Uses ticket type and description to generate a branch name
// ==UserScript== // @name Get Branch Name // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @description Uses ticket type and description to generate a branch name // @author // @match* // @icon // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const getTitle = () => document .querySelector('[data-test-id=""]') .textContent .trim() // Remove common branch prefixes .replaceAll(/\[US\]|(FE|BE) \- /g, '') // Replace invalid branch characters with '_' .replaceAll(/[ "'&:]+/g, '_') // Replace regex special characters separate so the other regexs are easier to grok .replaceAll(/[/\-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]+/g, '_') // Compress repeated '_' .replaceAll(/_+/g, '_') // Trim trailing '_' .replaceAll(/^_*([^_].*[^_])_*$/g, '$1') .toLowerCase(); function getPrefix() { const ticketType = document .querySelector('[data-testid=""] img') .getAttribute("alt") console.log(ticketType); switch (ticketType) { case 'Bug': case 'Escalation': case 'QA Test Bugs': case 'QA Test Bug (Sub Task)': // this should probably match the parent ticket return 'fix'; case 'Task': case 'Spike': return 'chore'; case 'Story': case 'Sub-task': case 'New Feature': default: return 'feature'; } } const getIssueId = () => document .querySelector('[data-testid=""]') .textContent; const getBranch = () => `${getPrefix()}/${getIssueId()}_${getTitle()}`; function init() { addStyles() if (document.getElementById('cg-copy-branch-name')) return; window.getBranch = getBranch; window.init = init; const createCommitElem = document .querySelector('[data-testid="development-summary-branch.ui.summary-item"]') if (!createCommitElem) return; const devContainer = createCommitElem.parentElement; const copyBranchNameBtn = document.createElement('div'); copyBranchNameBtn.setAttribute('id', 'cg-copy-branch-name') copyBranchNameBtn.innerHTML = `<span>Copy branch name</span>`; copyBranchNameBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { const branchName = getBranch(); console.log(branchName) navigator.clipboard.writeText(branchName); }) devContainer.insertBefore(copyBranchNameBtn, createCommitElem) } function addStyles() { const existing = document.querySelector('#cg-style-copy-branch'); if (existing) return; console.log("adding custom styles"); const styleElem = document.createElement('style'); styleElem.setAttribute('id', 'cg-style-copy-branch') styleElem.innerHTML = ` #cg-copy-branch-name { color: var(--ds-link, #0052CC) !important; font-weight: 500; height: 32px; display: flex; align-items: center; margin: 2px -8px 0px; width: 100%; max-width: 150px; cursor: pointer; padding-left: 32px; } #cg-copy-branch-name:hover { background-color: var(--ds-background-neutral-subtle-hovered,#EBECF0); border-radius: 3px; } ` const head = document.querySelector('head'); head.append(styleElem); } setInterval(() => { init(); }, 250) })();