A tool which allows to filter the 9GAG upvotes / likes personal page only on the tags you are interested into (e.g. funny, gaming, pcmr, etc...).
// ==UserScript== // @name 9GAG Likes Page Filter Tool // @namespace [email protected] // @version 0.2 // @description A tool which allows to filter the 9GAG upvotes / likes personal page only on the tags you are interested into (e.g. funny, gaming, pcmr, etc...). // @author Pierpaolo Tommasi // @match *://9gag.com/u/*/likes // @icon  // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== // This is a set containg the tags currently filtered on let activeFilters; // A map where the key is the tag and the value is an array of article ID (strings) let tagToArticles; // A map where the key is the article ID and the value is the array of tags (strings) let articleToTags; // The count hide option (how many articles should a tag have in order to be displayed) let hidesCount; // Which sorting should be applied on the discovered tags let sorting; // Query the current view and return a map where the key are the tags and // the values are the articles with the given tag. function getNewArticles() { const _articleToTags = { }; const listView = document.getElementById("list-view-2"); const articles = [ ... listView.querySelectorAll("article") ]; articles.forEach(a => { const articleId = a.getAttribute("id"); if (!articleToTags.has(articleId)) { _articleToTags[articleId] = [ ... a.querySelectorAll(".ui-post-tags a") ].map(a => a.innerText); } }); return _articleToTags; } // Remove the existing menu, to repaint a new one function cleanMenu() { const menu = document.getElementById("tags_extra_menu"); menu && menu.remove(); } function createFilteredTagButton(tag, count) { const tagElement = document.createElement("div"); tagElement.innerHTML = `${tag} (${count})`; tagElement.setAttribute("style", "display: inline-block; margin: 2px 4px; padding: 4px 2px 4px 4px; background-color: powderblue; border-radius: 2px;"); const addElement = document.createElement("span"); addElement.innerHTML = `Clear`; addElement.setAttribute("style", "cursor: pointer; margin: 2px 0px 2px 8px; padding: 2px; background-color: mediumslateblue; border-radius: 2px;"); tagElement.appendChild(addElement); addElement.onclick = () => { if(activeFilters.has(tag)) { activeFilters.delete(tag); repaintMenu("clear link -> onclick"); updateFilters(); } }; return tagElement; } function createTagButton(tag, count) { const tagElement = document.createElement("div"); tagElement.innerHTML = `${tag} (${count})`; tagElement.setAttribute("style", "display: inline-block; margin: 2px 4px; padding: 4px 2px 4px 4px; background-color: powderblue; border-radius: 2px;"); const addElement = document.createElement("span"); addElement.innerHTML = `Add`; addElement.setAttribute("style", "cursor: pointer; margin: 2px 0px 2px 8px; padding: 2px; background-color: mediumslateblue; border-radius: 2px;"); tagElement.appendChild(addElement); addElement.onclick = () => { if(!activeFilters.has(tag)) { activeFilters.add(tag); repaintMenu("add link -> onclick"); updateFilters(); } }; return tagElement; } function createFiltersMenu() { const filtersMenu = document.createElement("div"); const filtersLabel = document.createElement("div"); filtersLabel.innerHTML = "Only posts with one of these tags will be displayed:"; filtersMenu.appendChild(filtersLabel); if (activeFilters.size > 0) { activeFilters.forEach(tag => { filtersMenu.appendChild(createFilteredTagButton(tag, tagToArticles.get(tag).length)); }); } else { const noFilters = document.createElement("div"); noFilters.innerHTML = "No selection yet."; filtersMenu.appendChild(noFilters); } return filtersMenu; } function createTagOptionsMenu() { const tagOptionsMenu = document.createElement("div"); //------ Sub menu with the tags count const countLabelSubMenu = document.createElement("div"); const countLabelBefore = document.createElement("span"); countLabelBefore.innerHTML = "Only tags with at least "; const countLabelInput = document.createElement("input"); countLabelInput.setAttribute("type", "number"); countLabelInput.setAttribute("min", "1"); countLabelInput.setAttribute("max", "99"); countLabelInput.setAttribute("value", hidesCount); countLabelInput.onchange = () => { const newHidesCount = parseInt(countLabelInput.value); if (!isNaN(newHidesCount)) { hidesCount = newHidesCount; repaintMenu("input hides count -> onchange"); } }; const countLabelAfter = document.createElement("span"); countLabelAfter.innerHTML = " posts will be displayed."; countLabelSubMenu.appendChild(countLabelBefore); countLabelSubMenu.appendChild(countLabelInput); countLabelSubMenu.appendChild(countLabelAfter); tagOptionsMenu.appendChild(countLabelSubMenu); //------ Sub menu with the sorting const sortTagSubMenu = document.createElement("div"); sortTagSubMenu.setAttribute("style", "margin-top: 3px;"); const sortLabel = document.createElement("span"); sortLabel.innerHTML = "Sort tags by "; const sortInput = document.createElement("select"); sortInput.setAttribute("style", "height: inherit; padding: inherit; font-weight: normal; margin: 0; display: inline-block;"); const unsortedOpt = document.createElement("option"); unsortedOpt.innerHTML = "Unsorted"; unsortedOpt.setAttribute("value", "unsorted"); if (sorting === "unsorted") { unsortedOpt.setAttribute("selected", "true"); } sortInput.appendChild(unsortedOpt); const articlesCountOpt = document.createElement("option"); articlesCountOpt.innerHTML = "Articles count"; articlesCountOpt.setAttribute("value", "count"); if (sorting === "count") { articlesCountOpt.setAttribute("selected", "true"); } sortInput.appendChild(articlesCountOpt); const alphabeticOpt = document.createElement("option"); alphabeticOpt.innerHTML = "Alphabetic order"; alphabeticOpt.setAttribute("value", "alphabetic"); if (sorting === "alphabetic") { alphabeticOpt.setAttribute("selected", "true"); } sortInput.appendChild(alphabeticOpt); sortInput.onchange = () => { sorting = sortInput.value; repaintMenu("select sorting -> onchange"); }; sortTagSubMenu.appendChild(sortLabel); sortTagSubMenu.appendChild(sortInput); tagOptionsMenu.appendChild(sortTagSubMenu); //------ Sub menu for custom tags const manualAddSubMenu = document.createElement("div"); manualAddSubMenu.setAttribute("style", "margin-top: 3px;"); const addLabel = document.createElement("span"); addLabel.innerHTML = "Manually add a tag: "; const addTextInput = document.createElement("input"); addTextInput.setAttribute("type", "text"); addTextInput.setAttribute("style", "height: inherit; padding: inherit; display: inline; margin: inherit; width: 60px;"); const addButton = document.createElement("button"); addButton.innerHTML = "Add"; addButton.onclick = () => { if (addTextInput.value) { activeFilters.add(addTextInput.value); if(!tagToArticles.has(addTextInput.value)) { tagToArticles.set(addTextInput.value, []); } repaintMenu("add tag -> onclick"); updateFilters(); } } manualAddSubMenu.appendChild(addLabel); manualAddSubMenu.appendChild(addTextInput); manualAddSubMenu.appendChild(addButton); tagOptionsMenu.appendChild(manualAddSubMenu); //------ return tagOptionsMenu; } function createTagsMenu() { const tagsMenu = document.createElement("div"); const tagLabel = document.createElement("div"); tagLabel.innerHTML = "Tags discovered so far:"; tagsMenu.appendChild(tagLabel); const getSortedTags = () => { const tags = [ ... tagToArticles.keys() ]; switch(sorting) { case "unsorted": return tags; case "alphabetic": return tags.sort((t1, t2) => t1.toLocaleLowerCase().localeCompare(t2.toLocaleLowerCase())); case "count": return tags.sort((t1, t2) => tagToArticles.get(t2).length - tagToArticles.get(t1).length); default: return tags; } } getSortedTags().forEach(tag => { const count = tagToArticles.get(tag).length; if (count >= hidesCount) { tagsMenu.appendChild(createTagButton(tag, count)); } }); return tagsMenu; } function repaintMenu(caller) { cleanMenu(); // console.log("Repainting menu after call from ", caller); const menu = document.createElement("div"); menu.setAttribute("id", "tags_extra_menu"); menu.setAttribute("style", "position: fixed; right: calc(var(--main-margin) - 60px); top: 42px; bottom: 0px; overflow-y: scroll; width: 360px; margin: 10px; padding: 6px; background-color: white; z-index: 100;"); document.querySelector("#page").before(menu); menu.appendChild(createFiltersMenu()); menu.appendChild(document.createElement("hr")); menu.appendChild(createTagOptionsMenu()); menu.appendChild(document.createElement("hr")); menu.appendChild(createTagsMenu()); } function shouldHide(articleId) { if (activeFilters.size == 0) { return false; } const tags = articleToTags.get(articleId); let hide = true; tags.forEach(t => { if(activeFilters.has(t)) { hide = false; } }); return hide; } function updateFilters(delta) { const updateArticle = (articleId) => { const el = document.getElementById(articleId); if (shouldHide(articleId)) { el.setAttribute("style", "display: none"); } else { el.removeAttribute("style"); } } if (delta == undefined) { for (const articleId of articleToTags.keys()) { updateArticle(articleId); } } else { for (const articleId in delta) { updateArticle(articleId); } } } (function() { 'use strict'; console.log("9gag like filter activated!"); const addDelta = (newArticleToTags) => { for (const articleId in newArticleToTags) { if (!articleToTags.has(articleId)) { const tags = newArticleToTags[articleId]; articleToTags.set(articleId, tags); tags.forEach(tag => { if(tagToArticles.has(tag)) { tagToArticles.get(tag).push(articleId); } else { tagToArticles.set(tag, [articleId]); } }); } } repaintMenu("addDelta"); updateFilters(newArticleToTags); } // 9gag.com/u/<anything>/likes/ const likePage = /9gag\.com\/u\/\w*\/likes/; let isFilterActive = false; setInterval(() => { if (likePage.test(window.location.href)) { if (!isFilterActive) { console.log("Activating tag filter menu in /likes page"); isFilterActive = true; activeFilters = new Set(); tagToArticles = new Map(); articleToTags = new Map(); hidesCount = 1; sorting = "unsorted"; } } else { if (isFilterActive) { console.log("De-activating tag filter menu in /likes page"); isFilterActive = false; cleanMenu(); } } if (isFilterActive) { const newArticleToTags = getNewArticles(); if (Object.keys(newArticleToTags).length > 0) { addDelta(newArticleToTags); } } }, 500); })();