Monitor replies to your Hacker News posts
// ==UserScript== // @name Hacker News Thread Replies Monitor // @version 0.10 // @description Monitor replies to your Hacker News posts // @license WTFPL // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @namespace // ==/UserScript== (async function () { "use strict"; function parseDoc(doc) { const threads = new Map(); for (const el of doc.querySelectorAll(".athing.comtr")) { const parentEl = []".navs a"), (el) => el.textContent == "parent"); const id = parseInt(, 10); threads.set(id, { id, age: new Date(el.querySelector(".age").getAttribute("title")), author: el.querySelector(".hnuser").textContent, parentId: parentEl != null ? parseInt(parentEl .getAttribute("href") .replace(/^(item\?id=|#)/, ""), 10) : null, text: el.querySelector(".commtext"), }); } return threads; } async function fetchThreadsDoc(userId) { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(await (await fetch(`${userId}`)).text(), "text/html"); } function gatherUserReplies(userId, threads) { const replyIds = new Map(); for (const [_, comment] of threads) { if (comment.parentId == null) { continue; } const parentComment = threads.get(comment.parentId); if (parentComment == null) { continue; } if ( != userId) { continue; } if (!replyIds.has( { replyIds.set(, new Set()); } replyIds.get(; } return replyIds; } const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = "hn-thread-monitor"; function loadUnreadState() { const item = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); if (item == null) { return new Map(); } return new Map(JSON.parse(item).map(([id, childStates]) => [ id, new Map(childStates), ])); } function saveUnreadState(state) { localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(Array.from(state).map(([id, childStates]) => [ id, Array.from(childStates), ]))); } function updateUnreadState(unreadState, replies) { for (const [id, childrenIds] of replies) { const childUnreadState = unreadState.get(id); // Everything is new! if (childUnreadState == null) { unreadState.set(id, new Map([...childrenIds].map((childId) => [childId, true]))); continue; } // Only some things are new, so let's copy them over. for (const childId of childrenIds) { if (!childUnreadState.has(childId)) { childUnreadState.set(childId, true); } } } } function markPostsRead(unreadState, posts) { for (const [_, childUnreadState] of unreadState) { for (const [childId, _] of childUnreadState) { if (!posts.has(childId)) { continue; } childUnreadState.set(childId, false); } } } function countUnread(unreadState) { let n = 0; for (const [_, childUnreadState] of unreadState) { for (const [_, unread] of childUnreadState) { if (!unread) { continue; } ++n; } } return n; } function sleep(ms, abortSignal) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const id = setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, ms); if (abortSignal) { abortSignal.addEventListener("abort", () => { clearTimeout(id); reject(abortSignal.reason); }); } }); } class Monitor { static SLEEP_INTERVAL_MS = 30 * 1000; me; document; abortController; el; constructor(me, document) { = me; this.document = document; this.abortController = new AbortController(); this.el = document.createElement("span"); = "0 0.5em"; const linkEl = this.document.querySelector('a[href^="threads?id"]'); linkEl.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(" ")); linkEl.appendChild(this.el); this.updateEl(countUnread(loadUnreadState())); } async start() { while (true) { try { await sleep(Monitor.SLEEP_INTERVAL_MS, this.abortController.signal); } catch (e) { break; } try { await this.updateOnce(false); } catch (e) { } } } stop() { this.abortController.abort(); this.abortController = new AbortController(); } updateEl(count) { this.el.innerText = count != null ? count.toString() : "?"; = count != null && count > 0 ? "#ffffaa" : "#828282"; } async updateOnce(markRead) { const unreadState = loadUnreadState(); const threads = parseDoc(await fetchThreadsDoc(; const replies = gatherUserReplies(, threads); updateUnreadState(unreadState, replies); if (markRead) { markPostsRead(unreadState, parseDoc(this.document)); } saveUnreadState(unreadState); this.updateEl(countUnread(unreadState)); } } const me = document.getElementById("me").textContent; const monitor = new Monitor(me, document); await monitor.updateOnce(true); document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", async () => { switch (document.visibilityState) { case "visible": { monitor.start(); break; } case "hidden": { monitor.stop(); break; } } }); monitor.start(); })();