View the HTML source code of any online web page. (use the Tampermonkey Command Menu)
// ==UserScript== // @version // @name Source Viewer // @name:de Seitenquelltext anzeigen // @description View the HTML source code of any online web page. (use the Tampermonkey Command Menu) // @description:de Schauen Sie sich den Seitenquelltext von jeder beliebigen Website an. // @author JAS1998 // @copyright 2019+ , JAS1998 ( // @namespace // @supportURL // @license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0; // @noframes // @compatible Chrome tested with Tampermonkey // @contributionURL // @contributionAmount €1.00 // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_notification // @match *://*/* // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 9 */ GM_registerMenuCommand("Donate now 🎁", function () { alert("Hello, I'm JAS1998\nand i wrote this script as a hobby\nYou have been using this script for some time, if you find it useful, i would appreciate a small donation! =)"); window.location=""; }); GM_registerMenuCommand("view-source:" + window.location, function () { if (GM_info.script.copyright.includes(GM_info.script.namespace)) { var source = "<html>"; source += document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML; source += "</html>"; source = source.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">"); source = "<pre>" + source + "</pre>"; var sourceWindow =; sourceWindow.document.write(source); sourceWindow.document.close(); if (window.focus) sourceWindow.focus(); } else { alert("Please install the Orginal Version"); location.href = GM_info.script.supportURL.replace("feedback", ""); } }); // ==============