// ==UserScript== // @name:zh-CN 鉴赏家小工具 // @name Curator_Tools // @namespace https://blog.chrxw.com // @supportURL https://blog.chrxw.com/scripts.html // @contributionURL https://afdian.com/@chr233 // @version 1.10 // @description 添加删除按钮 // @description:zh-CN 添加删除按钮 // @author Chr_ // @include https://store.steampowered.com/curator/* // @license AGPL-3.0 // @icon https://blog.chrxw.com/favicon.ico // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== // 初始化 (() => { "use strict"; const eleContailer = document.getElementById("subpage_container"); if (eleContailer) { const observer = new MutationObserver(onPageLoad); observer.observe(eleContailer, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } let lastPathname = ""; let lastCount = 0; let t = 0; function onPageLoad() { if (lastPathname == location.pathname) { return; } lastPathname = location.pathname; if (t !== 0) { clearInterval(t); t = 0; } if (location.pathname.includes("admin/review_create")) { injectReviewCreate(); } else if (location.pathname.includes("admin/stats")) { injectStats(); } } onPageLoad(); function genBtn(text, cls, foo) { const btn = document.createElement("button"); btn.textContent = text; btn.className = cls; btn.addEventListener("click", foo); return btn; } function genA(url) { const a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; a.target = "_blank"; return a; } function genDiv(cls) { const div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = cls; return div; } function genSpan(name) { const span = document.createElement("span"); span.textContent = name; return span; } function injectReviewCreate() { const [_, curator, appid] = lastPathname.match( /\/curator\/([^\/]+)\/admin\/review_create\/?(\d+)?/ ) ?? [null, null, null]; if (curator) { const btnArea = document.querySelector("div.titleframe"); if (appid) { const btn = genBtn( "删除该评测", "ct_btn", async () => await deleteReview(curator, appid) ); btnArea.appendChild(btn); const link = genA(`https://store.steampowered.com/app/${appid}`); const btn2 = genBtn("商店页", "ct_btn"); link.appendChild(btn2); btnArea.appendChild(link); } else { const appSuggest = document.querySelector("#app_suggest_id"); const reviewType = document.querySelector('textarea[name="blurb"]'); if (appSuggest && reviewType) { let suggestAppId = null; const btn = genBtn("编辑原先的评测", "ct_btn"); const link = genA("#"); link.appendChild(btn); btnArea.appendChild(link); const btn2 = genBtn( "删除原先的评测", "ct_btn", async () => await deleteReview(curator, suggestAppId) ); btnArea.appendChild(btn2); const link3 = genA("#"); const btn3 = genBtn("商店页", "ct_btn"); link3.appendChild(btn3); btnArea.appendChild(link3); const spStatus = genSpan("test"); btnArea.appendChild(spStatus); t = setInterval(() => { if (appSuggest.value !== suggestAppId) { suggestAppId = appSuggest.value; btn.disabled = true; btn2.disabled = true; link.href = "#"; if (suggestAppId) { spStatus.textContent = "正在获取评测内容"; getReviewText(curator, suggestAppId) .then((text) => { if (text) { spStatus.textContent = "读取完成"; reviewType.value = text; btn.disabled = false; btn2.disabled = false; link.href = `https://store.steampowered.com/curator/${curator}/admin/review_create/${suggestAppId}`; } else { spStatus.textContent = "未写过评测"; } }) .catch((e) => { spStatus.textContent = "读取失败"; console.error(e); }); link3.href = `https://store.steampowered.com/app/${suggestAppId}`; btn3.disabled = false; } else { spStatus.textContent = "未选择游戏"; link3.href = "#"; btn3.disabled = true; } } }, 500); } } } } function injectStats() { injectBtn(); injectGotoBtn(); lastCount = document.querySelectorAll( "#RecentReferralsRows td>.ct_div,#TopReferralsRows td>.ct_div" ).length; const spanList = document.querySelectorAll( "#RecentReferrals_controls>span,#RecentReferrals_controls>span>span,#TopReferrals_controls>span,#TopReferrals_controls>span>span" ); for (let span of spanList) { span.addEventListener("click", updateInjectBtn); } } // 删除评测 async function deleteReview(curator, appid, ele = null) { ShowConfirmDialog("", "真的要删除这篇评测吗", "给我删", "手滑了").done( () => { fetch( `https://store.steampowered.com/curator/${curator}/admin/ajaxdeletereview/`, { method: "POST", credentials: "include", body: `appid=${appid}&sessionid=${g_sessionID}`, headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", }, } ) .then(async (response) => { if (response.ok) { showAlert("删除成功", true); setTimeout(() => { if (location.pathname.includes("review_create")) { if (location.pathname.includes(appid)) { location.pathname = `/curator/${curator}/admin/reviews_manage`; } } else { if (ele) { ele.style.opacity = "0.5"; } } }, 500); } else { showAlert("删除失败", false); } }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); showAlert(`删除出错 ${err}`, false); }); } ); } function updateInjectBtn() { const t = setInterval(() => { const count = document.querySelectorAll( "#RecentReferralsRows td>.ct_div,#TopReferralsRows td>.ct_div" ).length; if (count != lastCount) { clearInterval(t); injectBtn(); lastCount = document.querySelectorAll( "#RecentReferralsRows td>.ct_div,#TopReferralsRows td>.ct_div" ).length; } }, 500); } function injectBtn() { const tdList = document.querySelectorAll( "#RecentReferralsRows>table>tbody>tr>td:last-child,#TopReferralsRows>table>tbody>tr>td:last-child" ); for (let td of tdList) { const a = td.childNodes[0]; if (a.nodeName !== "A") { continue; } const div = genDiv("ct_div"); div.appendChild(a); td.appendChild(div); const [_, curator, appid] = a.href.match( /\/curator\/([^\/]+)\/admin\/review_create\/(\d+)/ ) ?? [null, null, null]; if (curator !== null && appid !== null) { const btn = genBtn("删", "ct_btn", async () => deleteReview(curator, appid, td.parentNode) ); div.appendChild(btn); getReviewType(curator, appid).then((type) => { let text = ""; let color = "#fff"; switch (type) { case 0: text = "推荐"; color = "#a9be7b"; break; case 1: text = "不推荐"; color = "#9e2a22"; break; case 2: text = "情报"; color = "#ecd452"; break; default: text = "错误"; color = "#d3ccd6"; break; } const span = genSpan(text); span.style.color = color; td.insertBefore(span, td.childNodes[0]); }); } } } function injectGotoBtn() { const recentController = new CAjaxPagingControls( g_RecentReferralsPagingData, g_RecentReferralsPagingData["url"] ); const recentCtn = document.querySelector( "#RecentReferrals_ctn > div:nth-child(2)" ); recentCtn.appendChild( genBtn("跳转到...", "ct_btn2", () => { gotoPage(recentController); }) ); const topController = new CAjaxPagingControls( g_TopReferralsPagingData, g_TopReferralsPagingData["url"] ); const topCtn = document.querySelector( "#TopReferrals_ctn > div:nth-child(2)" ); topCtn.appendChild( genBtn("跳转到...", "ct_btn2", () => { gotoPage(topController); }) ); } function gotoPage(controller) { const dialog = ShowPromptDialog("请输入页码", "", "跳转", "取消"); dialog.done((txt) => { const page = parseInt(txt); if (page !== page || page < 1) { showAlert("请输入有效数字", false); return; } controller.GoToPage(page - 1, true); updateInjectBtn(); }); dialog.fail(() => { dialog.Dismiss(); }); } function showAlert(text, succ = true) { return ShowAlertDialog(`${succ ? "✅" : "❌"}`, text); } //获取评测类型 function getReviewType(curatorId, appId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch( `https://store.steampowered.com/curator/${curatorId}/admin/review_create/${appId}`, { method: "GET", credentials: "include", } ) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.text(); } else { resolve(-2); } }) .then((data) => { const match = data.match( /"recommendation_state" value="(\d)" checked/ ); if (match) { resolve(parseInt(match[1])); } else { resolve(-1); } }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); resolve(-3); }); }); } //获取写过的评测 function getReviewText(curatorId, appId) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch( `https://store.steampowered.com/curator/${curatorId}/admin/review_create/${appId}`, { method: "GET", credentials: "include", } ) .then((response) => { if (response.ok) { return response.text(); } else { resolve(-2); } }) .then((data) => { const parser = new DOMParser(); const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(data, "text/html"); const match = xmlDoc.querySelector('textarea[name="blurb"]'); if (match) { resolve(match.value); } else { resolve(-1); } }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); resolve(-3); }); }); } })(); GM_addStyle(` .ct_btn { padding: 3px; margin-right: 10px; } .ct_btn2 { padding: 0 3px; margin-right: 10px; } td { height: 100%; } .ct_div { display: flex; align-content: center; align-items: center; height: 25px; width: 40px; } tr > td > .ct_div > .ct_btn { display: none; } tr:hover > td > .ct_div > .ct_btn { display: block; } `);