
Auto expand and/or darken

The script auto expands, and/or darkens, the video player when the page loads, without the need for clicking anything.

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// ==UserScript==// @name          Auto expand and/or darken// @version       2.1.0// @description   The script auto expands, and/or darkens, the video player when the page loads, without the need for clicking anything.// @namespace     JustGotenks// @license       MIT// @match         https://zoro.to/watch/*// @grant         GM_addStyle// @run-at        document-idle// ==/UserScript==const autoExpand = true;const autoDark = true;const secondsToWait = 4;// Sets the background color when the light is switched to 'off'.// You can change it to any color.GM_addStyle(`#mask-overlay {background-color: black;}`);const start = async () => {const element = (selector) => {return new Promise(resolve => {const ele = document.querySelector(selector);// if element already exists, return it. (no need for observer)if(ele) {resolve(ele);return;}// starts observing the document for "ele".new MutationObserver((_, observer) => {// if "ele" found, then return it and stop observer.if(ele) {resolve(ele);observer.disconnect();}}).observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true,subtree: true});});};const switches = () => {if(autoExpand && resizeBtn.textContent === 'Expand') {resizeBtn.click();}if(autoDark && !switchBtn.classList.contains('off')) {switchBtn.click();}};const addSwitchToSeekButtons = async () => {const prevBtn = await element('.block-prev');const nextBtn = await element('.block-next');prevBtn.addEventListener('click', switches);nextBtn.addEventListener('click', switches);};const addSwitchToEpisodeButtons = async () => {const episodeBtnsContainer = await element('#detail-ss-list');const episodeBtns = episodeBtnsContainer.querySelectorAll('.ep-item');for(let btn of episodeBtns) {btn.addEventListener('click', switches);}};const resizeBtn = await element('#media-resize');const switchBtn = await element('#turn-off-light');switches();addSwitchToSeekButtons();setTimeout(addSwitchToEpisodeButtons, 1000 * secondsToWait);};start();