These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
fix: YouTube, Github; feat: Reddit
fix(ytb2bili): 图标又失效
fix(github2gitee): Policy with name default already exists.
fix(ytb2bili): 图标失效, 播放组件在切换视频(不刷新网页)后失效
fix (g2bd): Gmail & Images; feat (g2bd): 备案号 & 今日运势.
fix (g2bd): Gmail & Images; feat (g2bd): footbar & Signin.
fix: Twitter new UI; feat: Twitter loading logo
fix: 暗色模式下图片有白色背景
feat: 播放页侧栏 (来自反馈)
修复 bug, 增加 feature.
适配新版 GitHub
feat: google images; fix: link color in dark mode; fix: youtube notification;
fix: 无法通过部分##对 @match 的检查
refactor code, increase robustness.
feat: steam