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KingLegend Custom Style 2.0

KingLegend Custom Style. Originally made by Nate Dogg. But I changed some of it and wrote it as an userscript

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// ==UserScript==
// @name          KingLegend Custom Style 2.0
// @namespace     http://userstyles.org
// @description	  KingLegend Custom Style. Originally made by Nate Dogg. But I changed some of it and wrote it as an userscript
// @author        Sniper Typist
// @homepage      https://userstyles.org/styles/225447
// @match         http://www.nitrotype.com/*
// @match         https://www.nitrotype.com/*
// @match         http://*.www.nitrotype.com/*
// @match         https://*.www.nitrotype.com/*
// @run-at        document-start
// @version       2.0.2
// ==/UserScript==
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"    .dash-copy",
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"      font-size: 28px;",
"    }",
".profile-carContainer.card.card--a.card--shadow-l {background-color:#fff0;}",
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".raceResults-close.raceResults-close--minimizer {background:#dfd612;}",
".g.raceResults-grid {background:#fff0;}",
"body {",
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".card--grit {",
"    background: none;",
".bg--gradient {",
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"  .card--a",
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"    background: fixed url(\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779090212978032661/929196058570018866/images_7.jpeg\");",
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"  .flash--beta",
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"  {",
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"  {",
"    background: url(\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779090212978032661/929207710690467891/unknown.png\") center, linear-gradient(0deg, #2d2e2e 60%, #ffffff 100%);",
"      background-size: 90%",
"  }",
"  .theme--pDefault.is-gold .profile-bg",
"  {",
"    background: url(\"https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/779090212978032661/929207710690467891/unknown.png\") center, linear-gradient(0deg, #2d2e2e 60%, #ffffff 100%);",
"      background-size: 90%",
"  }",
"  .news-teaser",
"  {",
"    color: #000;",
"  }",
"  .card--a",
"  {",
"    background-color: #fff0;",
"  }",
"  .card--shadow-l",
"  {",
"    box-shadow: none;",
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