Improve your MouseHunt experience. Please only use this when the extension is not available, like on mobile.
You may also like 🐭️ MouseHunt - Minluck & Catch Rate Estimate.
// ==UserScript== // @name 🐭️ MouseHunt - No Sidebar // @description Improve your MouseHunt experience. Please only use this when the extension is not available, like on mobile. // @version 2.1.0 // @license MIT // @author bradp // @namespace bradp // @match* // @icon // @run-at document-end // @grant none // @require[email protected] // ==/UserScript== var mhui = (() => { var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var fulfilled = (value) => { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; var rejected = (value) => { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next()); }); }; // src/modules/hide-sidebar/index.js var hide_sidebar_exports = {}; __export(hide_sidebar_exports, { default: () => hide_sidebar_default }); // src/utils/event-registry.js var eventsAdded = {}; var onEvent = (event, callback, remove = false) => { if (!eventRegistry) { return; } const id = `${event}-${remove.toString()}-${callback.toString()}`; if (eventsAdded[id]) { return; } eventsAdded[id] = true; eventRegistry.addEventListener(event, callback, null, remove); }; // src/utils/styles.js var addModuleStyles = (styles, identifier = "mh-improved-styles", replace = false) => { const existingStyles = document.querySelector(`#${identifier}`); styles = Array.isArray(styles) ? styles.join("\n") : styles; if (existingStyles) { if (replace) { existingStyles.innerHTML = styles; } else { existingStyles.innerHTML += styles; } return existingStyles; } const style = document.createElement("style"); = identifier; style.innerHTML = styles; document.head.append(style); return style; }; var addStyles = (styles, module = false, identifier = "mh-improved-styles") => { if (!module) { throw new Error("Module ID is required for adding module styles.", module); } const key = `${identifier}-${module}`; let stylesEl = addModuleStyles(styles, key, true); onEvent(`mh-improved-settings-changed-${module}`, (enabled) => { if (enabled) { stylesEl = addModuleStyles(styles, key, true); } else if (stylesEl) { stylesEl.remove(); } }); }; // src/utils/elements.js var makeElement = (tag, classes = "", text = "", appendTo = null) => { const element = document.createElement(tag); if (Array.isArray(classes)) { classes = classes.join(" "); } if (classes && classes.length) { element.className = classes; } element.innerHTML = text; if (appendTo) { appendTo.append(element); return appendTo; } return element; }; // src/utils/page.js var getCurrentPage = () => { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if (!((_b = (_a = hg == null ? void 0 : hg.utils) == null ? void 0 : _a.PageUtil) == null ? void 0 : _b.getCurrentPage)) { return null; } const page = hg.utils.PageUtil.getCurrentPage(); if (!page) { const query = ((_d = (_c = hg == null ? void 0 : hg.utils) == null ? void 0 : _c.PageUtil) == null ? void 0 : _d.getQueryParams()) || {}; if ((query == null ? void 0 : query.switch_to) && "mobile" === query.switch_to) { return "camp"; } return null; } return page.toLowerCase(); }; var getCurrentTab = () => { var _a, _b; if (!((_b = (_a = hg == null ? void 0 : hg.utils) == null ? void 0 : _a.PageUtil) == null ? void 0 : _b.getCurrentPageTab)) { return getCurrentPage(); } const tab = hg.utils.PageUtil.getCurrentPageTab() || ""; if (tab.length <= 0) { return getCurrentPage(); } return tab.toLowerCase(); }; var getCurrentSubtab = () => { const subtab = hg.utils.PageUtil.getCurrentPageSubTab(); if (!subtab || subtab.length <= 0) { return getCurrentTab(); } return subtab.toLowerCase(); }; var isCurrentPage = (targetPage = null, targetTab = null, targetSubtab = null, forceCurrentPage = null, forceCurrentTab = null, forceCurrentSubtab = null) => { if (!targetPage) { return false; } const currentPage = forceCurrentPage || getCurrentPage(); if (!targetTab) { return currentPage === targetPage; } const currentTab = forceCurrentTab || getCurrentTab(); if (!targetSubtab) { return currentPage === targetPage && currentTab === targetTab; } const currentSubtab = forceCurrentSubtab || getCurrentSubtab(); if (currentSubtab === currentTab) { return currentPage === targetPage && currentTab === targetTab; } return currentPage === targetPage && currentTab === targetTab && currentSubtab === targetSubtab; }; // src/utils/location.js var getCurrentLocation = () => { const location = (user == null ? void 0 : user.environment_type) || ""; return location.toLowerCase(); }; // src/utils/horn.js var showHornMessage = (options) => { const huntersHornView = document.querySelector(".huntersHornView__messageContainer"); if (!huntersHornView) { return; } const settings = { title: options.title || "Hunters Horn", text: options.text || "This is a message from the Hunters Horn", button: options.button || "OK", action: options.action || (() => { }), dismiss: options.dismiss || null, type: options.type || "recent_linked_turn", classname: options.classname || "", image: options.image || null, imageLink: options.imageLink || null, imageCallback: options.imageCallback || null }; const backdrop = document.querySelector(".huntersHornView__backdrop"); if (backdrop) { backdrop.classList.add("huntersHornView__backdrop--active"); } const gameInfo = document.querySelector(".mousehuntHud-gameInfo"); if (gameInfo) { gameInfo.classList.add("blur"); } const messageWrapper = makeElement("div", ["huntersHornView__message huntersHornView__message--active", settings.classname]); const message = makeElement("div", ["huntersHornMessageView", `huntersHornMessageView--${settings.type}`]); makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__title", settings.title, message); const content = makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__content"); if (settings.image) { const imgWrapper = makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__friend"); const img = makeElement("a", "huntersHornMessageView__friendProfilePic"); if (settings.imageLink) { img.href = settings.imageLink; } else if (settings.imageCallback) { img.addEventListener("click", settings.imageCallback); } else { img.href = "#"; } = `url(${settings.image})`; imgWrapper.append(img); content.append(imgWrapper); } makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__text", settings.text, content); const buttonSpacer = makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__buttonSpacer"); const button = makeElement("button", "huntersHornMessageView__action"); const buttonLabel = makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__actionLabel"); makeElement("span", "huntersHornMessageView__actionText", settings.button, buttonLabel); button.append(buttonLabel); button.addEventListener("click", () => { if (settings.action) { settings.action(); } messageWrapper.innerHTML = ""; backdrop.classList.remove("huntersHornView__backdrop--active"); gameInfo.classList.remove("blur"); }); buttonSpacer.append(button); content.append(buttonSpacer); message.append(content); if (settings.dismiss) { const countdown = makeElement("button", ["huntersHornMessageView__countdown"]); makeElement("div", "huntersHornMessageView__countdownButtonImage", "", countdown); const svgMarkup = `<svg class="huntersHornMessageView__countdownSVG"> <circle r="46%" cx="50%" cy="50%" class="huntersHornMessageView__countdownCircleTrack"></circle> <circle r="46%" cx="50%" cy="50%" class="huntersHornMessageView__countdownCircle" style="animation-duration: ${settings.dismiss}ms;"></circle> </svg>`; countdown.innerHTML += svgMarkup; countdown.addEventListener("click", () => { countdown.classList.add("huntersHornMessageView__countdown--complete"); messageWrapper.innerHTML = ""; backdrop.classList.remove("huntersHornView__backdrop--active"); gameInfo.classList.remove("blur"); }); message.append(countdown); } messageWrapper.append(message); const existingMessages = huntersHornView.querySelector(".huntersHornView__message"); if (existingMessages) { existingMessages.remove(); } huntersHornView.append(messageWrapper); if (settings.dismiss) { setTimeout(() => { const countdown = messageWrapper.querySelector(".huntersHornMessageView__countdown"); if (countdown) { countdown.classList.add("huntersHornMessageView__countdown--complete"); } messageWrapper.innerHTML = ""; backdrop.classList.remove("huntersHornView__backdrop--active"); gameInfo.classList.remove("blur"); }, settings.dismiss); } }; // src/utils/events.js var onTravel = (location, options) => { eventRegistry.addEventListener("travel_complete", () => onTravelCallback(location, options)); }; var onTravelCallback = (location, options) => { if (location && location !== getCurrentLocation()) { return; } if (options == null ? void 0 : options.shouldAddReminder) { showHornMessage({ title: options.title || "", text: options.text || "", button: options.button || "Dismiss", action: options.action || null }); } if (options.callback) { options.callback(); } }; var callbacks = []; var hasAddedNavigationListener = false; var onNavigation = (callback, options = {}) => { const defaults = { page: false, tab: false, subtab: false, onLoad: true, anyTab: false, anySubtab: false }; const { page, tab, subtab, onLoad, anyTab, anySubtab } = Object.assign(defaults, options); const bypassMatch = !page; if (onLoad && (bypassMatch || isCurrentPage( page, anyTab ? getCurrentTab() : tab, anySubtab ? getCurrentSubtab() : subtab ))) { callback(); } callbacks.push({ callback, page, tab, subtab, bypassMatch }); if (!hasAddedNavigationListener) { addNavigationListeners(); hasAddedNavigationListener = true; } }; var addNavigationListeners = () => { eventRegistry.addEventListener("set_page", (e) => { var _a; const tabs = ((_a = e == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : _a.tabs) || {}; const currentTab = Object.keys(tabs).find((key) => tabs[key].is_active_tab); const forceCurrentTab = currentTab == null ? void 0 : currentTab.type; callbacks.forEach(({ callback, page, tab, subtab, bypassMatch }) => { if (bypassMatch) { callback(); return; } if (!subtab) { if (isCurrentPage(page, tab, false, getCurrentPage(), forceCurrentTab)) { callback(); } return; } if ((currentTab == null ? void 0 : currentTab.subtabs) && (currentTab == null ? void 0 : currentTab.subtabs.length) > 0) { const forceSubtab = currentTab.subtabs.find((searchTab) => searchTab.is_active_subtab).subtab_type; if (isCurrentPage(page, tab, subtab, getCurrentPage(), forceCurrentTab, forceSubtab)) { callback(); } } }); }); eventRegistry.addEventListener("set_tab", (e) => { callbacks.forEach(({ callback, page, tab, subtab, bypassMatch }) => { if (bypassMatch) { callback(); return; } if (isCurrentPage(page, tab, subtab, getCurrentPage(),, e.page_arguments.sub_tab)) { callback(); } }); }); }; var onDeactivation = (module, callback) => { onEvent("mh-improved-settings-changed", ({ key, value }) => { if (key === module && !value) { callback(); } }); }; // src/utils/messages.js hadAddedErrorStyles = false; // src/utils/utils.js var bodyClasses = { added: [], removed: [] }; var addBodyClass = (className, force = false) => { if (bodyClasses.removed.includes(className) || bodyClasses.added.includes(className)) { if (force) { bodyClasses.added.push(className); document.body.classList.add(className); } return; } bodyClasses.added.push(className); const addClass = () => { document.body.classList.add(className); }; addClass(); onNavigation(addClass); onTravel(null, { /** * Callback to add the class after travel. */ callback: () => { setTimeout(addClass, 500); } }); }; // src/modules/hide-sidebar/styles.css var styles_default = ".pageFrameView{-ms-grid-columns:[first] auto [content-start] 760px [content-end] auto [last];grid-template-columns:[first] auto [content-start] 760px [content-end] auto [last]}.pageFrameView .pageSidebarView-user{padding:0 0 10px;border-bottom:none}.pageSidebarView{display:none}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar.dropdown{cursor:unset}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent{width:365px;padding:10px}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent a{display:unset;height:auto;padding:0;font-variant:none;border-bottom:none}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent a:hover,.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent a:focus{text-decoration:underline;background-color:unset}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent a.pageSidebarView-user-image{width:30px;height:30px;padding:0;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:50% 50%;background-size:contain;border:1px solid #808080}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent .pageSidebarView-user a:nth-child(2){display:inline;padding:0;font-size:inherit;font-variant:none;color:#3b5998;border-bottom:none}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent .pageSidebarView-user br{display:none}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent a.pageSidebarView-user-logout{display:inline-block;float:right;height:auto;padding:5px 0;margin-right:10px;font-size:inherit;font-variant:none;color:#3b5998;border-bottom:none;border-radius:0}.scoreboardRankingsWrapper{display:grid;grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr;grid-gap:5px;line-height:14px}.scoreboardRelativeRankingTableView-table{padding-top:5px;background:#fff}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent .scoreboardRankingsWrapper a{font-size:9px;color:#3b5998;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:middle;border-radius:0}.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent .scoreboardRankingsWrapper a:hover,.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent .scoreboardRankingsWrapper a:focus,.mousehuntHeaderView .menuItem.sidebar .dropdownContent .scoreboardRankingsWrapper a:active{text-decoration:underline}\n"; // src/modules/hide-sidebar/index.js var moveSidebar = () => { const menuTab = document.createElement("div"); menuTab.classList.add("menuItem"); menuTab.classList.add("dropdown"); menuTab.classList.add("sidebar"); menuTab.addEventListener("click", () => { menuTab.classList.toggle("expanded"); }); const menuTabTitle = document.createElement("span"); menuTabTitle.innerText = "Sidebar"; const menuTabArrow = document.createElement("div"); menuTabArrow.classList.add("arrow"); const dropdownContent = document.createElement("div"); dropdownContent.classList.add("dropdownContent"); const sidebarUser = document.querySelector(".pageSidebarView-user"); if (sidebarUser) { const sidebarUserClone = sidebarUser.cloneNode(true); dropdownContent.append(sidebarUserClone); } const scoreBoardRankings = document.querySelectorAll(".scoreboardRelativeRankingTableView-table"); if (scoreBoardRankings) { const scoreBoardRankingWrapper = document.createElement("div"); scoreBoardRankingWrapper.classList.add("scoreboardRankingsWrapper"); scoreBoardRankings.forEach((scoreBoardRanking) => { const scoreBoardRankingClone = scoreBoardRanking.cloneNode(true); scoreBoardRankingWrapper.append(scoreBoardRankingClone); }); dropdownContent.append(scoreBoardRankingWrapper); } menuTab.append(menuTabTitle); menuTab.append(menuTabArrow); menuTab.append(dropdownContent); const tabsContainer = document.querySelector(".mousehuntHeaderView-dropdownContainer"); if (!tabsContainer) { return; } tabsContainer.insertBefore(menuTab, tabsContainer.lastChild); }; var init = () => __async(void 0, null, function* () { addStyles(styles_default, "no-sidebar"); addBodyClass("no-sidebar"); moveSidebar(); hg.views.PageFrameView.setShowSidebar(false); onDeactivation("no-sidebar", () => { hg.views.PageFrameView.setShowSidebar(true); const menuTab = document.querySelector(".menuItem.sidebar"); if (menuTab) { menuTab.remove(); } }); }); var hide_sidebar_default = { id: "no-sidebar", name: "Hide Sidebar", type: "element-hiding", default: true, description: "Hides the sidebar and adds a 'Sidebar' dropdown in the top menu.", load: init }; return __toCommonJS(hide_sidebar_exports); })(); mhImprovedVersion = "0.0.0-userscript;" mhImprovedPlatform = "userscript"; mhui.default.load(); migrateUserscript('No Sidebar', '');