Improves the way RYM displays information on profile updates pending approval by a moderator.
// ==UserScript== // @name Rate Your Music - % / Yes / Hold / No / Comments // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Improves the way RYM displays information on profile updates pending approval by a moderator. // @author You // @match* // @icon // @license MIT // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // set interval that will be used to check if the page is loaded // useQuerySelectorAll('tr') if length is 1, then the page is not fully loaded // if length is 2 or more, then the page is fully loaded // if the page is fully loaded, then get the data // var interval = setInterval(function() { if (document.querySelectorAll('tr').length > 1) { clearInterval(interval); getData(); } }, 100); function getData() { const rows = document.querySelector('.mbgen').querySelectorAll('tr'); rows.forEach((row) => { const voteCell = row.querySelectorAll('td')[7]; const voteData = voteCell?.innerText; if (voteData) { const commentInfo = voteData.match(/\/\/.+/)?.[0]; const percent = voteData.split('|')[0]?.match(/\d+/)?.[0]; const values = voteData.split('|').slice(1).map((_) => _.match(/\d+/)[0].trim()); const yes = values[0]; const hold = values[1]; const no = values[2]; const comments = values[3]; let color = 'purple'; if (Number(yes) >= 1 && percent >= 75) { color = 'green'; } else if (Number(no) >= 1 && percent <= 40) { color = 'red'; } const newData = `${percent ?? 0}%; Yes: ${yes}; No: ${no}; Hold: ${hold}; Comments: ${comments}; ${commentInfo}`; console.log({ newData }); voteCell.innerHTML = newData; } }) }