When you log into the game, open the store and click on Z or R or Y. After that everything will work correctly.
// ==UserScript== // @name Hat Switcher // @namespace - // @version 0.1 // @description When you log into the game, open the store and click on Z or R or Y. After that everything will work correctly. // @author Nudo // @match *://sploop.io/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=sploop.io // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function anonymous() { const Switcher = {} Switcher.getHatElement = function(name) { return document.querySelector(`img[src="/img/entity/${name}.png?v=1923912"]`) } Switcher.getHatButton = function(name) { return this.getHatElement(name).nextSibling.nextSibling.querySelector("button") } Switcher.onMouseUp = function(event) { if (!event.target && !event.isTrusted) { return void 0 } Switcher.event = event } document.addEventListener('mouseup', Switcher.onMouseUp) Switcher.getListener = function(button) { return window.getEventListeners(button).mouseup[0] } Switcher.getShop = function() { return document.getElementById("hat-menu") } Switcher.sleep = function() { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 1000) }) } Switcher.doClick = function(button) { if (!this.event) { return void 0 } this.getShop().style.display = "flex" button.onmouseup(this.event) this.getShop().style.display = "none" } Switcher.clickToButton = function(name) { const button = this.getHatButton(name) this.doClick(button) } Switcher.hats = { "KeyY": "hat_3", "KeyT": "hat_1", "KeyZ": "hat_11", "LeftShift": "hat_6" } Switcher.onKeyDown = function(event) { const name = Switcher.hats[event.code] if (!name) { return void 0 } Switcher.clickToButton(name) } document.addEventListener("keydown", Switcher.onKeyDown) })()