This script helps watching playlists. It tracks the last video from a playlist that you've watched on this computer.
// ==UserScript==// @name YouTube: playlists playback tracker// @namespace @homepageURL @supportURL @version 15// @description This script helps watching playlists. It tracks the last video from a playlist that you've watched on this computer.// @author Andrei Rybak// @license MIT// @match*// @match*&list=*// @icon @grant GM.setValue// @grant GM.getValue// @grant GM.listValues// @grant GM.deleteValue// @grant GM_addStyle// ==/UserScript==/** Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Andrei Rybak** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all* copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE* SOFTWARE.*//* jshint esversion: 6 */(async function() {'use strict';// never change -- used as part of IDs in storage in user's browserconst STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX = "YT_PL_TRACKER_";const STORAGE_KEY_VIDEO_SUFFIX = "_VIDEO";const STORAGE_KEY_DATE_SUFFIX = "_DATE";const STORAGE_KEY_VIDEO_INFO_SUFFIX = "_VIDEO_INFO";const OTHER_PLAYLISTS_LIST_ID = "YT_PL_TRACKER_OTHER_VIDEOS_LIST";const VIDEO_LINK_ID = 'YT_PL_TRACKER_LINK';// number of milliseconds to wait, until a video is considered "watched"const SAVE_DELAY = 60000;// hack to wait for necessary parts of the UI to load, in millisecondsconst YOUTUBE_UI_LOAD_DELAY = 2000;const WHITESPACE_REGEX = /\s+/gm;function error(...toLog) {console.error("[playlist tracker]", ...toLog);}function warn(...toLog) {console.warn("[playlist tracker]", ...toLog);}function log(...toLog) {console.log("[playlist tracker]", ...toLog);}function debug(...toLog) {console.debug("[playlist tracker]", ...toLog);}function getCurrentPlaylistId() {const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;return urlParams.get('list');}function getCurrentVideoId() {const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;return urlParams.get('v');}function videoStorageKey(id) {return STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + id + STORAGE_KEY_VIDEO_SUFFIX;}function infoStorageKey(id) {return STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + id + STORAGE_KEY_VIDEO_INFO_SUFFIX;}function cleanUpStr(s) {if (!s) {return "";}return s.replace(WHITESPACE_REGEX, ' ').trim();}async function loadInfo(id) {const infoKey = infoStorageKey(id);const s = await GM.getValue(infoKey);if (!s) {return null;}try {let res = JSON.parse(s);res.channelName = cleanUpStr(res.channelName);return res;} catch (e) {error(`Couldn't parse info for ${id} - ${infoKey}.`, e);return null;}}function dateStorageKey(id) {return STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX + id + STORAGE_KEY_DATE_SUFFIX;}function dateToString(d) {return d.toISOString().slice(0, "YYYY-MM-DD".length);}function videoInPlaylistUrl(videoId, listId) {return `${videoId}&list=${listId}`;}async function fallbackVideoTitle(videoId) {// fallback to finding the video title on the playlistlet links = document.querySelectorAll("#contents.ytd-playlist-video-list-renderer h3 a");if (!links) {return videoId;}for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {const link = links[i];if (link.href.includes(videoId)) {return link.title;}}return videoId;}function createLink(videoId, listId, date, videoTitle, channelName) {const newLink = document.createElement("a");newLink.href = videoInPlaylistUrl(videoId, listId);newLink.innerText = `"${videoTitle}" from ${channelName} (watched on ${date}).`; = `color: white;`;return newLink;}async function showStoredVideoLink(listId) {log("Showing stored video link...");if (!listId) {warn("Can't find parameter 'list' in the URL. Aborting.");return;}const maybeInfo = await loadInfo(listId);let maybeVideoId = maybeInfo?.id;if (!maybeVideoId) {maybeVideoId = await GM.getValue(videoStorageKey(listId));}if (!maybeVideoId) {log(`No video stored for list ${listId} yet.`);return;}const videoId = maybeVideoId;let dateStr = maybeInfo?.dateStr;if (!dateStr) {dateStr = await GM.getValue(dateStorageKey(listId));}log(`Showing stored video ${videoId} from date ${dateStr}. Waiting for ${YOUTUBE_UI_LOAD_DELAY} ms...`);async function doShow() { // stupid way of waiting until YouTube UI loadsconst headers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".metadata-buttons-wrapper, yt-flexible-actions-view-model")).filter(h => h.offsetParent !== null);if (headers.length === 0) {log("UI hasn't loaded yet for showing the video. Retrying...");setTimeout(doShow, YOUTUBE_UI_LOAD_DELAY);return;}const header = headers[0];// debug("HEADER", header);log("Starting actual HTML edit...");let videoTitle = maybeInfo?.title;if (!videoTitle) {videoTitle = await fallbackVideoTitle(videoId);}const channelName = maybeInfo?.channelName;const newLink = createLink(videoId, listId, dateStr, videoTitle, channelName); = VIDEO_LINK_ID;log("newLink =", newLink);const wrapper = document.createElement("span");wrapper.innerText = "Continue watching "; = 'white';wrapper.appendChild(newLink);header.appendChild(wrapper);log("HTML edit finished.");}doShow();}function getVideoTitle() {let s = document.querySelector('title')?.innerText;if (!s) {return "unknown title";}s = s.slice(0, -10); // cut of " - YouTube"return s;}function getVideoChannelName() {let res = document.querySelector("#below #above-the-fold #upload-info #channel-name")?.outerText;res = cleanUpStr(res);log(`Extracted channel name: '${res}'`);return res;}async function storeVideo() {const listId = getCurrentPlaylistId();const videoId = getCurrentVideoId();const videoTitle = getVideoTitle();const dateStr = dateToString(new Date());const channelName = getVideoChannelName();const info = {'id': videoId,'title': videoTitle,'dateStr': dateStr,'channelName': channelName};const infoToLog = JSON.stringify(info);log(`Storing ${infoToLog} as video for list ${listId}.`);await GM.setValue(infoStorageKey(listId), JSON.stringify(info));/** Yes, this is a dumb way of storing data, but I have to keep* storing dates separately for backwards compatibility.*/await GM.setValue(dateStorageKey(listId), dateStr);}function removePrefixSuffix(s, pref, suf) {return s.slice(pref.length, -suf.length);}async function forEachStoredVideo(f) {const keys = await GM.listValues();for (const key of keys) {/** Yes, this is a dumb way of storing data, but I have to keep* checking stored dates for backwards compatibility.*/if (!key.endsWith(STORAGE_KEY_DATE_SUFFIX)) {continue;}const dateKey = key;const dateStr = await GM.getValue(dateKey);const listId = removePrefixSuffix(dateKey, STORAGE_KEY_PREFIX, STORAGE_KEY_DATE_SUFFIX);const videoKey = videoStorageKey(listId);const infoKey = infoStorageKey(listId);if (!dateStr) {// clean up corrupted data, etcGM.deleteValue(dateKey);GM.deleteValue(videoKey);GM.deleteValue(infoKey);continue;}const info = await loadInfo(listId);let videoId = info?.id;if (!videoId) {videoId = await GM.getValue(videoKey);}try {f(listId, videoId, dateStr, info);} catch (e) {error(`Could not process ${key}: [${listId}, ${videoId}, ${dateStr}]`, e)}}}async function clearOldVideos() {const keys = await GM.listValues();log("Clearing old videos...");const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();forEachStoredVideo(async (listId, videoId, dateStr, info) => {const dateKey = dateStorageKey(listId);const videoKey = videoStorageKey(listId);const year = parseInt(dateStr.slice(0, "YYYY".length));log(`Checking ${dateKey} -> ${dateStr} -> ${year} -> ${listId}`);if (year < currentYear - 3) {const url = videoInPlaylistUrl(videoId, listId);log(`Deleting outdated list ${listId} -> ${url} on date ${dateStr}`);GM.deleteValue(dateKey);GM.deleteValue(videoKey);}});}async function showOtherPlaylists(currentListId) {const otherPlaylistsList = document.createElement('ul'); = OTHER_PLAYLISTS_LIST_ID;let items = [];// `await` to make sure that list `items` is populated before sortingawait forEachStoredVideo(async (listId, videoId, dateStr, info) => {const infoToLog = JSON.stringify(info);if (listId == currentListId) {log(`Skipping current ${listId} -> ${infoToLog}`);return;}log(`Listing ${listId} -> ${infoToLog}`);const li = document.createElement('li');const videoTitle = info?.title;const channelName = info?.channelName;const link = createLink(videoId, listId, dateStr, videoTitle ? videoTitle : videoId, channelName);li.appendChild(link);li.append(" "); // spacerconst deleteButton = document.createElement('a');deleteButton.innerText = "[x]";deleteButton.title = "Delete this video"; = `color: grey;`;deleteButton.href = "#";deleteButton.onclick = function(e) {e.preventDefault();const confirmed = window.confirm(`Are you sure you want to delete video "${videoTitle}" (${videoId}) from YouTube playlist playback tracker?`);if (!confirmed) {log(`Aborting deletion of "${videoTitle}" (${videoId}).`);return;}log(`Deleting "${videoTitle}" (${videoId}) from tracker...`);const dateKey = dateStorageKey(listId);const videoKey = videoStorageKey(listId);const infoKey = infoStorageKey(listId);GM.deleteValue(dateKey);GM.deleteValue(videoKey);GM.deleteValue(infoKey);otherPlaylistsList.removeChild(li);log(`Video "${videoTitle}" (${videoId}) was deleted.`);};li.appendChild(deleteButton);items.push({"dateStr": dateStr,"li": li});});items.sort((a, b) => {// reverse order, so most recently viewed is on topreturn a.dateStr < b.dateStr ? 1 : -1;});function doShow() {const playlistHeaders = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('ytd-playlist-header-renderer, yt-page-header-view-model .page-header-view-model-wiz__page-header-content')).filter(h => h.offsetParent !== null);if (playlistHeaders.length === 0) {log("UI hasn't loaded yet for showing other playlists. Retrying...");setTimeout(doShow, YOUTUBE_UI_LOAD_DELAY);return;}GM_addStyle(`#${OTHER_PLAYLISTS_LIST_ID} a {text-decoration: none;}#${OTHER_PLAYLISTS_LIST_ID} a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}#${OTHER_PLAYLISTS_LIST_ID} {list-style-type: disclosure-closed;list-style-position: inside;}#${OTHER_PLAYLISTS_LIST_ID} li {padding: initial;}#${OTHER_PLAYLISTS_LIST_ID} li::marker {font-size: initial;color: white;}#${OTHER_PLAYLISTS_LIST_ID} {color: white;}`);log("Showing", items.length, "videos");for (const item of items) {otherPlaylistsList.appendChild(;}const otherHeader = document.createElement('span'); = "font-size: large; color: white;";otherHeader.innerText = "Other playlists";const playlistHeader = playlistHeaders[0];// debug('PHEADER', playlistHeader);playlistHeader.appendChild(otherHeader);playlistHeader.appendChild(otherPlaylistsList);}doShow();}log("document.location.pathname =", document.location.pathname);let timeoutId = -1;function cancelPreviousTimeout() {if (timeoutId > 0) {clearTimeout(timeoutId);}}async function processPlaylistPage() {const listId = getCurrentPlaylistId();if (!listId) {return;}showStoredVideoLink(listId);showOtherPlaylists(listId);}async function processWatchPage() {if (!getCurrentPlaylistId() || !getCurrentVideoId()) {return;}cancelPreviousTimeout();// only store a video after it was watched for a minute (for debugging only 2-5 seconds)timeoutId = setTimeout(storeVideo, SAVE_DELAY);}async function processPage() {if (document.location.pathname == "/playlist") {processPlaylistPage();}if (document.location.pathname == "/watch") {processWatchPage();}}await processPage();setTimeout(clearOldVideos, 2 * SAVE_DELAY);let currentVideoId = getCurrentVideoId();// set up an observer to detect playlist autoplay and next/prev clickingconst observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {const maybeNewVideoId = getCurrentVideoId();log('Mutation to', maybeNewVideoId);if (maybeNewVideoId !== currentVideoId) {currentVideoId = maybeNewVideoId;log('MutationObserver: video has changed:', document.location.href);processPage();return;}if (document.getElementById(VIDEO_LINK_ID)?.offsetParent === null) {log('MutationObserver: UI has not loaded properly.');processPage();return;}});// using <title> as a hack -- there's no good reliable way to detect fancy "on-the-fly" page reloadsobserver.observe(document.querySelector('title'), { subtree: true, characterData: true, childList: true });log("Waiting for async parts to complete...");})();