Get a button to download all the content from a course and lot to console
// ==UserScript== // @license MIT // @name Get all downloadable content from MIT OpenCourseWare // @match* // @description Get a button to download all the content from a course and lot to console // @version // @namespace // ==/UserScript== var res = []; const mainButton = document.createElement("button"); mainButton.innerText = "Get all links"; = "auto"; console.log("Script loaded"); const parseLecture = async (linkElement) => { const page = new DOMParser().parseFromString( await (await fetch(linkElement.getAttribute("href"))).text(), "text/html" ); return { title: `${linkElement.parentElement.getAttribute( "data-title" )}${linkElement.textContent.trim()}`, link: page .querySelector("") .getAttribute("href"), }; } const getLecture = async (lectureElement, name) => { const linkElements = lectureElement.querySelectorAll("a"); const lectureTasks = []; linkElements.forEach((linkElement) => { lectureTasks.push(parseLecture(linkElement)); }); return { links: await Promise.all(lectureTasks), name }; } const main = async () => { console.log("Starting..."); const tasks = []; let idx = 1; for (const lectureElement of document.querySelectorAll(".card-body tbody tr")) { const name = `${idx++}. ${lectureElement.querySelector("a").textContent.trim()}`; tasks.push(getLecture(lectureElement, name)); } res = await Promise.all(tasks); console.log("Done!"); console.table(res); } mainButton.onclick = main; document.addEventListener("readystatechange", () => { console.log("Adding button..."); document.querySelector(".course-banner-content").appendChild(mainButton); });