// ==UserScript== // @name 随手小说下载 // @namespace yt#### // @version // @description 带图形化界面的小说下载器。任意网站,自动识别任何目录列表,自动识别正文,自由下载,简单直观。 // @author yt#### // @match http://*/* // @match https://*/* // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/450829-numberdigit/code/numberDigit.js?version=1090310 // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/450948-reader/code/Reader.js?version=1098627 // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/452085-mymd5/code/myMd5.js?version=1098266 // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.32.0/codemirror.min.js // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.32.0/mode/javascript/javascript.js // @resource CodeMirrorminCss https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.32.0/codemirror.min.css // @noframes // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_getResourceText // @license MIT License // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; var nextPageReg = /下\s*一?\s*[页頁张張章]/i; var nextListReg = /下\s*一?\s*[页頁]/i; var setting = {}, tempSetting = {}, customListFunc, customItemFunc, customTextFunc, customNextPageFunc; var cm; //setting输入对象 var CodeMirrorSize = [293, 121]; const SETTING_KEYS = [ "listSelector", "textSelector", "jammerSelector", "nextListSelector", "nextListDelay", "frameText", "addedNextPageReg", "notUploadSaveinfo", "customListFunc", "customItemFunc", "customTextFunc", "customNextPageFunc", ]; var chapters = []; var chaptersIndex = []; var root; var MaxThread = 10; // 同时下载数量 var maxNextCount = 100, //最大下一页数量,总不可能无限吧 nextCountLimit = 10, //下一页限制,超过会提示 continueDownload = false; //超过下一页限制,是否继续直到到达下一页限制 var downloadedCount = 0, downloadedErr = 0, downloadedNo = 0, downloadedExceedNext = 0; var downloadIndex; var hiClass='ythHighlight'; var reader; var nextListHref,nextListCount=0; var iframes=[]; //#region List function getCssClass(className){ if(!className)return ""; className=className.trim(); if(!className)return ""; /* className=className.replace(/#/g,'\\23'); className=className.replace(/([\.\(\)\[\]%:+=])/g,'\\$1');*/ var cssClass=className.replace(/([^\w\s-])/g,'\\$1'); cssClass='.' + cssClass.replace(/\s+/g, "."); return cssClass; } function getElementThisSelector(ele) { var tag = ele.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase(); // if (ele.id) { // return '#' + getRightId(ele.id); // } else { return tag + getCssClass(ele.className); // } } function getAncestorWithMostSimilarDescendant(ele, tag) { var selector = tag; var maxEle, maxSelector, count = 0; while (true) { ele = ele.parentElement; if (!ele || ele.tagName == 'HTML') break; var aa = ele.querySelectorAll(':scope>' + selector); if (aa.length > count) { count = aa.length; maxEle = ele; maxSelector = selector; } selector = getElementThisSelector(ele) + ">" + selector; } return [maxEle, maxSelector, count]; } function getAncestorWithMostSimilarTag(doc,tag) { var eTags = [].slice.apply(doc.querySelectorAll(tag)); var mostAncestor, mostSelector, mostCount = 0; var descendants; while (eTags.length > 0) { var ele = eTags.shift(); var [ancestor, selector, count] = getAncestorWithMostSimilarDescendant(ele, tag); descendants = [].slice.apply(ancestor.querySelectorAll(':scope>' + selector)); eTags = eTags.filter(item => descendants.indexOf(item) === -1); if (count > mostCount) { [mostAncestor, mostSelector, mostCount] = [ancestor, selector, count]; } } return [mostAncestor, mostSelector, mostCount]; } function getNextList(doc) { if(setting.nextListSelector) return doc.querySelector(setting.nextListSelector); let eles = doc.querySelectorAll("a"), nextPage = null; for (let ele of eles) { if (nextListReg.test(ele.innerText) && ele.href.indexOf("javascript") == -1) return ele; } eles = doc.querySelectorAll("span") for (let ele of eles) { if (nextListReg.test(ele.innerText)) return ele; } } function getRestList(doc){ function changeRestListText(str){ if(str){ getRestList.innerText=`第${nextListCount}页`; setTimeout(()=>{ alert(str); getRestList.innerText='续页目录'; getRestList.disabled=false; },100); }else{ getRestList.innerText=`第${nextListCount}页`; } } function waitGetList(){ function getListLoop(){ if(count>10) return changeRestListText("获取续页结束") count+=1; var addCount=getList(doc); if(addCount){ nextListCount+=1; changeRestListText(); nextList=getNextList(doc); if(nextList){ nextList.click(); waitGetList(); }else{ return changeRestListText("找不到下一页,获取续页结束"); } return; } setTimeout(getListLoop, nextListDelay); } var nextListDelay=setting.nextListDelay||200; nextListDelay=Number(nextListDelay); var count=0; setTimeout(getListLoop,nextListDelay); } function downGetList(doc){ if(!doc) return changeRestListText("下一页获取失败,获取续页结束") var addCount=getList(doc); if(!addCount) return changeRestListText("增加目录数为0,获取续页结束") nextListCount+=1; changeRestListText(); var nextList=getNextList(doc); if(!nextList)return changeRestListText("找不到下一页,获取续页结束") nextListHref=nextList.href; if(!nextListHref)return changeRestListText("下一页无网址,获取续页结束") download(nextListHref,0,downGetList) } var getRestList=root.querySelector("#getRestList"); getRestList.disabled=true; if(!nextListHref){ if(!doc)return changeRestListText("下一页获取失败,获取续页结束") var nextList=getNextList(doc); if(!nextList)return changeRestListText("找不到下一页,获取续页结束") nextListHref=nextList.href; } if(nextListHref && nextListHref.indexOf("javascript") == -1){ download(nextListHref,0,downGetList) } else { nextList=getNextList(doc); if(nextList){ nextList.click(); waitGetList(); } } } function getList(doc) { var preChapterNo = 0; var preHrefNo = 0; function getChapterNo(s) { var found = s.match(/\d+|[零一壹二贰两三叁四肆五伍六陆七柒八捌九玖十拾百佰千仟万亿]+/g); if (found) { var n = parseInt(found[0]); if (isNaN(n)) { n = numberDigit(found[0]); if (n != -1) return n; } else return n; } return preChapterNo; } function getHrefNo(s) { var found = s.match(/\d+/g); return found ? parseInt(found.pop()) : preHrefNo; } function addToChapters(elements) { var count=0; for (var e of elements) { if (customItemFunc) customItemFunc(doc, e); if (!e.href || e.href.indexOf("javascript") != -1) continue; //if(isHide(window,e))continue; var iChapters=getIndexOfObjectArray(chapters, "href", e.href); if (iChapters != -1){ //最新章节 chaptersIndex.splice(chaptersIndex.indexOf(iChapters), 1); chaptersIndex.push(iChapters); continue; } count+=1; var title=e.text||e.innerText; var length = chapters.push({ href: e.href, title: title, chapterNo: getChapterNo(title), hrefNo: getHrefNo(e.href), text: "", //正文 nextCount: 0, //本章的下一页数量 }); preChapterNo = chapters[length - 1].chapterNo; preHrefNo = chapters[length - 1].hrefNo; chaptersIndex.push(length - 1); } return count } setting = getSetting(); if (typeof setting != 'object') return; var listSelector=setting.listSelector; if (!listSelector||listSelector=='--') { var [mostAncestor, mostSelector, mostCount] = getAncestorWithMostSimilarTag(doc,"a:not([href*='javascript'])"); if(!mostAncestor)return console.log('找不到目录'); listSelector = getElementSelector(mostAncestor, doc) + '>' + mostSelector; if(setting.listSelector!='--'){ setting.listSelector = listSelector; displaySetting(); } } var count=0; if (customListFunc) { var customR###lt = customListFunc(doc, listSelector); if (customR###lt[0] instanceof Document) { [doc, listSelector] = customR###lt; } else { count=addToChapters(customR###lt); if(count)createTr(); return } } listSelector=(listSelector||'').trim().replace(/\n/,','); count=addToChapters(doc.querySelectorAll(listSelector)); createTr(); //count为0时也要刷新,因为可能都是最新章节的 return count; } function createTr() { var tableBody = root.querySelector("table tbody"); tableBody.innerHTML = ""; for (var i of chaptersIndex) { var tr = document.createElement("tr"); chapters[i].tr = tr var td = document.createElement("td"); td.className = "serial"; tr.appendChild(td); td = document.createElement("td"); var a = document.createElement("a"); a.text = chapters[i].title; a.href = chapters[i].href; a.target="_blank"; td.title = `章节号${chapters[i].chapterNo},网址号${chapters[i].hrefNo}`; td.appendChild(a); tr.appendChild(td); td = document.createElement("td"); var button = document.createElement("button"); button.className = 'getText'; button.textContent = '正'; button.addEventListener("click", getText); td.appendChild(button); button = document.createElement("button"); button.className = 'deleteRow'; button.textContent = '─'; button.addEventListener("click", deleteRow); td.appendChild(button); var span = document.createElement("span"); td.appendChild(span); tr.appendChild(td); tableBody.appendChild(tr); showState(i); } } //getList function sortList(value) { var length = chapters.length; if (!chaptersIndex) { chaptersIndex = new Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { chaptersIndex[i] = i; } } switch (value) { case "原始升序": for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { chaptersIndex[i] = i; } break; case "原始降序": for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { chaptersIndex[i] = length - i - 1; } break; case "章节号升序": chaptersIndex.sort((a, b) => chapters[a].chapterNo - chapters[b].chapterNo); break; case "章节号降序": chaptersIndex.sort((a, b) => chapters[b].chapterNo - chapters[a].chapterNo); break; case "网址升序": chaptersIndex.sort((a, b) => chapters[a].hrefNo - chapters[b].hrefNo); break; case "网址降序": chaptersIndex.sort((a, b) => chapters[b].hrefNo - chapters[a].hrefNo); break; } createTr(); } //#endregion List //#region helper function getElementSelector(element, doc) { function getRightId(id) { var firstCode = id.charCodeAt(0); if (firstCode >= 48 && firstCode <= 57) return "\\3" + id[0] + " " + id.substr(1, id.length); else return id; } let domPath = []; var e = element; while (e && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "html") { var tag = e.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (e.id) { domPath.unshift('#' + getRightId(e.id)+getCssClass(e.className)); break; } else if (tag == "body") { domPath.unshift(tag); } else { var index = 0; var isOneTag = true; var isOneClass = e.classList.length > 0; for (var i = 0; i < e.parentNode.childElementCount; i++) { if (e.parentNode.children[i] == e) { index = i; } else if (e.parentNode.children[i].tagName == e.tagName) { isOneTag = false; if (e.classList.length > 0 && e.parentNode.children[i].classList.toString() == e.classList.toString()) { isOneClass = false; } } } if (isOneTag) { domPath.unshift(tag); } else if (isOneClass) { domPath.unshift(tag + getCssClass(e.className)); } else { domPath.unshift(tag + ':nth-child(' + (index + 1) + ')'); } } var selector = domPath.toString().replace(/,/g, '>'); var eles = doc.querySelectorAll(selector); if (eles.length == 1 && eles[0] == element) break; e = e.parentNode; } return domPath.toString().replace(/,/g, '>'); } //getElementSelector //#endregion helper //#region Text function getContentElement(doc) { //参考“怠惰小说下载器” function getEffectiveText(text) { return text.replace(/\s+/g, ''); } var largestContent, contents = doc.querySelectorAll("span,div,article,section,p,td"), largestNum = 0; for (let content of contents) { var curNum = 0; for (let item of content.childNodes) { if (item.nodeType == 3) { //纯文本 if (!/^\s*$/.test(item.data)) curNum += getEffectiveText(item.data).length; } else if (item.nodeType == 8) { //忽略注释 continue; } else if (/^(I|A|STRONG|B|FONT|P|DL|DD|H\d|SECTION)$/.test(item.tagName)) { //有这些子节点 curNum += getEffectiveText(item.innerText).length; } } if (curNum > largestNum) { largestNum = curNum; largestContent = content } } //console.log(largestContent, largestNum, getEffectiveText(largestContent.innerText)); return largestContent; } function getElementText(element) { //参考“怠惰小说下载器” let r###lt = ""; for (let childNode of element.childNodes) { if (childNode.nodeType == 8) continue; //忽略注释 if (childNode.innerHTML) { childNode.innerHTML = childNode.innerHTML.replace(/<\s*br\s*>/gi, "\r\n").replace(/\n+/gi, "\n").replace(/\r+/gi, "\r"); } if (childNode.nodeType == 1 && !/^(I|A|STRONG|B|FONT)$/.test(childNode.tagName)) r###lt += "\r\n"; //textContent会包含里面的img源码;当是纯文本时,没有innerText属性,所以只能用textContent var text=childNode.innerText||childNode.textContent||''; text = text.replace(/[\u00A0\u2002\u2003\u2005\u200C\u200D]/g, ''); r###lt += text.trim().replace(/ +/g, " ").replace(/([^\r]|^)\n([^\r]|$)/gi, "$1\r\n$2"); } return r###lt; } function downloadText(href, index, callback){ if(setting.hasOwnProperty("frameText")) frameDoc(href, index, callback); else download(href, index, callback); } function frameDoc(href, index, callback) { if (typeof index == 'undefined') return; if (index < 0 || index >= chapters.length) return; if (href == null) { href = chapters[index].href; chapters[index].text = ''; chapters[index].state = ''; chapters[index].nextCount = 0; } if(document.location.protocol=="https:") href=href.replace(/^http:/,'https:'); var frame=iframes.shift(); if(!frame){ frame=document.createElement('iframe'); root.getElementById("iframesWarpper").appendChild(frame); frame.onload=function (r###lt) { var doc = frame.contentDocument; if(doc){ doc.href = href; //记下当前页面的网址,自己生成的没有网址。 const element = doc.documentElement element.scrollTop = 0; const interval = setInterval(()=>{ console.log(element.scrollTop + element.clientHeight , element.scrollHeight); if (element.scrollTop + element.clientHeight == element.scrollHeight) { clearInterval(interval) setTimeout(()=>{ deleteElementBySelector(doc,'img'); deleteElementBySelector(doc, '*[style*="display:none"]'); deleteHideElement(doc); callback(doc, index); },1000); } else { element.scrollTop +=200000; } }, 200) }else{ console.warn("error:", href); callback(null, index); frame.remove(); } }; frame.onerror=(e)=>{ console.warn("error:", href); callback(null, index); frame.remove(); }; } frame.src=href; } function download(href, index, callback) { if (typeof index == 'undefined') return; if (index < 0 || index >= chapters.length) return; if (href == null) { href = chapters[index].href; chapters[index].text = ''; chapters[index].state = ''; chapters[index].nextCount = 0; } let requestBody = { method: 'GET', url: href, headers: { referer: href, "Content-Type": "text/html;charset=" + document.charset, }, timeout: 15000, overrideMimeType: "text/html;charset=" + document.charset, onload: function (r###lt) { var doc = getDoc(r###lt.responseText); doc.href = href; //记下当前页面的网址,自己生成的没有网址。 // deleteSomeTag(doc, 'script'); deleteSomeTag(doc, 'style'); deleteSomeTag(doc, 'img'); deleteElementBySelector(doc, '*[style*="display:none"]'); deleteHideElement(doc); callback(doc, index); }, onerror: function () { console.warn("error:", href); callback(null, index); }, ontimeout: function () { console.warn("timeout: ", href); callback(null, index); } }; GM_xmlhttpRequest(requestBody); } //getDocByHref function deleteHideElement(doc) { if (!doc.defaultView) return; //直接下载网页的没有doc.defaultView var elements = doc.querySelectorAll("span,div,ul,li") //var elements = doc.querySelectorAll("li") for (var i = elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var ele = elements[i]; var thisStyle = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(ele); if (thisStyle && (thisStyle.display == "none" || (ele.tagName == "SPAN" && thisStyle.fontSize == "0px"))) ele.remove(); } } function deleteElementBySelector(doc, selector) { var elements = doc.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { elements[i].remove(); } } function deleteSomeTag(doc, tag) { var elements = doc.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i = elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { elements[i].remove(); } } function getDoc(str) { var doc = null; try { doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); doc.documentElement.innerHTML = str; } catch (e) { console.log('parse error'); } return doc; } //getDoc function getNextPage(doc) { let eles = doc.querySelectorAll("a"); for (let ele of eles) { if (nextPageReg.test(ele.innerText) && ele.href.indexOf("javascript") == -1) return ele; if(setting.addedNextPageReg){ if (setting.addedNextPageReg.test(ele.innerText) && ele.href.indexOf("javascript") == -1) return ele; } } } //获得正文,如果有下一页网址不在章节网址,继续获取,并返回Next function getTextFromDoc(doc, index, callback) { function addTexttoChapter(text) { chapters[index].text += ((doc.href == chapters[index].href) ? "" : `>>${doc.title}\n`) + text; } if (doc) { var nextPagehref=""; if (customNextPageFunc) { nextPagehref=customNextPageFunc(doc,chapters[index].href); }else{ var nextPage = getNextPage(doc); nextPagehref = nextPage ? nextPage.href : ""; } deleteSomeTag(doc, 'script'); var jammerSelector=(setting.jammerSelector||'').trim().replace(/\n/,','); if (jammerSelector) deleteElementBySelector(doc, jammerSelector); var content; var textSelector=setting.textSelector; if (!textSelector||textSelector=='--') { content = getContentElement(doc); textSelector = getElementSelector(content, doc); if(setting.textSelector!='--'){ setting.textSelector = textSelector; displaySetting(); } } if (customTextFunc) { var customR###lt = customTextFunc(doc, textSelector); if (Array.isArray(customR###lt)) { [doc, textSelector] = customR###lt; } else if (typeof customR###lt == 'string') { addTexttoChapter(customR###lt+'\n'); return 'OK'; } else { return 'No' } } textSelector=(textSelector||'').trim().replace(/\n/,','); var eTexts = doc.querySelectorAll(textSelector); if(eTexts.length==0) return 'No'; var text='' for (var eText of eTexts) { text+=getElementText(eText)+'\n'; } addTexttoChapter(text); if (nextPagehref) { var href2 = nextPagehref.slice(0, 6) == 'https:' ? 'http:' + nextPagehref.slice(6) : 'https' + nextPagehref.slice(5); if (nextPagehref == document.location.href || href2 == document.location.href) return 'OK'; // 如果a元素的href为空,返回的是目录页的地址 if (nextPagehref == doc.href || href2 == doc.href) return 'OK'; if (getIndexOfObjectArray(chapters, "href", nextPagehref,true) == -1 && getIndexOfObjectArray(chapters, "href", href2,true) == -1) { if (chapters[index].nextCount > nextCountLimit - 1) { //第一个下一页为0 if (continueDownload || confirm(`目录“${chapters[index].title}”的下一页数量超过最大值${nextCountLimit},你要让以后的下一页继续吗?\n继续可能会下载太多链接,请谨慎继续!`)) { continueDownload = true; } else { return '>N'; } } if (chapters[index].nextCount > maxNextCount - 1) return '>>N' downloadText(nextPagehref, index, callback); return 'Next'; } else return 'OK'; } else return 'OK'; } else { return 'Er'; } } //getTextFromDoc function showChapterText(index) { function showOrDownload(index) { if (isDownloaded(index)) { showChapterText(index) } else { downloadText(null, index, getTextCallback) } } reader.setReader(chapters[index].text, chapters[index].title, (index - 1 >= 0 && index - 1 < chapters.length) ? '<' : '', () => { showOrDownload(index - 1) }, (index + 1 >= 0 && index + 1 < chapters.length) ? '>' : '', () => { showOrDownload(index + 1) }); } function showState(index) { var span = chapters[index].tr.querySelector("td>span"); span.textContent = (chapters[index].state || '') + ((chapters[index].state != 'OK' && chapters[index].text) ? "+" : "") + (chapters[index].nextCount || ''); } function getTextCallback(doc, index) { var state = getTextFromDoc(doc, index, getTextCallback); // doc&&doc.defaultView&&doc.defaultView.frameElement&&iframes.push(doc.defaultView.frameElement); doc&&doc.defaultView&&doc.defaultView.frameElement&&doc.defaultView.frameElement.remove(); switch (state) { case 'No': if (confirm(`${chapters[index].text ? "后续页" : ""}找不到正文选择器指定的元素,清空正文选择器重新获取。`)) { delete setting.textSelector; displaySetting(); } break; case 'Er': alert(`${chapters[index].href}下载出错`); break; case 'Next': chapters[index].nextCount += 1; return; } chapters[index].state = state; showState(index); if (chapters[index].text) showChapterText(index); } var getText = e => { setting = getSetting(); if (typeof setting != 'object') return; var tr = e.target.parentElement.parentElement; var index = getIndexOfObjectArray(chapters, "tr", tr); if (isDownloaded(index)) showChapterText(index); else downloadText(null, index, getTextCallback); // else framedoc(null, index, getTextCallback); } function uploadSaveinfo2(info){ const url = 'https://jsonbin.org/me/saveinfos'; const headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "token 494a60d1-f0ee-4b6d-a5bf-8654a9ff5eb1" }); fetch(url, { headers: headers, method: "PATCH", body:JSON.stringify(info), }); } function uploadSaveinfo(info) { const url = 'https://jsonbin.org/me/savedInfos'; const headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "token 494a60d1-f0ee-4b6d-a5bf-8654a9ff5eb1" }); var md5type = 1; var md5s = myMd5(info.url); uploadInfo(); function uploadInfo() { function setValue(md5,info){ fetch(url+'/'+md5, { method: "POST", headers: headers, body:JSON.stringify(info), }) } function pushDowninfo(md5,downinfo){ fetch(url+'/'+md5+'/downinfo', { method: "PATCH", headers: headers, body:JSON.stringify(downinfo), }) } var md5 = md5s.slice(0, md5type).join(''); if (md5type > 4) md5 += (md5type - 4); fetch(url+'/'+md5, { method: "GET", headers: headers, }).then(function(response) { return response.json() }).then(function(json) { if (!json) { setValue(md5, info) } else { if (json.url == info.url) { var stime=json.downinfo.slice(-1)[0][2]; var itime=info.downinfo[0][2]; if (!stime && !itime){} else if (stime && itime && Math.abs(itime - stime)<0.0060){} else pushDowninfo(md5,info.downinfo[0]); } else { md5type += 1; uploadInfo(); } } }) } } function saveAllText() { var allText = '', a; for (var i of chaptersIndex) { allText += '\n##' + chapters[i].title.trim().replace(/\s+/g,' ') + '\n' + chapters[i].text; } var dd=new Date(); var time=dd.getFullYear()*10000+(dd.getMonth()+1)*100+dd.getDate()+dd.getHours()*0.01+dd.getMinutes()*0.0001; var info={ title:document.title, url:document.location.href, downinfo:[[chapters.length,allText.length,time]], }; if(!setting.hasOwnProperty("notUploadSaveinfo")) uploadSaveinfo(info); var blob = new Blob([ '#' + document.title + '\n', document.location.href + '\n', '使用油猴脚本“随手小说下载”获取\n', allText ], { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8", endings: "native" }); var filename = document.title.replace(/[/\\?%*:|"<>.]/g, '-') + '.txt'; downloadFile(blob, filename); } function getAllTextCallback(doc, index) { var state = getTextFromDoc(doc, index, getAllTextCallback); doc&&doc.defaultView&&doc.defaultView.frameElement&&doc.defaultView.frameElement.remove(); switch (state) { case 'No': downloadedNo += 1; break; case 'Er': downloadedErr += 1; break; case '>N': case '>>N': downloadedExceedNext += 1; break; case 'Next': chapters[index].nextCount += 1; return; } chapters[index].state = state; showState(index); downloadText(null, chaptersIndex[downloadIndex], getAllTextCallback); downloadIndex = getNextUndownloadIndex(downloadIndex + 1); downloadedCount += 1; root.querySelector('#downloadNumbers').textContent = `${chapters.length}/${downloadedCount}/${downloadedNo}/${downloadedErr}/${downloadedExceedNext}`; if (downloadedCount >= chapters.length) { if (downloadedNo == 0 && downloadedErr == 0) { saveAllText(); } else { if (confirm(`${downloadedNo}个找不到正文元素,${downloadedErr}个下载失败。\n是否保存已下载的文本。`)) { saveAllText(); } } } } //getAllTextCallback function isDownloaded(index) { var state = chapters[index].state; return state == 'OK' } function getNextUndownloadIndex(index) { while (index < chaptersIndex.length && isDownloaded(chaptersIndex[index])) { downloadedCount += 1; index += 1; } return index; } function getAllText() { if (chapters.length < 1) alert("没有目录,请先获取目录再下载全部文本。"); 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