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JEE Mains Answers capture

This script detects parses your entered answers into a computer readable format

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// ==UserScript==
// @license      MIT
// @name         JEE Mains Answers capture
// @match        https://test.cbexams.com/*
// @description  This script detects parses your entered answers into a computer readable format
// @version
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/941655
// ==/UserScript==
const returnData = [] // stores all the answers
const cb = document.createElement('input')
cb.id = 'cb'
cb.type = 'text'
cb.style.display = 'hidden'
const copyToClip = () => {
var cb = document.getElementById("cb");
cb.value = JSON.stringify(returnData);
cb.style.display = 'block';
cb.style.display = 'none';
alert('Copied content to clipboard')
* @param {string} content the content
function getSectionsData(content) {
const subjectRegex = /(?<=Name:).+(?=-)/;
const idRegex = /(?<=Question\sID:)\d{6}/;
const sectionRegex = /(?<=Section\s)./;
const id = content.match(idRegex).pop()
const subject = content.match(subjectRegex).pop();
const section = content.match(sectionRegex).pop();
return { id, subject, section };
* @param {Element} answerData the content
* @param {string} section
function getGivenAnswer(answerData, section) {
switch (section) {
case 'A':
return answerData.querySelector('font').textContent;
case 'B':
return answerData.querySelector('font').textContent;
const main = () => {
const questions = document.querySelectorAll('table[cellspacing="3"]');
const copyButton = document.createElement("button");
copyButton.innerText = 'Copy data to clipboard...'
copyButton.onclick = copyToClip;
for (const question of questions) {
let appendData = { id: null, subject: null, section: null, givenAnswer: null }
const questionData = question.querySelector('tbody > tr:first-child');
const content = questionData.textContent
appendData = { ...appendData, ...getSectionsData(content) };
const answerData = question.querySelector('tbody > tr:last-child');
// console.log(answerData)
appendData.givenAnswer = getGivenAnswer(answerData, appendData.section);
// break;
return returnData