This script calculates the marks after you give the captured answers.
- // ==UserScript==
- // @license MIT
- // @name JEE Mains Marks after capturing the answers
- // @match*/KeyChallange/AnswerKey.aspx
- // @description This script calculates the marks after you give the captured answers.
- // @version
- // @namespace
- // ==/UserScript==
- function parseAnswerKey() {
- let table = document.querySelector('#ctl00_LoginContent_grAnswerKey.table.table-bordered.table-condensed tbody')
- const content = table = table.querySelectorAll('tr:not(tr:nth-child(1))')
- correct_answers = {}
- for (let row of content) {
- let question_id = row.querySelector('span[id$=QuestionNo]').textContent
- let answer = row.querySelector('span[id$=Answer]').textContent
- correct_answers[question_id] = answer
- }
- return correct_answers;
- }
- /**
- * @param {{id: string; subject: "Chemistry" | "Physics" | "Maths"; section: "A" | "B"; givenAnswer: string}[]} givenAnswers Description
- */
- function calculateMarks(givenAnswers) {
- const correctAnswers = parseAnswerKey();
- let total = 0;
- for (const givenAnswer of givenAnswers) {
- if (!givenAnswer.givenAnswer.includes("Not Attempted")) {
- if (correctAnswers[] === givenAnswer.givenAnswer) total += 4;
- else total--;
- }
- }
- alert(`The total marks are ${total}`)
- }
- const main = () => {
- const mapForm = document.createElement("form");
- const mapInput = document.createElement("input");
- mapInput.type = "text";
- = "answers";
- mapInput.placeholder = 'Paste captured answers';
- const submitBtn = document.createElement("button");
- submitBtn.type = 'submit'
- submitBtn.innerText = "Get marks"
- mapForm.appendChild(mapInput);
- mapForm.appendChild(submitBtn);
- document.body.prepend(mapForm);
- mapForm.onsubmit = e => {
- e.preventDefault();
- try {
- calculateMarks(JSON.parse(mapInput.value));
- } catch (e) {
- alert(e)
- }
- }
- }
- main()