Makes look like it did in 2010
this is 2011 theme but updated
credits :
authour : legosavant
license : GM_addStyle
Updates :
removed social links (wasnt in old roblox)
removed gamepasses (wasnt in old roblox)
added old roblox logo to most of the options
removed search function (wasnt in old roblox)
fixed search function removal not working
REQUIRED settings:
Navigation: Keep sidebar open (ON) | modify buttons ->> Show home, messages, friends, money. EVERYTHING ELSE DISABLED |
Home: Show friend Usernames, DO NOT Show more friends
Profile: Embed Inventory, Show last online
Groups: Check every box in "group redesign options"
Game Details: Add Server List Pager
Inventory: Inventory Ttools
WIP: Check all
Just a reminder that i dont own this i modify buggy themes
all credit goes to legosavant