Adds links to our playgrounds and jira tickets to the PR title.
// ==UserScript== // @name Playground Links // @namespace // @version 1.1 // @description Adds links to our playgrounds and jira tickets to the PR title. // @author // @match* // @icon // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; function onLocationChange() { initPr(); initCompare(); initCreatePr(); } function initCompare() { if (!/RogerAI\/.*\/compare\//.test(window.location.pathname)) return; compare.addJiraLinks(); } function initPr() { if (!/RogerAI\/.*\/pull\/\d/.test(window.location.pathname)) return; pr.addJiraLink(); pr.addPlaygroundLink(); pr.addPlaygroundTicketLinks(); } function initCreatePr() { if (!/RogerAI\/.*\/compare\//.test(window.location.pathname)) return; const header = document.querySelector('.compare-pr-header.Subhead h1') if (header?.textContent !== 'Open a pull request' || header.getAttribute('data-cg-init')) return; createPr.addJiraTag(); createPr.assignSelf(); header.setAttribute('data-cg-init', true) } const jiraRegex = /\[([A-Za-z]+\-\d+)\]/; const matchToJiraLink = match => `${match[1]}`; function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } const compare = { addJiraLinks() { var loading = document.querySelector('[aria-label="Loading Commits"]'); if (loading) { setTimeout(compare.addJiraLinks, 20); return; } const rowNodes = [...document.querySelectorAll('.js-commits-list-item')] rowNodes.forEach(row => { const titleElem = row.querySelector('.js-details-container.Details > p'); console.log(titleElem) const title = titleElem.textContent; const match = title.match(jiraRegex); if (!match) return; const link = matchToJiraLink(match); console.log(link) const button = document.createElement('div'); button.setAttribute("class", "d-inline-block") button.innerHTML = `<a href="${link}" target="_blank">Jira</a>` const actions = row.children[1]; actions.insertBefore(button, actions.children[0]) }) } } const pr = { replaceSegment(reg, buildLink) { const titleElement = document.querySelector('.gh-header-title .js-issue-title'); if (!titleElement) return; const titleNodes = [...titleElement.childNodes]; const sanitizedText = titleNodes .filter(n => n.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) .map(n => n.textContent) .join(" "); if (!sanitizedText.match(reg)?.length) return; const newNodes = titleNodes.reduce((acc, n) => { const titleText = n.textContent; const match = titleText.match(reg); if (n.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && match?.length) { var parts = titleText.split(match[0]); acc.push(document.createTextNode(parts[0])) var link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute("target", "_blank") link.text = match[0] link.setAttribute("href", buildLink(match)); acc.push(link); if (parts[1]) { acc.push(document.createTextNode(parts[1])) } } else { acc.push(n); } return acc; }, []) titleNodes.forEach(n => titleElement.removeChild(n)); newNodes.forEach(n => titleElement.appendChild(n)); }, addPlaygroundLink() { const prNumber = document.querySelector('.gh-header-title .f1-light').textContent.replace('#', ''); pr.replaceSegment(/\[playground\]/i, match => { let site = ""; if(window.location.pathname.includes("roger-admin")) { site = "-admin"; } return `https://pr-${prNumber}${site}` }); }, addJiraLink() { pr.replaceSegment(jiraRegex, matchToJiraLink); }, addPlaygroundTicketLinks() { const prefixes = { "admin": "roger-admin", "api": "Roger-Backend", "data-entry": "roger-data-entry", "economic": "roger-apps-economic", "identity": "roger-identity", "ripe": "ripe", "web": "Roger-Web", }; const prefixReg = Object.keys(prefixes).join("|"); const regex = new RegExp(`\\[((${prefixReg}):pull\\-(\\d+))\\]`); pr.replaceSegment(regex, match => `${prefixes[match[2]]}/pull/${match[3]}`); } } const createPr = { addJiraTag() { const sourceBranch = document.querySelector('#head-ref-selector .Button-label span').textContent; const match = sourceBranch.match(/([a-zA-Z]+)\/([A-Z]+\-\d+)/);; if (!match) return; console.log("Add Jira Tag") const branchType = match[1]; const ticketId = match[2]; const ticketTag = `[${ticketId}]`; const titleElem = document.querySelector('#pull_request_title'); const title = titleElem.value; const titleTicketId = ticketId.replace('-', ' '); let titleMsg = title.replace(RegExp(`${branchType}/${titleTicketId} `, 'i'), ''); // avoid duplicates from a refresh titleMsg = titleMsg.replaceAll(`${ticketTag} `, ''); titleMsg = capitalizeFirstLetter(titleMsg); titleElem.value = `${ticketTag} ${titleMsg}`; }, assignSelf() { var assignSelfBtn = document.querySelector('.js-issue-assign-self') assignSelfBtn?.click() } } function initialize() { console.log("Initializing Playground Link Script"); let oldPushState = history.pushState; history.pushState = function pushState() { let ret = oldPushState.apply(this, arguments); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pushstate')); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')); return ret; }; let oldReplaceState = history.replaceState; history.replaceState = function replaceState() { let ret = oldReplaceState.apply(this, arguments); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('replacestate')); window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')); return ret; }; window.addEventListener('popstate', () => { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange')); }); window.addEventListener('locationchange', function () { onLocationChange(); }); initPr(); setInterval(() => initPr(), 250); setInterval(() => initCreatePr(), 250); } initialize(); })();