Remove the annoying article 17 page that EU user see when clicking a picture.
// ==UserScript== // @name wikifeet EU // @description Remove the annoying article 17 page that EU user see when clicking a picture. // @version 1.0.5 // @author Love4Arhc // @namespace // @match* // @license MIT License // @compatible firefox >=99 // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ const urlParts = document.URL.split('/'); const buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button'); function reWritePictureUrls() { const picDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('pic'); if (picDivs.length > 0) { for (let i=0; i < picDivs.length; i++) { var pid = picDivs[i].children[1].innerText; if (pid === 'new') { pid = picDivs[i].children[2].innerText; } picDivs[i].firstChild.removeAttribute('target'); picDivs[i].firstChild.href = urlParts[3] + '#&gid=1&pid=' + pid; } if (document.cookie.length > 15) { buttons[3].addEventListener('click', reWritePictureUrls); } else { buttons[1].addEventListener('click', reWritePictureUrls); } buttons[2].addEventListener('click', reWritePictureUrls); } } function reWriteWallPictureUrls() { const wallThumbs = document.getElementsByClassName('thumb_wall'); if (wallThumbs.length > 0) { for (let i=0; i < wallThumbs.length; i++) { let pid = wallThumbs[i]'/')[3]; if (typeof pid !== 'undefined') { pid.replace('.jpg)', ''); wallThumbs[i].parentElement.removeAttribute('target'); wallThumbs[i].parentElement.href = urlParts[3] + '#&gid=1&pid=' + pid; } } document.addEventListener('scroll', reWriteWallPictureUrls); } } reWritePictureUrls(); reWriteWallPictureUrls();