -1) { console.log("no expanded") return } await handleGleamEntry(, accountData) } }); observer.observe(entry, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['class'] }); } console.log('gleam add watch done') for (let i = 0; i < entryList.length; i++) { const entry = entryList[i] const children = entry.children if (!children || !children.length) { continue } console.log(`entry ${i}, class ${entry.className}`) if (entry.className.indexOf("completed-entry-method") != -1) { console.log("completed entry", entry.className) continue } if (entry.className.indexOf("expanded") != -1) { console.log("expanded entry", i) await handleGleamEntry(entry, accountData) await sleep(10000) continue } } for (let i = 0; i < entryList.length; i++) { const entry = entryList[i] const children = entry.children if (!children || !children.length) { continue } if (entry.className.indexOf("completed-entry-method") != -1) { console.log("completed entry", i, entry.className) continue } if (entry.className.indexOf("expanded") != -1) { console.log("expanded entry second loop", i) // await handleGleamEntry(entry, accountData) continue } const innerText = entry.innerHTML.toLowerCase() if (innerText.indexOf("extra entries") != -1) { console.log("extra entries") continue } if (innerText.indexOf("secret code") != -1) { console.log("skip secret code now") continue } console.log(`click entry ${i}, ${}`) children[0].click() console.log("waiting...") await waitGroup[].wait() console.log("waiting... done") } } const acceptDiscord = () => { const localUrl = window.document.location.href if (!localUrl || (localUrl.indexOf("") == -1 && localUrl.indexOf("") == -1)) { console.log('it is not a discord invite link') return } const btn = document.querySelector("button") if (!btn) { console.log('discord invite link has no button') return } let catchWin = window setTimeout(() => { if (catchWin.document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("Continue to Discord") != -1) { catchWin.location.href = "" } }, 5000) } (function () { 'use strict'; if (window.location.href.indexOf("google") != -1 && window.location.href.indexOf("formResponse") != -1) { console.log("google response form") return } let windowLoaded = false let checkTimeout = 5 * 1000 const checkWindowLoadingTimeoutFunc = async () => { console.log('check window timeout...') await sleep(checkTimeout) console.log('check window timeout...++++') if (!windowLoaded) { window.location.reload() } } checkWindowLoadingTimeoutFunc() window.onload = async () => { windowLoaded = true console.log('loading') await sleep(2000) let account = undefined if (window.localStorage) { account = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("monkey_accountData")) } console.log('current account', account && account.eth) insertBtns(account) // answer questions answerSnatTest01() // answer molehack answerMoleHack() answerCryptoKudasaiJP() // click gleam autoClickGleam(account) acceptDiscord() const listWraper = document.getElementsByClassName("o3Dpx")[0] if (!listWraper) { return } const list = listWraper.children console.log(`list item len ${list.length}`) if (!list || !list.length) { return } for (let question of list) { const text = question.innerHTML.toLowerCase() let inputs = question.querySelectorAll("input") console.log('text', text.length, inputs, inputs.length) if (!inputs || inputs.length != 1) { inputs = question.querySelectorAll("textarea") if (!inputs || inputs.length != 1) { console.log('wrong inputs', inputs) continue } } const field = inputs[0] if (text.indexOf("email") != -1 || text.indexOf("邮件") != -1) { field.focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false,; continue } if (text.indexOf('solana address') != -1) { field.focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false, account.sol); continue } if (text.indexOf("wallet") != -1 || text.indexOf("address") != -1 || text.indexOf("钱包") != -1) { field.focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false, account.eth); continue } if (text.indexOf("link") != -1 || text.indexOf("retweet") != -1) { if (text.indexOf("username") != -1) { field.focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false, `@${account.twitter}`); continue } field.focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false, account.twitterProfile); continue } if (text.indexOf("telegram") != -1 || text.indexOf("twitter") != -1 || text.indexOf("推特") != -1 || text.indexOf("nickname") != -1) { field.focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false, `@${account.twitter}`); continue } if (text.indexOf("discord") != -1) { field.focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false, account.discord); continue } if (text.indexOf("ideas") != -1 || text.indexOf("感想") != -1) { field.focus() document.execCommand('insertText', false, 'no'); continue } } } })();