Adds a button to hide bookmarked images in 'ppixiv for Pixiv'
Adds a button to hide Bookmarked picture in 'ppixiv for Pixiv'
My code below is NOT optimized and only for my personnal enjoyment
I needed a button to hide the bookmarked picture for better concentration on the ones I haven't took a close look at
My button placement is fast to access (which I like), but may be awkward for a general purpose
The button must be clicked each time to hide newly bookmarked images or images that loaded after
20/09/2022 - updated with a menu and now with the Blacken option and the Show back option
05/02/2023 - code was broken due to new update, fixed it
16/02/2023 - close menu automaticaly + added logo for each option (gallery :
04/04/2023 - when changing page the button would disappear