Recognize links in text by regular expression, and convert to hyperlinks
// ==UserScript== // @name Textlink to Hyperlink // @name:zh-CN 文本链接自动识别为超链接 // @version 0.1.6 // @description Recognize links in text by regular expression, and convert to hyperlinks // @description:zh-CN 通过正则表达式识别文本中的链接,并转换为超链接 // @author DreamNya // @match *://*/* // @grant none // @run-at document-start // @license MIT // @namespace // ==/UserScript== //最大识别次数,默认5次,可修改,每个节点识别次数超过限制后自动忽略(针对一些冲突节点) const formatLimit = 5; const formatList = new WeakMap(); //文本链接识别正则 const reg = /https?:\/\/[\w\.-]+\.\w+(:\d{1,5})?(\/[#%\w?&.=\-@]+)*/g; //忽略标签类型 const ignore = ['SCRIPT', 'STYLE', 'A', 'TEXTAREA', 'NOSCRIPT', 'CODE', 'TITLE']; //脚本运行时遍历所有节点 QueryElement(document); //后续通过观察器监视 let obs = new MutationObserver(m => { m.forEach(mm => { FormatHref(, mm.addedNodes) mm.addedNodes.forEach(i => QueryElement(i)) }) }); obs.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); function QueryElement(element) { //用了点语法糖 [...(element.querySelectorAll?.("*") ?? [])].forEach(i => FormatHref(i, i.childNodes)) } function FormatHref(target, childNodes) { //忽略标签 if (ignore.find(n => n == target.nodeName) || target.translate == false) return //超过次数限制忽略 let formatTimes = formatList.get(target) || 0 if (formatTimes > formatLimit) return let mark = false; //文本链接构造为a标签 [...childNodes].forEach(c => { if (c.nodeName == '#text' && c.textContent.match(reg)) { console.log(target, c.textContent) c.textContent = c.textContent.replace(reg, (m) => { return `<a href='${m}' target='_blank'>${m}</a>` }) mark = true } }) //格式化标签 if (mark) { //console.log(target,target.nodeName, formatTimes) formatList.set(target, formatTimes + 1) target.innerHTML = target.innerHTML.replace(/<a /g, "<a ").replace(/<\/a>/g, "</a>").replace(/' target='_blank'>/g, "' target='_blank'>") } }