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Slack automatic redirect (open with browser)

automatically use Slack in browser (web version)

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Slack automatic redirect (open with browser)
// @namespace   slackwebversion
// @description automatically use Slack in browser (web version)
// @include     https://*.slack.com/*
// @version     1
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
console.log('started script on Slack, title = "', document.title, '"');
const slack_title = "Weiterleitung erfolgt";
const slack_redir = "auch in deinem Browser"; /* "diesen Link auch in deinem Browser öffnen" or "Slack auch in deinem Browser verwenden" */
function redirectFunc() {
console.log("redirect function started");
Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('a')).forEach(link => {
var txt = link.innerText;
var uri = link.href;
console.log("link text=", txt, ", href=", uri);
if (txt && txt.includes(slack_redir)) {
console.log("found : URL = ", uri);
stopped = true; // stop timer while redirecting
return; /* break; */
console.log("no link found"); // output this message: if code has reached there, means no appropriate link found (return not working)
/* interval timer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66690340/14776523 */
var i = 0; // counter for the timer
var stopped = false;
function doTimer() {
if (stopped)
console.log("1 second... check", i); // your actual code here, alternatively ...
redirectFunc(); // ... call an other function here
if (++i < 15) { // only reset the timer when maximum of 10 times it is fired
console.log("reset the timer");
setTimeout(doTimer, 1000); // reset the timer
else {
console.log("timer ended");
// check if we are on the startpage
if (document.title.includes(slack_title)) // falls wir auf der Startseite sind
console.log("SLACK startpage detected.");
setTimeout(doTimer, 1000); // init the first