Add game info from ProtonDB to the games on SteamGifts.
Adds Linux compatibility info from ProtonDB to games in giveaways on SteamGifts (near comments and entries counters on the home page and above remaining time on the giveaway page).
Show overall game tier (Linux compatibility/playability state of the game) for each giveaway. In the tooltip (shown on mouseover) it also shows the recent tier based on recent reports (with new Proton versions) and the count of reports for the game.
More info and preview screenshots are available on GitHub.
Should be compatible with another "Dark-styling" addons, but may have visual issues.
[-] Does not work with grid-view of ESGST addon (ESGST option 3.27).
[-] Does not work with endless scrolling of ESGST addon (ESGST option 2.8).
[-] Does not work with giveaways extractor of ESGST addon (ESGST option 3.17).