LMS Attendance Helper

This is a helper script that enhances the attendance tracking process for teachers when taking Attendance with Jain University's LMS. With just a click, you can mark students as present or absent directly from a table view. This script provides an interactive overlay that displays a grid of student USNs. Simply click on the box to toggle their attendance status, making the process quick and efficient.
- Intuitive and user-friendly interface for marking attendance
- Dynamically generates a grid of student names from an existing table
- Supports sorting and ordering of student names
- Highlights the attendance status with visually appealing colors
- Real-time updates to the underlying table data
- Easy installation and compatibility with Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey
- Install a userscript manager like TamperMonkey or ViolentMonkey.
- Install the Attendance Helper script by clicking here.
- Navigate to the teacher's attendance page in the LMS.
- The 'Start Taking Attendance' Button will appear. Click on it to begin.
- To close the overlay, click the "Close" button at the bottom.
- Compatible with modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
- Requires a userscript manager like Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey
- This script is made to simplify the process of taking attendance just for the teachers.

Feedback and Bug Reports:
If you have any feedback, suggestions, or encounter any issues while using the Attendance Marker script, please submit an issue on GitHub.
This script is released under the MIT License.