
Spotify don't open in app

This userscript prevents open.spotify.com links from opening the app

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// ==UserScript==// @name         Spotify don't open in app// @author       OrdinaryDog// @description  This userscript prevents open.spotify.com links from opening the app// @version      1.0// @license      MIT License// @copyright    Copyright (C) 2022, by [email protected]// @match        http://open.spotify.com/*// @match        https://open.spotify.com/*// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/users/172431// @run-at       document-start// @noframes// ==/UserScript==(function () {"use strict";try {var config = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("urlSchemeConfig").innerHTML);window.location.replace(config.redirectUrl);} catch (err) {} // no urlSchemeConfig, nothing to do})();