Auto typeset LaTeX math formulas on ChatGPT pages (OpenAI, new bing, you, etc.).
// ==UserScript== // @name ChatGPT LaTeX Auto Render (OpenAI, new bing, you, etc.) // @version 0.6.13 // @author Scruel Tao // @homepage // @description Auto typeset LaTeX math formulas on ChatGPT pages (OpenAI, new bing, you, etc.). // @description:zh-CN 自动渲染 ChatGPT 页面 (OpenAI, new bing, you 等) 上的 LaTeX 数学公式。 // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match*&tbm=youchat* // @match*&tbm=youchat* // @namespace // @icon // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; const PARSED_MARK = "_sc_parsed"; const MARKDOWN_RERENDER_MARK = "sc_mktag"; const MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_UNDERLINE = "XXXSCUEDLXXX"; const MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_ASTERISK = "XXXSCAESKXXX"; function queryAddNoParsed(query) { return query + ":not([" + PARSED_MARK + "])"; } function showTipsElement() { const tipsElement = window._sc_ChatLatex.tipsElement; = "fixed"; = "10px"; = "10px"; = "#333"; = "#fff"; = "999999"; var tipContainer = document.body.querySelector("header"); if (!tipContainer) { tipContainer = document.body; } tipContainer.appendChild(tipsElement); } function setTipsElementText(text, errorRaise = false) { window._sc_ChatLatex.tipsElement.innerHTML = text; if (errorRaise) { throw text; } console.log(text); } async function addScript(url) { const scriptElement = document.createElement("script"); const headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement; if (!headElement.appendChild(scriptElement)) { // Prevent appendChild overwritten problem. headElement.append(scriptElement); } scriptElement.src = url; } function traverseDOM(element, callback, onlySingle = true) { if (!onlySingle || !element.hasChildNodes()) { callback(element); } element = element.firstChild; while (element) { traverseDOM(element, callback, onlySingle); element = element.nextSibling; } } function getExtraInfoAddedMKContent(content) { // Ensure that the whitespace before and after the same content = content.replaceAll(/( *\*+ *)/g, MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_ASTERISK + "$1"); content = content.replaceAll(/( *_+ *)/g, MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_UNDERLINE + "$1"); // Ensure render for single line content = content.replaceAll( new RegExp(`^${MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_ASTERISK}(\\*+)`, "gm"), `${MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_ASTERISK} $1` ); content = content.replaceAll( new RegExp(`^${MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_UNDERLINE}(_+)`, "gm"), `${MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_UNDERLINE} $1` ); return content; } function removeEleMKExtraInfo(ele) { traverseDOM(ele, function (e) { if (e.textContent) { e.textContent = removeMKExtraInfo(e.textContent); } }); } function removeMKExtraInfo(content) { content = content.replaceAll(MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_UNDERLINE, ""); content = content.replaceAll(MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_ASTERISK, ""); return content; } function getLastMKSymbol(ele, defaultSymbol) { if (!ele) { return defaultSymbol; } const content = ele.textContent.trim(); if (content.endsWith(MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_UNDERLINE)) { return "_"; } if (content.endsWith(MARKDOWN_SYMBOL_ASTERISK)) { return "*"; } return defaultSymbol; } function restoreMarkdown(msgEle, tagName, defaultSymbol) { const eles = msgEle.querySelectorAll(tagName); eles.forEach((e) => { const restoredNodes = document .createRange() .createContextualFragment(e.innerHTML); const fn = restoredNodes.childNodes[0]; const ln = restoredNodes.childNodes[restoredNodes.childNodes.length - 1]; const wrapperSymbol = getLastMKSymbol(e.previousSibling, defaultSymbol); fn.textContent = wrapperSymbol + fn.textContent; ln.textContent = ln.textContent + wrapperSymbol; restoredNodes.prepend( document.createComment( MARKDOWN_RERENDER_MARK + "|0|" + tagName + "|" + wrapperSymbol.length ) ); restoredNodes.append( document.createComment(MARKDOWN_RERENDER_MARK + "|1|" + tagName) ); e.parentElement.insertBefore(restoredNodes, e); e.parentNode.removeChild(e); }); removeEleMKExtraInfo(msgEle); } function restoreAllMarkdown(msgEle) { restoreMarkdown(msgEle, "em", "_"); } function rerenderAllMarkdown(msgEle) { // restore HTML from restored markdown comment info const startComments = []; traverseDOM(msgEle, function (n) { if (n.nodeType !== 8) { return; } const text = n.textContent.trim(); if (!text.startsWith(MARKDOWN_RERENDER_MARK)) { return; } const tokens = text.split("|"); if (tokens[1] === "0") { startComments.push(n); } }); // Reverse to prevent nested elements startComments.reverse().forEach((n) => { const tokens = n.textContent.trim().split("|"); const tagName = tokens[2]; const tagRepLen = tokens[3]; const tagEle = document.createElement(tagName); n.parentElement.insertBefore(tagEle, n); n.parentNode.removeChild(n); let subEle = tagEle.nextSibling; while (subEle) { if (subEle.nodeType == 8) { const text = subEle.textContent.trim(); if ( text.startsWith(MARKDOWN_RERENDER_MARK) && text.split("|")[1] === "1" ) { subEle.parentNode.removeChild(subEle); break; } } tagEle.appendChild(subEle); subEle = tagEle.nextSibling; } // Remove previously added markdown symbols. tagEle.firstChild.textContent = tagEle.firstChild.textContent.substring(tagRepLen); tagEle.lastChild.textContent = tagEle.lastChild.textContent.substring( 0, tagEle.lastChild.textContent.length - tagRepLen ); }); } async function prepareScript() { window._sc_beforeTypesetMsgEle = (msgEle) => {}; window._sc_afterTypesetMsgEle = (msgEle) => {}; window._sc_typeset = () => { try { console.log('[LaTeX] Typesetting...') const msgEles = window._sc_getMsgEles(); msgEles.forEach((msgEle) => { restoreAllMarkdown(msgEle); msgEle.setAttribute(PARSED_MARK, ""); window._sc_beforeTypesetMsgEle(msgEle); MathJax.typesetPromise([msgEle]); window._sc_afterTypesetMsgEle(msgEle); rerenderAllMarkdown(msgEle); }); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } }; window._sc_mutationHandler = (mutation) => { if (mutation.oldValue === "") { window._sc_typeset(); } }; window._sc_chatLoaded = () => { return true; }; window._sc_getObserveElement = () => { return null; }; var observerOptions = { attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter: ["cancelable", "disabled"], }; var afterMainOvservationStart = () => { window._sc_typeset(); }; // Handle special cases per site. if ( === "") { window._sc_getObserveElement = () => { const ele = document.querySelector("#b_sydConvCont > cib-serp"); if (!ele) { return null; } return ele.shadowRoot.querySelector("#cib-action-bar-main"); }; const getContMsgEles = (cont, isInChat = true) => { if (!cont) { return []; } const allChatTurn = cont.shadowRoot .querySelector("#cib-conversation-main") .shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("cib-chat-turn"); var lastChatTurnSR = allChatTurn[allChatTurn.length - 1]; if (isInChat) { lastChatTurnSR = lastChatTurnSR.shadowRoot; } const allCibMsgGroup = lastChatTurnSR.querySelectorAll("cib-message-group"); const allCibMsg = Array.from(allCibMsgGroup) .map((e) => Array.from(e.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("cib-message"))) .flatMap((e) => e); return Array.from(allCibMsg) .map((cibMsg) => cibMsg.shadowRoot.querySelector("cib-shared")) .filter((e) => e); }; window._sc_getMsgEles = () => { try { const convCont = document.querySelector("#b_sydConvCont > cib-serp"); const tigerCont = document.querySelector("#b_sydTigerCont > cib-serp"); return getContMsgEles(convCont).concat( getContMsgEles(tigerCont, false) ); } catch (ignore) { return []; } }; } else if ( === "") { window._sc_getObserveElement = () => { return document.querySelector("main > div > div > div"); }; window._sc_chatLoaded = () => { return ( document.querySelector("main div.text-sm>svg.animate-spin") === null ); }; observerOptions = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, }; window._sc_mutationHandler = (mutation) => { if (mutation.removedNodes.length) { return; } const target =; if (!target || target.tagName !== "DIV") { return; } const buttons = target.querySelectorAll("button"); if (buttons.length !== 3 || !target.classList.contains("visible")) { return; } if ( mutation.type === "attributes" || (mutation.addedNodes.length && mutation.addedNodes[0] == buttons[1]) ) { window._sc_typeset(); } }; afterMainOvservationStart = () => { window._sc_typeset(); // Handle conversation switch new MutationObserver(async (mutationList) => { for (var mutation of mutationList) { if (!mutation.addedNodes.length) { continue; } const addedNode = mutation.addedNodes[0]; // Check if first added node is normal node if (addedNode.nodeType !== 1) { return; } // console.log(mutation); const mainNode = addedNode.parentElement; if (mainNode && mainNode.tagName !== 'MAIN') { continue; } startMainOvservation( await getMainObserveElement(true), observerOptions ); window._sc_typeset(); break; }; }).observe(document.querySelector("#__next"), { childList: true, subtree: true}); }; window._sc_getMsgEles = () => { return document.querySelectorAll( queryAddNoParsed("div.w-full div.text-base div.items-start") ); }; window._sc_beforeTypesetMsgEle = (msgEle) => { // Prevent latex typeset conflict const displayEles = msgEle.querySelectorAll(".math-display"); displayEles.forEach((e) => { const texEle = e.querySelector(".katex-mathml annotation"); e.removeAttribute("class"); e.textContent = "$$" + texEle.textContent + "$$"; }); const inlineEles = msgEle.querySelectorAll(".math-inline"); inlineEles.forEach((e) => { const texEle = e.querySelector(".katex-mathml annotation"); e.removeAttribute("class"); // e.textContent = "$" + texEle.textContent + "$"; // Mathjax will typeset this with display mode. e.textContent = "$$" + texEle.textContent + "$$"; }); }; window._sc_afterTypesetMsgEle = (msgEle) => { // = "unset"; }; } else if ( === "" || === "" ) { window._sc_getObserveElement = () => { return document.querySelector("#chatHistory"); }; window._sc_chatLoaded = () => { return !!document.querySelector( "#chatHistory div[data-pinnedconversationturnid]" ); }; observerOptions = { childList: true }; window._sc_mutationHandler = (mutation) => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach((e) => { const attr = e.getAttribute("data-testid"); if (attr && attr.startsWith("youchat-convTurn")) { startTurnAttrObservationForTypesetting( e, "data-pinnedconversationturnid" ); } }); }; window._sc_getMsgEles = () => { return document.querySelectorAll( queryAddNoParsed('#chatHistory div[data-testid="youchat-answer"]') ); }; } console.log("Waiting for chat loading..."); const mainElement = await getMainObserveElement(); console.log("Chat loaded."); startMainOvservation(mainElement, observerOptions); afterMainOvservationStart(); } function enbaleR###ltPatcher() { // TODO: refractor all code. if ( !== "") { return; } const oldJSONParse = JSON.parse; JSON.parse = function _parse() { const res = oldJSONParse.apply(this, arguments); if (res.hasOwnProperty("message")) { const message = res.message; if (message.hasOwnProperty("end_turn") && message.end_turn) {[0] = getExtraInfoAddedMKContent([0] ); } } return res; }; const responseHandler = (response, r###lt) => { if ( r###lt.hasOwnProperty("mapping") && r###lt.hasOwnProperty("current_node") ) { Object.keys(r###lt.mapping).forEach((key) => { const mapObj = r###lt.mapping[key]; if (mapObj.hasOwnProperty("message")) { if ( === "user") { return; } const contentObj = mapObj.message.content;[0] = getExtraInfoAddedMKContent([0]); } }); } }; let oldfetch = fetch; window.fetch = function patchedFetch() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { oldfetch .apply(this, arguments) .then((response) => { const oldJson = response.json; response.json = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { oldJson .apply(this, arguments) .then((r###lt) => { try { responseHandler(response, r###lt); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } resolve(r###lt); }) .catch((e) => reject(e)); }); }; resolve(response); }) .catch((e) => reject(e)); }); }; // Resote const oldClipBoardWriteText = navigator.clipboard.writeText; navigator.clipboard.writeText = function patchedWriteText() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { arguments[0] = removeMKExtraInfo(arguments[0]); oldClipBoardWriteText .apply(this, arguments) .then((response) => { resolve(response); }) .catch((e) => reject(e)); }); }; } // After output completed, the attribute of turn element will be changed, // only with observer won't be enough, so we have this function for sure. function startTurnAttrObservationForTypesetting(element, doneWithAttr) { const tmpObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationList, observer) => { mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { if (mutation.oldValue === null) { window._sc_typeset(); observer.disconnect; } }); }); tmpObserver.observe(element, { attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter: [doneWithAttr], }); if (element.hasAttribute(doneWithAttr)) { window._sc_typeset(); tmpObserver.disconnect; } } function getMainObserveElement(chatLoaded = false) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const resolver = () => { const ele = window._sc_getObserveElement(); if (ele && (chatLoaded || window._sc_chatLoaded())) { return resolve(ele); } window.setTimeout(resolver, 500); }; resolver(); }); } function startMainOvservation(mainElement, observerOptions) { const callback = (mutationList, observer) => { mutationList.forEach((mutation) => { window._sc_mutationHandler(mutation); }); }; if (window._sc_mainObserver) { window._sc_mainObserver.disconnect(); } window._sc_mainObserver = new MutationObserver(callback); window._sc_mainObserver.observe(mainElement, observerOptions); } async function waitMathJaxLoaded() { while (!MathJax.hasOwnProperty("typeset")) { if (window._sc_ChatLatex.loadCount > 20000 / 200) { setTipsElementText("Failed to load MathJax, try refresh.", true); } await new Promise((x) => setTimeout(x, 500)); window._sc_ChatLatex.loadCount += 1; } } function hideTipsElement(timeout = 3) { window.setTimeout(() => { window._sc_ChatLatex.tipsElement.hidden = true; }, 3000); } async function loadMathJax() { showTipsElement(); setTipsElementText("Loading MathJax..."); addScript(""); await waitMathJaxLoaded(); setTipsElementText("MathJax Loaded."); hideTipsElement(); } (async function () { window._sc_ChatLatex = { tipsElement: document.createElement("div"), loadCount: 0, }; window.MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [ ["$", "$"], ["\\(", "\\)"], ], displayMath: [["$$", "$$", ["\\[", "\\]"]]], }, startup: { typeset: false, }, }; enbaleR###ltPatcher(); await loadMathJax(); await prepareScript(); })();