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YouTube - Livechat Emoji Fixes

Improves YouTube Livechat emoji menu performance by hiding non-membership/YouTuber-specific emoji categories; also hides annoying first-time-chat tooltip

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube - Livechat Emoji Fixes
// @namespace    https://gist.github.com/lbmaian/e2a60a4aa2c534c1575547a60711613a
// @version      0.4
// @description  Improves YouTube Livechat emoji menu performance by hiding non-membership/YouTuber-specific emoji categories; also hides annoying first-time-chat tooltip
// @author       lbmaian
// @match        https://www.youtube.com/live_chat*
// @icon         https://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico
// @run-at       document-end
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const logContext = '[YouTube - Livechat Emoji Fixes]';
const console = {
debug(...args) {
//window.console.debug(logContext, ...args); // uncomment to disable debugging
log(...args) {
window.console.log(logContext, ...args);
warn(...args) {
window.console.warn(logContext, ...args);
error(...args) {
window.console.error(logContext, ...args);
function waitForLiveChatMessageInput(callback, ...args) {
const eltMessageInput = document.getElementById('live-chat-message-input');
if (eltMessageInput) {
callback(eltMessageInput, ...args);
} else {
new MutationObserver((records, observer) => {
const eltMessageInput = document.getElementById('live-chat-message-input');
if (eltMessageInput) {
callback(eltMessageInput, ...args);
}).observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
function watchEmojiPickers(eltMessageInput) {
console.debug('#live-chat-message-input', eltMessageInput);
// Hack to remove the 'When you send a message, people will be able to see that you subscribe to this channel.' one-time tooltip whenever it pops up
const eltApp = eltMessageInput.closest('yt-live-chat-app');
console.debug('yt-live-chat-app', eltApp);
new MutationObserver((records, observer) => {
for (const record of records) {
for (const node of record.addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'tp-yt-iron-dropdown') {
console.debug('found tp-yt-iron-dropdown', node);
// Note: the 'When you send a message, people will be able to see that you subscribe to this channel.' hasn't been set yet,
// so we can't filter for that, so just filter out any tooltip (afaik, this is the only such tooltip anyway).
const eltTooltipRenderer = node.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild;
if (eltTooltipRenderer && eltTooltipRenderer.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'yt-tooltip-renderer') {
//observer.disconnect(); // not disconnecting in case more tooltips pop up
console.log('removing tooltip', eltTooltipRenderer);
}).observe(eltApp, {
childList: true,
//  yt-live-chat-app > div#contents > yt-live-chat-renderer > iron-pages#content-pages > div#chat-messages > div#contents (note: non-unique id)
//      div#ticker
//      div#chat
//          iframe#chatframe
//          ytd-message-renderer.ytd-live-chat-frame
//      iron-pages#panel-pages
// 	        div#input-panel                                                                 (message input)
// 	            yt-live-chat-message-input-renderer#live-chat-message-input>div#container   (always exists?)
//                  div#top > div#input-container > yt-live-chat-text-input-field-renderer#input
//                      div#input                                                           (text input; note: non-unique id)
//                      tp-yt-iron-dropdown#dropdown                                        (emoji dropdown when manually typing :...)
// 	                iron-pages#pickers>yt-emoji-picker-renderer#emoji                       (emoji picker)
//                      div#search-panel
// 	                    div#category-buttons                                                (emoji picker category buttons)
// 	                    div#categories-wrapper>div#categories                               (emoji picker categories)
// 	                        yt-emoji-picker-category-renderer                               (emoji picker category)
// 	                div#buttons
// 	                    div#picker-buttons>yt-live-chat-icon-toggle-button-renderer#emoji   (emoji picker toggle)
// 	        div#buy-flow                                                                    (superchat buying)
// 	            yt-live-chat-message-buy-flow-renderer                                      (only exists when buying superchats or milestone chats)
// 	                iron-pages>div#preview>div#message>div#pickers-container
// 	                    iron-pages#pickers>yt-emoji-picker-renderer#emoji                   (emoji picker - same as above)
// 	                    div#picker-buttons>yt-live-chat-icon-toggle-button-renderer#emoji   (emoji picker toggle - same as above)
watchEmojiPicker(eltMessageInput, true);
// Superchat emoji picker only exists when div#buy-flow is non-empty (its empty whenever not buying superchats or milestone chats),
// so need to watch for when it's added.
const eltBuyflow = document.getElementById('buy-flow');
console.debug('#buy-flow', eltBuyflow);
new MutationObserver((records, observer) => {
for (const record of records) {
for (const node of record.addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'yt-live-chat-message-buy-flow-renderer') {
const eltBuyflowRenderer = node;
console.debug('yt-live-chat-message-buy-flow-renderer', eltBuyflowRenderer);
watchEmojiPicker(eltBuyflowRenderer, false);
}).observe(eltBuyflow, {
childList: true,
function watchEmojiPicker(eltContainer, watchForCategoriesRemoval) {
// "categories" id isn't necessarily unique, so not using document.getElementById.
const eltCategories = eltContainer.querySelector('#categories');
// If chat is hidden, emoji categories won't be found.
if (!eltCategories) {
console.log('#categories not found - assuming chat is hidden');
console.log('watching #categories', eltCategories, 'in container', eltContainer);
// Keep only only members-only (class CATEGORY_TYPE_CUSTOM) and YouTube-specific (class CATEGORY_TYPE_GLOBAL) emojis.
let emojiClassesExist = false;
new MutationObserver((records, observer) => {
for (const record of records) {
for (const node of record.addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) { // element
for (const child of node.children) {
if (child.id === 'emoji') {
if (child.classList.contains('CATEGORY_TYPE_CUSTOM') || child.classList.contains('CATEGORY_TYPE_GLOBAL')) {
emojiClassesExist = true;
} else {
console.log('removing category', node);
// Legacy code in case the new classes don't exist: remove emoji categories that contain SVGs.
// This no longer works since emojis should now all be png natively, but code kept just in case.
if (!emojiClassesExist) {
const eltEmoji = child.firstElementChild;
if (eltEmoji && eltEmoji.src && eltEmoji.src.endsWith('svg')) {
console.log('removing category', node);
}).observe(eltCategories, {
childList: true,
if (watchForCategoriesRemoval) {
// When user joins membership, #categories is removed and refreshed, so need to rewatch emoji pickers.
// Specifically, the #live-chat-message-input container gets replaced within its parent #input-panel.
console.debug('watching for #categories removal up to', eltContainer.parentElement);
watchForElementRemoval(eltCategories, () => {
console.log('#categories', eltCategories, 'was removed - assuming it was refreshed');
// Should already be replaced, but if it's somehow not, will wait for it.
waitForLiveChatMessageInput(watchEmojiPicker, watchForCategoriesRemoval)
}, eltContainer.parentElement);
// Hide the category picker since there's only going to be 1 or 2 emoji categories. Also has non-unique id.
const eltCategoryButtons = eltContainer.querySelector('#category-buttons');
if (eltCategoryButtons) {
console.log('removed #category-buttons', eltCategoryButtons);
} else {
console.log('#category-buttons not found - ignoring');
// Unfortunately there's no direct way to watch for a target element being removed.
// The most performant way I've found so far is to recursively observe child removals for all the ancestors of the target up to root
// (as opposed to observing the whole subtree of the root for removals, which is much more expensive).
// When the target element is removed, given callback is called with (target, the ancestor that removed the subtree containing target).
// If the root already does not contain the target, logs an error and throws.
function watchForElementRemoval(target, callback, root) {
if (!root) {
root = target.ownerDocument;
if (!root.contains(target)) {
console.error('root', root, 'does not contain target', target);
throw new Error('root does not contain target');
if (root.nodeType === 9) { // document
root = root.documentElement;
const observer = new MutationObserver((records, observer) => {
// If root is document element, probably faster to check for target.isConnected (assuming that element hasn't been re-added)
// but following allows determining what exactly removed the element
for (const record of records) {
let found = false;
for (const node of record.removedNodes) {
if (node.contains(target)) {
console.debug('element', target, 'was removed via ancestor', record.target);
if (!found) {
found = true;
console.debug('all mutation records:', records);
callback(target, record.target);
const options = {
childList: true,
let element = target.parentNode; // don't observe the target (or rather, its children) itself
let end = root.parentNode; // ensure root is observed in following loop
while (element !== end) {
observer.observe(element, options);
element = element.parentNode;
// Workaround for any extensions where iframes that were document.write'd having its location inherit from the calling code's frame
// (e.g. if document.write called from either a script in parent frame or extension content script matching parent frame,
// then the iframe's location would be the same as parent frame's location).
const url = frameElement && frameElement.contentDocument?.URL === parent.document.URL ? frameElement.src || 'about:blank' : document.URL;
console.debug('url:', url);
if (url.startsWith('https://www.youtube.com/live_chat')) {