View the minluck and catch rate estimate, right on the camp page.
You may also like 🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Gifts / Gift Buttons.
// ==UserScript== // @name 🐭️ MouseHunt - Minluck & Catch Rate Estimate // @description View the minluck and catch rate estimate, right on the camp page. // @version 2.1.1 // @license MIT // @author bradp // @namespace bradp // @match* // @icon // @run-at document-end // @grant none // @require[email protected] // ==/UserScript== var mhui = (() => { var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var fulfilled = (value) => { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; var rejected = (value) => { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next()); }); }; // src/modules/catch-rate-estimate/index.js var catch_rate_estimate_exports = {}; __export(catch_rate_estimate_exports, { default: () => catch_rate_estimate_default }); // src/utils/event-registry.js var doEvent2 = (eventName, params) => { if (!eventRegistry) { return; } eventRegistry.doEvent(eventName, params); }; var eventsAdded = {}; var onEvent = (event, callback, remove = false) => { if (!eventRegistry) { return; } const id = `${event}-${remove.toString()}-${callback.toString()}`; if (eventsAdded[id]) { return; } eventsAdded[id] = true; eventRegistry.addEventListener(event, callback, null, remove); 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if (!key) { return settings; } if (!key.includes(".")) { if (settings[key] === void 0) { return defaultValue; } return settings[key]; } const groupAndKey = getGroupAndKey(key); if (! { if (settings[groupAndKey.key] === void 0) { return defaultValue; } return settings[groupAndKey.key]; } const groupSettings = settings[] || {}; if (groupSettings[groupAndKey.key] === void 0) { return defaultValue; } return groupSettings[groupAndKey.key]; }; var getGroupAndKey = (key) => { const split = key.split("."); if (split.length === 1) { return { group: null, key: split[0] }; } if (split[0] === "location-huds-enabled") { return { group: "location-huds-enabled", key: split[1] }; } return { group: `${split[0]}-settings`, key: split[1] }; }; var getSetting = (key, defaultValue = false) => { return getSettingDirect(key, defaultValue, "mousehunt-improved-settings"); }; // src/utils/elements.js var makeElement = (tag, classes = "", text = "", appendTo = null) => { const element = document.createElement(tag); 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}; request.onerror = () => { reject(request.error); }; transaction.oncomplete = () => { db.close(); }; }); }); var dbSet = (databaseName, data) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { const db = yield database(databaseName); const transaction = db.transaction(databaseName, "readwrite"); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(databaseName); data = { data, id: || }; const request = objectStore.put(data); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request.onsuccess = () => { resolve(request.result); }; request.onerror = () => { reject(request.error); }; transaction.oncomplete = () => { db.close(); }; }); }); // src/utils/global.js var getGlobal = (key) => { if (window && window.mhui) { return window.mhui[key] || false; } if ("undefined" !== typeof app && app && app.mhui) { return app.mhui[key] || false; } return false; }; // src/utils/debug.js var debuglog = (module, message, ...args) => { if (getSetting("debug.all", false) || getSetting(`debug.${module}`, false) || getGlobal("mh-improved-updating")) { console.log( `%cMH Improved %c${module}%c ${message}`, "color: #90588c; font-weight: 900", "color: #90588c; font-weight: 400", "color: inherit; font-weight: inherit", ...args ); } }; // src/utils/data.js var validDataFiles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "effs", "environments-events", "environments", "item-thumbnails", "items-tradable", "m400-locations", "marketplace-hidden-items", "mice-groups", "mice-regions", "mice-thumbnails", "minlucks", "relic-hunter-hints", "scoreboards", "ultimate-checkmark", "upscaled-images", "wisdom" ]); var isValidDataFile = (file) => { return validDataFiles.has(file); }; var getCacheExpiration = (key = null) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { return yield cacheGet(`expiration-${key}`, false); }); var setCacheExpiration = (key) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { debuglog("utils-data", `Setting cache expiration for ${key}`); cacheSet(`expiration-${key}`, + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 7) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3); }); var isCacheExpired = (key) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { const expiration = yield getCacheExpiration(key); if (!expiration) { return true; } return <; }); var fetchData = (key, retries = 0) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { try { const data = yield fetch(`${key}`, { method: "GET", headers: getHeaders() }); return yield data.json(); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error fetching data for ${key}:`, error); if (retries >= 3) { return false; } yield new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500 * retries)); return fetchData(key, retries + 1); } }); var getData = (key) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { if (!isValidDataFile(key)) { debuglog("utils-data", `Cannot get data for ${key}, invalid key`); return false; } const isExpired = yield isCacheExpired(key); if (!isExpired) { const cachedData = yield dataCacheGet(key, false); if (cachedData) { return cachedData; } } debuglog("utils-data", `Fetching data for ${key}\u2026`); const data = yield fetchData(key); debuglog("utils-data", `Fetched data for ${key}`, data); if (data) { dataCacheSet(key, data); setCacheExpiration(key); } return data; }); var getHeaders = () => { return { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-MH-Improved": "true", "X-MH-Improved-Version": mhImprovedVersion || "unknown", "X-MH-Improved-Platform": mhImprovedPlatform || "unknown" }; }; var cacheSet = (key, value) => { dbSet("cache", { id: key, value }); }; var dataCacheSet = (key, value) => { dbSet("data", { id: key, value }); }; var cacheGetHelper = (key, defaultValue = false, db = "cache") => __async(void 0, null, function* () { var _a; const cached = yield dbGet(db, key); if (!((_a = cached == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : _a.value)) { return defaultValue; } return; }); var cacheGet = (key, defaultValue = false) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { return yield cacheGetHelper(key, defaultValue, "cache"); }); var dataCacheGet = (key, defaultValue = false) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { return yield cacheGetHelper(key, defaultValue, "data"); }); // src/utils/page.js var getCurrentPage = () => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (!((_b = (_a = hg == null ? void 0 : hg.utils) == null ? void 0 : _a.PageUtil) == null ? void 0 : _b.getCurrentPage)) { return null; } const page = hg.utils.PageUtil.getCurrentPage(); if (!page) { const query = ((_d = (_c = hg == null ? void 0 : hg.utils) == null ? void 0 : _c.PageUtil) == null ? void 0 : _d.getQueryParams()) || {}; if ((query == null ? void 0 : query.switch_to) && "mobile" === query.switch_to) { return "camp"; } return null; } return page.toLowerCase(); }; var getCurrentTab = () => { var _a, _b; if (!((_b = (_a = hg == null ? void 0 : hg.utils) == null ? void 0 : _a.PageUtil) == null ? void 0 : _b.getCurrentPageTab)) { return getCurrentPage(); } const tab = hg.utils.PageUtil.getCurrentPageTab() || ""; if (tab.length <= 0) { return getCurrentPage(); } return tab.toLowerCase(); }; var getCurrentSubtab = () => { const subtab = hg.utils.PageUtil.getCurrentPageSubTab(); if (!subtab || subtab.length <= 0) { return getCurrentTab(); } return subtab.toLowerCase(); }; var isCurrentPage = (targetPage = null, targetTab = null, targetSubtab = null, forceCurrentPage = null, forceCurrentTab = null, forceCurrentSubtab = null) => { if (!targetPage) { return false; } const currentPage = forceCurrentPage || getCurrentPage(); if (!targetTab) { return currentPage === targetPage; } const currentTab = forceCurrentTab || getCurrentTab(); if (!targetSubtab) { return currentPage === targetPage && currentTab === targetTab; } const currentSubtab = forceCurrentSubtab || getCurrentSubtab(); if (currentSubtab === currentTab) { return currentPage === targetPage && currentTab === targetTab; } return currentPage === targetPage && currentTab === targetTab && currentSubtab === targetSubtab; }; // src/utils/location.js var getCurrentLocation = () => { const location = (user == null ? void 0 : user.environment_type) || ""; return location.toLowerCase(); }; // src/utils/horn.js var showHornMessage = (options) => { const huntersHornView = document.querySelector(".huntersHornView__messageContainer"); if (!huntersHornView) { return; } const settings = { title: options.title || "Hunters Horn", text: options.text || "This is a message from the Hunters Horn", button: options.button || "OK", action: options.action || (() => { }), dismiss: options.dismiss || null, type: options.type || "recent_linked_turn", classname: options.classname || "", image: options.image || null, imageLink: options.imageLink || null, imageCallback: options.imageCallback || null }; const backdrop = document.querySelector(".huntersHornView__backdrop"); if (backdrop) { backdrop.classList.add("huntersHornView__backdrop--active"); } const gameInfo = document.querySelector(".mousehuntHud-gameInfo"); if (gameInfo) { gameInfo.classList.add("blur"); } const messageWrapper = makeElement("div", ["huntersHornView__message huntersHornView__message--active", settings.classname]); const message = makeElement("div", ["huntersHornMessageView", `huntersHornMessageView--${settings.type}`]); makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__title", settings.title, message); const content = makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__content"); if (settings.image) { const imgWrapper = makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__friend"); const img = makeElement("a", "huntersHornMessageView__friendProfilePic"); if (settings.imageLink) { img.href = settings.imageLink; } else if (settings.imageCallback) { img.addEventListener("click", settings.imageCallback); } else { img.href = "#"; } = `url(${settings.image})`; imgWrapper.append(img); content.append(imgWrapper); } makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__text", settings.text, content); const buttonSpacer = makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__buttonSpacer"); const button = makeElement("button", "huntersHornMessageView__action"); const buttonLabel = makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__actionLabel"); makeElement("span", "huntersHornMessageView__actionText", settings.button, buttonLabel); button.append(buttonLabel); button.addEventListener("click", () => { if (settings.action) { settings.action(); } messageWrapper.innerHTML = ""; backdrop.classList.remove("huntersHornView__backdrop--active"); gameInfo.classList.remove("blur"); }); buttonSpacer.append(button); content.append(buttonSpacer); message.append(content); if (settings.dismiss) { const countdown = makeElement("button", ["huntersHornMessageView__countdown"]); makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__countdownButtonImage", "", countdown); const svgMarkup = `<svg class="huntersHornMessageView__countdownSVG"> <circle r="46%" cx="50%" cy="50%" class="huntersHornMessageView__countdownCircleTrack"></circle> <circle r="46%" cx="50%" cy="50%" class="huntersHornMessageView__countdownCircle" style="animation-duration: ${settings.dismiss}ms;"></circle> </svg>`; countdown.innerHTML += svgMarkup; countdown.addEventListener("click", () => { countdown.classList.add("huntersHornMessageView__countdown--complete"); messageWrapper.innerHTML = ""; backdrop.classList.remove("huntersHornView__backdrop--active"); gameInfo.classList.remove("blur"); }); message.append(countdown); } messageWrapper.append(message); const existingMessages = huntersHornView.querySelector(".huntersHornView__message"); if (existingMessages) { existingMessages.remove(); } huntersHornView.append(messageWrapper); if (settings.dismiss) { setTimeout(() => { const countdown = messageWrapper.querySelector(".huntersHornMessageView__countdown"); if (countdown) { countdown.classList.add("huntersHornMessageView__countdown--complete"); } messageWrapper.innerHTML = ""; backdrop.classList.remove("huntersHornView__backdrop--active"); gameInfo.classList.remove("blur"); }, settings.dismiss); } }; // src/utils/events.js var requestCallbacks = {}; var onRequestHolder = null; var onRequest = (url = null, callback = null, skipSuccess = false, ignore = []) => { url = "*" === url ? "*" : `managers/ajax/${url}`; if (ignore.includes(url)) { return; } if (!callback) { return; } if (!requestCallbacks[url]) { requestCallbacks[url] = []; } requestCallbacks[url].push({ callback, skipSuccess }); if (onRequestHolder) { return; } const req =; = function() { this.addEventListener("load", function() { if (this.responseText) { let response = {}; try { response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); } catch (e) { return; } Object.keys(requestCallbacks).forEach((key) => { if ("*" === key || this.responseURL.includes(key)) { requestCallbacks[key].forEach((item) => { if (item.callback && typeof item.callback === "function" && (item.skipSuccess || (response == null ? void 0 : response.success))) { item.callback(response); } }); } }); } }); Reflect.apply(req, this, arguments); }; onRequestHolder = true; }; var onTravel = (location, options) => { eventRegistry.addEventListener("travel_complete", () => onTravelCallback(location, options)); }; var onTravelCallback = (location, options) => { if (location && location !== getCurrentLocation()) { return; } if (options == null ? void 0 : options.shouldAddReminder) { showHornMessage({ title: options.title || "", text: options.text || "", button: options.button || "Dismiss", action: options.action || null }); } if (options.callback) { options.callback(); } }; var callbacks = []; var hasAddedNavigationListener = false; var onNavigation = (callback, options = {}) => { const defaults = { page: false, tab: false, subtab: false, onLoad: true, anyTab: false, anySubtab: false }; const { page, tab, subtab, onLoad, anyTab, anySubtab } = Object.assign(defaults, options); const bypassMatch = !page; if (onLoad && (bypassMatch || isCurrentPage( page, anyTab ? getCurrentTab() : tab, anySubtab ? getCurrentSubtab() : subtab ))) { callback(); } callbacks.push({ callback, page, tab, subtab, bypassMatch }); if (!hasAddedNavigationListener) { addNavigationListeners(); hasAddedNavigationListener = true; } }; var addNavigationListeners = () => { eventRegistry.addEventListener("set_page", (e) => { var _a; const tabs = ((_a = e == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : _a.tabs) || {}; const currentTab = Object.keys(tabs).find((key) => tabs[key].is_active_tab); const forceCurrentTab = currentTab == null ? void 0 : currentTab.type; callbacks.forEach(({ callback, page, tab, subtab, bypassMatch }) => { if (bypassMatch) { callback(); return; } if (!subtab) { if (isCurrentPage(page, tab, false, getCurrentPage(), forceCurrentTab)) { callback(); } return; } if ((currentTab == null ? void 0 : currentTab.subtabs) && (currentTab == null ? void 0 : currentTab.subtabs.length) > 0) { const forceSubtab = currentTab.subtabs.find((searchTab) => searchTab.is_active_subtab).subtab_type; if (isCurrentPage(page, tab, subtab, getCurrentPage(), forceCurrentTab, forceSubtab)) { callback(); } } }); }); eventRegistry.addEventListener("set_tab", (e) => { callbacks.forEach(({ callback, page, tab, subtab, bypassMatch }) => { if (bypassMatch) { callback(); return; } if (isCurrentPage(page, tab, subtab, getCurrentPage(),, e.page_arguments.sub_tab)) { callback(); } }); }); }; // src/utils/messages.js hadAddedErrorStyles = false; // src/utils/utils.js var isLoggedIn = () => { return user && user.user_id && "login" !== getCurrentPage(); }; var requests = {}; var doRequest = (_0, ..._1) => __async(void 0, [_0, ..._1], function* (url, formData = {}, skipChecks = false) { var _a; if (!isLoggedIn()) { return; } if ("undefined" === typeof lastReadJournalEntryId || "undefined" === typeof user) { return; } if (!lastReadJournalEntryId || !user || !(user == null ? void 0 : user.unique_hash)) { return; } const requestKey = Object.keys(formData).length ? `${url}-${JSON.stringify(formData)}` : url; const timeRequested =; debuglog("utils-data", `Making request: ${requestKey} at ${timeRequested}`); if (requests[requestKey] && !skipChecks) { debuglog("utils-data", `Request already in progress: ${requestKey}`); if (requests[requestKey].in_progress) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => __async(void 0, null, function* () { debuglog("utils-data", `Request timed out: ${requestKey}, starting new request`); clearInterval(interval); const newRequest = yield doRequest(url, formData, true); resolve(newRequest); }), 2500); const interval = setInterval(() => { debuglog("utils-data", `Checking if request is complete: ${requestKey}`); if (!requests[requestKey].in_progress) { debuglog("utils-data", `Returning saved response: ${requestKey}`); clearInterval(interval); clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(requests[requestKey].response); } }, 100); }); } else if (requests[requestKey].time_requested > timeRequested - 350) { debuglog("utils-data", `Request already completed: ${requestKey}`); return requests[requestKey].response; } } debuglog("utils-data", `Starting request: ${requestKey}`); requests[requestKey] = { in_progress: true, time_requested: timeRequested }; const form = new FormData(); form.append("sn", "Hitgrab"); form.append("hg_is_ajax", 1); form.append("last_read_journal_entry_id", lastReadJournalEntryId != null ? lastReadJournalEntryId : 0); form.append("uh", (_a = user == null ? void 0 : user.unique_hash) != null ? _a : ""); for (const key in formData) { form.append(key, formData[key]); } const requestBody = new URLSearchParams(form).toString(); let response; let attempts = 0; while (!response && attempts < 3) { try { response = yield fetch( callbackurl ? callbackurl + url : "" + url, { method: "POST", body: requestBody, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } } ); } catch (error) { attempts++; console.error(`Attempt ${attempts} failed. Retrying...`, error); } } if (attempts >= 3) { console.error("Failed to fetch after maximum attempts"); } let data; try { data = yield response.json(); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error parsing response for ${url}:`, error, url, formData, response); return false; } requests[requestKey] = { time_requested: timeRequested, response: data }; return data; }); // src/modules/catch-rate-estimate/data.js var miceEffs; var hasGottenEffs = false; var getMiceEffectiveness = () => __async(void 0, null, function* () { if (!hasGottenEffs) { miceEffs = yield getData("effs"); hasGottenEffs = true; } const response = yield doRequest("managers/ajax/users/getmiceeffectiveness.php"); return response == null ? void 0 : response.effectiveness; }); var getMouse = (mouseId) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { if (!miceEffs || !hasGottenEffs) { miceEffs = yield getData("effs"); hasGottenEffs = true; } const mouse = miceEffs.find((m) => m.type === mouseId); return mouse; }); var getMousePower = (mouseId) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { var _a; const mouse = yield getMouse(mouseId); return (_a = mouse == null ? void 0 : mouse.effectivenesses) == null ? void 0 : _a.power; }); var getMouseEffectiveness = (mouseId) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { const mouse = yield getMouse(mouseId); return mouse.effectivenesses[user.trap_power_type_name.toLowerCase()]; }); var getMinluck = (mousePower, effectiveness2) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { if (effectiveness2 === 0) { return "\u221E"; } const minluck = Math.ceil( Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(mousePower / 2)) / Math.min(effectiveness2 / 100, 1.4) ); const checkCatchRate = getCatchRate(mousePower, effectiveness2, 0, minluck); return checkCatchRate.rate === 1 ? minluck : minluck + 1; }); var getPercent = (rate) => { if (rate === 1) { return "100%"; } const percent = (rate * 100).toFixed(2); return `${percent}%`; }; var getCatchRate = (mousePower, effectiveness2, power = null, luck = null) => { effectiveness2 = effectiveness2 / 100; if (null === power) { power = user.trap_power; } if (null === luck) { luck = user.trap_luck; } const rate = Math.min( 1, (effectiveness2 * power + 2 * Math.pow(Math.floor(Math.min(effectiveness2, 1.4) * luck), 2)) / (effectiveness2 * power + mousePower) ); return { rate, percent: getPercent(rate) }; }; // src/modules/catch-rate-estimate/styles.css var styles_default = '#mh-improved-cre{padding-right:5px;margin:5px 0;cursor:default}#mh-improved-cre table{width:100%}#mh-improved-cre thead{box-shadow:0 -1px #d3cecb inset}.mh-dark-mode #mh-improved-cre thead{box-shadow:0 -1px #5c5c5c inset}#mh-improved-cre table th{font-weight:700;text-align:center}#mh-improved-cre table,#mh-improved-cre table:first-child{text-align:left}.mh-improved-cre-data{min-width:70px;text-align:center}.mh-improved-cre-data-good{color:#138f13}.mh-dark-mode .mh-improved-cre-data-good{color:#4fe54f}.mh-improved-cre-data-bad{color:#bb4646}.mh-dark-mode .mh-improved-cre-data-bad{color:#fb9b9b}.mh-improved-cre-name{padding-left:5px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap}.mh-improved-cre-name a{color:inherit}#mh-improved-cre.cre-loading{display:flex;align-items:flex-end;justify-content:center;height:100%;min-height:50px;padding:20px 0;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center 10px;background-size:55px}#mh-improved-cre.cre-loading:after{position:absolute;right:0;bottom:-5px;left:0;font-weight:400;color:#926944;text-align:center;content:"Loading Catch Rate Estimator\\2026"}{font-size:12px}\n'; // src/modules/catch-rate-estimate/index.js var lastStats = []; var effectiveness = null; var isUpdating = false; var updateMinLucks = () => __async(void 0, null, function* () { if ("camp" !== getCurrentPage()) { return; } if (isUpdating) { return; } isUpdating = true; let minluckList = document.querySelector("#mh-improved-cre"); if (!minluckList) { minluckList = makeElement("div", ["campPage-trap-trapEffectiveness", "cre-loading"]); = "mh-improved-cre"; const statsContainer = document.querySelector(".trapSelectorView__trapStatSummaryContainer"); if (!statsContainer) { isUpdating = false; return; } statsContainer.append(minluckList); } const currentStats = [ user.trap_power, user.trap_luck, user.trap_attraction_bonus, user.trap_cheese_effect, user.trap_luck, user.trap_power, user.trap_power_bonus, user.trap_power_type_name, user.trinket_item_id, user.base_item_id, user.weapon_item_id, user.bait_item_id, user.environment_id ]; if (currentStats !== lastStats) { effectiveness = yield getMiceEffectiveness(); lastStats = currentStats; } if (!effectiveness) { isUpdating = false; return; } const miceIds = Object.values(effectiveness).flatMap(({ mice }) => mice).map((mouse) => { return { name:, type: mouse.type }; }); yield renderList(miceIds); isUpdating = false; }); var renderList = (list) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { let minluckList = document.querySelector("#mh-improved-cre"); if (!minluckList) { minluckList = makeElement("div", "campPage-trap-trapEffectiveness"); = "mh-improved-cre"; const statsContainer = document.querySelector(".trapSelectorView__trapStatSummaryContainer"); if (!statsContainer) { return; } statsContainer.append(minluckList); doEvent2("mh-improved-cre-list-rendered"); } const existing = document.querySelector("#mh-improved-cre-table"); if (existing) { existing.remove(); } minluckList.classList.remove("cre-loading"); const table = makeElement("table"); = "mh-improved-cre-table"; const tableheader = makeElement("thead"); makeElement("th", "name", "Mouse", tableheader); makeElement("th", "", "Minluck", tableheader); makeElement("th", "", "Catch Rate", tableheader); table.append(tableheader); const rows = []; for (const mouse of list) { const mousePower = yield getMousePower(mouse.type); const mouseEffectiveness = yield getMouseEffectiveness(mouse.type); const minluck = yield getMinluck(mousePower, mouseEffectiveness); const catchRate = yield getCatchRate(mousePower, mouseEffectiveness); const crClass = ["mh-improved-cre-data"]; if (catchRate.rate * 100 >= 100) { crClass.push("mh-improved-cre-data-good"); } else if (catchRate.rate * 100 <= 60) { crClass.push("mh-improved-cre-data-bad"); } if (user.trap_luck >= minluck) { crClass.push("mh-improved-cre-data-minlucked"); } rows.push({ mouse:, type: mouse.type, minluck, catchRateValue: catchRate.rate, catchRate: catchRate.percent, crClass }); } rows.sort((a, b) => { if (a.catchRateValue !== b.catchRateValue) { return a.catchRateValue - b.catchRateValue; } return b.minluck - a.minluck; }); if (rows.length === 0) { makeElement("span", "mh-improved-cre-no-mice", "No mice found.", table); minluckList.append(table); return; } rows.forEach(({ mouse, type, minluck, catchRate, crClass }) => { const row = makeElement("tr", "mh-improved-cre-row"); const name = makeElement("td", "mh-improved-cre-name"); const nameLink = makeElement("a", "", mouse); nameLink.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault();; }); name.append(nameLink); row.append(name); makeElement("td", crClass, minluck, row); makeElement("td", crClass, catchRate, row); table.append(row); }); minluckList.append(table); }); var main = () => __async(void 0, null, function* () { onNavigation(updateMinLucks, { page: "camp" }); onRequest("*", updateMinLucks, false, ["users/getmiceeffectiveness.php"]); onTravel(null, { callback: updateMinLucks }); }); var init = () => __async(void 0, null, function* () { addStyles(styles_default, "catch-rate-estimate"); setTimeout(main, 240); }); var catch_rate_estimate_default = { id: "catch-rate-estimate", name: "Catch Rate Estimator & Minlucks", type: "feature", default: true, description: "Minluck and catch rate estimates.", order: 200, load: init }; return __toCommonJS(catch_rate_estimate_exports); })(); mhImprovedVersion = "0.0.0-userscript-cre" mhImprovedPlatform = "userscript"; mhui.default.load(); migrateUserscript('Minluck & Catch Rate Estimate', '');