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Add colors in RHPI holidays dashboard

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         RHPI+
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.0.0
// @description  Add colors in RHPI holidays dashboard
// @author       Victor Ros
// @match        https://*.com/webplace/ceg.jsp*
// @icon         https://img.icons8.com/color/512/sunbathe.png
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion:10 */
(async function() {
"use strict";
const log = (_msg, ..._args) => {
if (typeof _msg === "object") {
console.log("[RHPI+]", _msg, ..._args);
} else {
console.log(`[RHPI+] ${_msg}`, ..._args);
// Constants
const ABSENCES_REGEX = /Planning individuel des absences/; // Label to detect if script can be run
const EVTS = [
{label: "Congés payés", color: "#03a9f4"},
{label: "Jour de repos", color: "#ab47bc"},
{label: "Télétravail", color: "#ff9800"},
* Returns days with EVTs.
* In RHPI, there are 3 elements with class "planning_evt" per EVT.
* @returns {Set}
function findDaysWithEvts() {
log("Look for days with EVTs");
const daysEvts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("table.planning tr.planning_jour > td > table.planning_evt"));
return daysEvts.reduce((_acc, _elt, _idx) => {
const parentElt = _elt.parentElement;
if (!_acc.has(parentElt)) {
return _acc;
}, new Set());
* Get EVT kind based on title (the only data we have).
* @param {string} _title Title (tooltip).
* @returns {string} EVT kind.
function getEvtKind(_title) {
return EVTS.find((_evt) => _title.startsWith(_evt.label));
* Get EVTs infos for specific day.
* @param {HTMLElement} _dayEvts A day with EVTs.
* @returns {object} EVTs infos.
function getInfos(_dayEvts) {
const evts = Array.from(_dayEvts.querySelectorAll("table.planning_evt td[title]"));
const infos = evts.map((_evt) => {
return {
evt: _evt,
label: _evt.title,
onclick: _evt.onclick,
kind: getEvtKind(_evt.title),
return infos;
* Update colors.
* @param {object} _infos EVTs infos.
* @returns {void} Nothing.
function updateColors(_infos) {
_infos.forEach((_info) => {
_info.evt.style.backgroundColor = _info.kind?.color;
* Add EVT in legend.
* @param {string} _color Color to of the event.
* @param {string} _text Text to display.
* @returns {void} Nothing.
function addLegend(_color, _text) {
log(`Add ${_text} to legend!`);
const legendPanel = document.getElementById("planning_legende");
const brTabIndex = document.createElement("br");
brTabIndex.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
const spanTabIndex = document.createElement("span");
spanTabIndex.setAttribute("style", `background-color:${_color}`);
spanTabIndex.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
spanTabIndex.innerHTML = "   ";
const legend = document.createElement("span");
legend.innerHTML = ` ${_text}`;
const firstElt = document.getElementById("planning_legende").firstChild;
const emptySpan = document.createElement("span");
emptySpan.innerHTML = "  ";
legendPanel.insertBefore(brTabIndex, firstElt);
legendPanel.insertBefore(emptySpan, firstElt);
legendPanel.insertBefore(spanTabIndex, firstElt);
legendPanel.insertBefore(legend, firstElt);
legendPanel.insertBefore(brTabIndex.cloneNode(), firstElt);
* Update Legend.
* @returns {void} Nothing.
function updateLegend() {
log("Update legend...");
EVTS.forEach((_evt) => {
addLegend(_evt.color, _evt.label);
log("Legend updated!");
function run() {
const planning = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".planning"));
if (planning.length > 0) {
log("Start RHPI+ script!");
const daysEvts = findDaysWithEvts();
daysEvts.forEach((_dayEvts) => {
const infos = getInfos(_dayEvts);
log("Finish RHPI+ script!");
} else {
log("Not in Absences page.");