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Netflix UHD

Play Netflix UHD content on any screen resolution

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// ==UserScript==
// @name                 Netflix UHD
// @name:zh-CN           Netflix UHD
// @namespace            http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version              1.23
// @description          Play Netflix UHD content on any screen resolution
// @description:zh-CN    让 Netflix 在任何分辨率的显示器上播放 UHD 内容
// @author               TGSAN
// @match                https://www.netflix.com/*
// @icon                 https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=netflix.com
// @run-at               document-start
// @grant                unsafeWindow
// @grant                GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
// 'use strict';
const forceDolbyVision = false;
const forceHEVC = false;
const forceHDCP = false;
let useWindowCtx
if (self.unsafeWindow) {
console.log("use unsafeWindow mode");
useWindowCtx = self.unsafeWindow;
} else {
console.log("use window mode");
useWindowCtx = self.window;
// Hook
delete useWindowCtx.screen;
useWindowCtx.__defineGetter__('screen', function () {
let s = [];
s.width = 7680;
s.height = 4320;
s.availWidth = 7680;
s.availHeight = 4320;
s.availLeft = 0;
s.availTop = 0;
s.colorDepth = 32;
s.isExtended = false;
s.pixelDepth = 32;
return s;
delete useWindowCtx.devicePixelRatio;
useWindowCtx.devicePixelRatio = 4;
if (useWindowCtx.MSMediaKeys) {
useWindowCtx.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal = useWindowCtx.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeatures;
useWindowCtx.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeatures = function (a, b) {
const reg = /,display-res-[x|y]=\d+,display-res-[x|y]=\d+/
b = b.replace(reg, "");
if (forceDolbyVision == true && (b.indexOf("ext-profile=dvh") !== -1)) {
a = a.replace("com.microsoft.playready.hardware", "com.microsoft.playready");
if (forceHEVC == true && b.indexOf("ext-profile=dvh") === -1 && (b.indexOf("hvc1") !== -1 || b.indexOf("hev1") !== -1)) {
a = a.replace("com.microsoft.playready.hardware", "com.microsoft.playready");
if (forceHDCP == true && b.indexOf("hdcp=") !== -1) {
a = a.replace("hdcp=1", "");
a = a.replace("hdcp=2", "");
let r = this.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal(a, b);
// if (r !== '') {
//     console.log("Hook MSMediaKeys isTypeSupportedWithFeatures:", a, b, r !== '');
// } else {
//     console.debug("Hook MSMediaKeys isTypeSupportedWithFeatures:", a, b, r !== '');
// }
return r;
if (useWindowCtx.WebKitMediaKeys) {
useWindowCtx.WebKitMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedOriginal = useWindowCtx.WebKitMediaKeys.isTypeSupported;
useWindowCtx.WebKitMediaKeys.isTypeSupported = function (keySystem, type) {
let r = this.isTypeSupportedOriginal(keySystem, type);
console.log("Hook WebKitMediaKeys", keySystem, type, r);
return r;
if (useWindowCtx.navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess) {
useWindowCtx.navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccessOriginal = useWindowCtx.navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess;
useWindowCtx.navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess = async function (keySystem, options) {
let newKeySystem = keySystem;
if (keySystem.indexOf("playready") !== -1) {
// newKeySystem = "com.microsoft.playready";
for (let oi = 0; options.length > oi; oi++) {
if (options[oi].videoCapabilities != undefined) {
for (let vci = 0; options[oi].videoCapabilities.length > vci; vci++) {
if (options[oi].videoCapabilities[vci].robustness != undefined) {
// options[oi].videoCapabilities[vci].robustness = options[oi].videoCapabilities[vci].robustness.replace("HW_SECURE", "SW_SECURE");
let r = await useWindowCtx.navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccessOriginal(newKeySystem, options);
// console.log(options);
// console.log(r);
return r;
// WIP: Firefox not support
// if (useWindowCtx.MediaSource) {
//     useWindowCtx.MediaSource.isTypeSupportedOriginal = useWindowCtx.MediaSource.isTypeSupported;
//     useWindowCtx.MediaSource.isTypeSupported = function (mimeType) {
//         let r = this.isTypeSupportedOriginal(mimeType);
//         console.log("Hook MSE", mimeType, r);
//         return r;
//     }
// }
if (useWindowCtx.MediaCapabilities.prototype) {
useWindowCtx.MediaCapabilities.prototype.decodingInfoOriginal = useWindowCtx.MediaCapabilities.prototype.decodingInfo;
useWindowCtx.MediaCapabilities.prototype.decodingInfo = function (mediaDecodingConfiguration) {
let r = this.decodingInfoOriginal(mediaDecodingConfiguration);
// console.log("MC", mediaDecodingConfiguration, r);
let p = new Promise((res, rej) => {
r.then(orir => {
// console.log("orir", orir);
orir.powerEfficient = orir.supported;
orir.smooth = orir.supported;
// console.log("orir edited", orir);
}).catch(ex => {
return p;
// Ext
let checkHDCPAsync = async function () {
if (self.GM_registerMenuCommand && window.MSMediaKeys) {
// HW
let hwhdcp0 = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.hardware", 'video/mp4; features="hdcp=0"') != '';
let hwhdcp1 = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.hardware", 'video/mp4; features="hdcp=1"') != '';
let hwhdcp2 = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.hardware", 'video/mp4; features="hdcp=2"') != '';
let hwhdcp2hevc = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.hardware", 'video/mp4; codecs="hev1,mp4a"; features="hdcp=2"') != '';
let hwhdcp2hevc2160p = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.hardware", 'video/mp4; codecs="hev1,mp4a"; features="decode-res-x=3840,decode-res-y=2160,decode-bpc=10,hdcp=2"') != '';
// SW
let swhdcp0 = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.software", 'video/mp4; features="hdcp=0"') != '';
let swhdcp1 = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.software", 'video/mp4; features="hdcp=1"') != '';
let swhdcp2 = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.software", 'video/mp4; features="hdcp=2"') != '';
let swhdcp2hevc = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.software", 'video/mp4; codecs="hev1,mp4a"; features="hdcp=2"') != '';
let swhdcp2hevc2160p = window.MSMediaKeys.isTypeSupportedWithFeaturesOriginal("com.microsoft.playready.software", 'video/mp4; codecs="hev1,mp4a"; features="decode-res-x=3840,decode-res-y=2160,decode-bpc=10,hdcp=2"') != '';
let bool2Status = function (booltype) {
return booltype ? "✓" : "✕";
GM_registerMenuCommand("PlayReady DRM Info (" + (hwhdcp2hevc2160p ? "UHD Ready" : "Restricted") + ")", function () {
// DHCP0
let content = "PlayReady DRM (without HDCP 2.2):\n";
content += "Hardware: " + bool2Status(hwhdcp0) + "    Software: " + bool2Status(swhdcp0) + "\n\n";
// DHCP1
content += "PlayReady DRM (HDCP 2.2):\n";
content += "Hardware: " + bool2Status(hwhdcp1) + "    Software: " + bool2Status(swhdcp1) + "\n\n";
// DHCP2
content += "PlayReady DRM (HDCP 2.2 Type 1):\n";
content += "Hardware: " + bool2Status(hwhdcp2) + "    Software: " + bool2Status(swhdcp2) + "\n\n";
content += "PlayReady DRM (HDCP 2.2 Type 1) with HEVC:\n";
content += "Hardware: " + bool2Status(hwhdcp2hevc) + "    Software: " + bool2Status(swhdcp2hevc) + "\n\n";
// DHCP2 + HEVC 2160P
content += "PlayReady DRM (HDCP 2.2 Type 1) with HEVC UHD:\n";
content += "Hardware: " + bool2Status(hwhdcp2hevc2160p) + "    Software: " + bool2Status(swhdcp2hevc2160p) + "\n\n";
// Display DRM Info
let switchPlayerLog = function () {
console.log("switch player log");
useWindowCtx.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
keyCode: 76,
ctrlKey: true,
altKey: true,
shiftKey: true,
let loadLocalSubtitle = function () {
console.log("load local subtitle");
useWindowCtx.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
keyCode: 84,
ctrlKey: true,
altKey: true,
shiftKey: true,
let switchPlayerInfo = function () {
console.log("switch player info");
useWindowCtx.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
keyCode: 68,
ctrlKey: true,
altKey: true,
shiftKey: true,
let switchStreamSelector = function () {
console.log("switch player info");
useWindowCtx.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
keyCode: 83, // S (Old)
ctrlKey: true,
altKey: true,
shiftKey: true,
useWindowCtx.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
keyCode: 66, // B
ctrlKey: true,
altKey: true,
shiftKey: true,
GM_registerMenuCommand("Player Info", switchPlayerInfo);
GM_registerMenuCommand("Stream Selector", switchStreamSelector);
GM_registerMenuCommand("Player Log", switchPlayerLog);
GM_registerMenuCommand("Load Local Subtitle (.DFXP)", loadLocalSubtitle);