Displays a windows notification whenever a user mentions specific textual word(s) in a channel. The script must be manually edited to configure the keywords.
With my limited knowladge of web dev I just altered original script (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/373445-discord-keyword-notification/code) by jcunews to make it work as it was not working for me.
Do not try to ask me to update it i just spend two hours to make it work and be done with it.
Important notes:
-I tested in on Chrome and Edge browsers. Notifications did not work on firefox.
-Sometimes script doesnt seem to initialize properly. Best way to make sure it works is to open the URL to discord channel you want to monitor directly in browser
-There is no timeout on notification. Probably can be added i dont care.
-Windows notification are displayed. No idea if other OS will work.
-You define what words are you looking for here: var keywordsRegexp = /leech|snip/gi;
-in this example notification will be sent if string leech OR snip will be found in a message. /gi means that search is case insensitive
-if i would like to search only for "january" it should look like this keywordsRegexp = /january/gi;
-if i would like to search for "jan" "feb" "march" then keywordsRegexp = /jan|feb|march/gi;
-see tutorials for regexp if need more sofisticated things for me simple match word was enough