// ==UserScript== // @name ahhhhfs链接优化 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.17.1 // @description 优化页面跳转链接 // @author silvio27 // @match https://*.ahhhhfs.com/* // @match https://nsfw.abskoop.com/* // @icon  // @license GPL // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; if (location.href.includes("nsfw")) { let sections = document.getElementsByClassName("section") for (let i = 1; i < sections.length-1; i++) { sections[i].style.display = "none" } // removeByClassName("home-cat-nav-wrap") // removeByClassName("ripro_gg_wrap pc") } // removeByClassName("module posts-wrapper post-cms") // removeByClassName("section rizhuti_v2-widget-catbox-carousel") // removeByClassName("section rizhuti_v2-widget-division") // removeByClassName("col-lg-auto col-sm-12 home-cat-nav") // removeByClassName("col-lg col-sm-12") // removeByClassName() window.scroll(0,500) const removeOnCopy = function () { // 移除 "转载请注明来源,本文来自:" document.oncopy = function () { console.log("Remove oncopy") } } const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); wait(500).then(() => removeOnCopy()) // 移除 "转载请注明来源,本文来自:" window.onload = () => { removeOnCopy() } var pp = document.getElementsByTagName('p') for (let i of pp) { let ss = i.innerText //如有需要合并下面两个判断 if (ss.includes('文字和括号')) { let cnPattern = /\(删掉文字和括号(复制到){0,1}浏览打开\)/ let newText = ss.replaceAll(cnPattern, '') addLinkInPage(i, newText) } // 默认自动删除 if (ss.includes('表情')) { let emojiReg = /\uD83C[\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDE4F]|[\ud800-\udbff]|[\udc00-\udfff]/g; let newText = ss.replaceAll(emojiReg, '') addLinkInPage(i, newText, 1) } if (ss.includes('空格')){ let kongge = /[ ]/g; let newText = ss.replaceAll(kongge, '') addLinkInPage(i, newText, 1) } SetOpenLinkInSelf(i) } function addLinkInPage(html, text, autoClick = 0, color = 'gold') { html.innerHTML = text + '<br>' let temp_link = document.createElement("a"); let UrlPattern = /(http|magnet).+/ let hrefurl = text.match(UrlPattern) console.log(hrefurl[0]) temp_link.href = hrefurl[0]; temp_link.innerHTML = "点击:" + hrefurl[0]; temp_link.style.background = color html.appendChild(temp_link); if (autoClick) { temp_link.target = '_blank' temp_link.click() } } function SetOpenLinkInSelf(target) { let aTag = target.getElementsByTagName('a') for (let i of aTag) { i.target = '_self' } } // ===== Remove Unnecessary Element ===== function removeByClassName(className) { try { let item = document.getElementsByClassName(className) for (let i of item) { i.style.display = 'none' } } catch (err) { console.log(className + ':' + err.message) } return 'Done' } function removeById(idName) { try { let item = document.getElementById(idName) // item.style.display = 'none' item.remove() } catch (err) { console.log(idName + ':' + err.message) } return 'Done' } function removeParts(list, f) { for (let i of list) { f(i) } } let removeClassNames = ['site_abc_wrap top', 'site_abc_wrap bottum', 'sidebar-column', 'entry-navigation', 'related-posts', 'entry-share', 'footer-widget', 'footer-copyright', 'comment-respond', 'site-footer', 'ripro_gg_wrap', 'rollbar', 'module parallax', 'article-footer', 'article-copyright', 'related-posts-grid'] let removeIds = ['related_posts', 'jp-relatedposts'] // removeParts(removeClassNames, removeByClassName); // removeParts(removeIds, removeById); })();