Tracks useful skilling stats in Ironwood RPG
// ==UserScript== // @name Ironwood Tracker // @namespace // @version 1.0.4 // @description Tracks useful skilling stats in Ironwood RPG // @author Des#2327 // @match* // @icon // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURATION - EDIT THESE TO YOUR LIKING! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //Polling intervals const timeInterval = 3 * 1000; // Default 3*1000 = 3 seconds, this is the time between stat box refreshes. Probably no real downside to going lower but it doesn't look as nice. const soundInterval = 20 * 1000 // Default 20*1000 = 20 seconds, this is the time between sound alerts when idling/inactive or getting a rare drop //Alert sound URLs const rareDropSound = new Audio(""); const idleSound = new Audio(""); const claimSound = new Audio(''); //Alert volumes rareDropSound.volume = 1; //Default 1, Use a decimal like .8 for quieter alert sound idleSound.volume = 1; //Default 1, Use a decimal like .8 for quieter alert sound claimSound.volume = 1; //Default 1, Use a decimal like .8 for quieter alert sound /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT EDIT BELOW! DO NOT EDIT BELOW! DO NOT EDIT BELOW! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //Variables you should not change yet var boxToggleState = true; // Default true makes the stat box display on pageload, false would keep it hidden on startup but is not yet implemented properly var boxSettingsToggleState = false; // Default false keeps the settings page hidden on pageload, true would show settings box on startup but is not yet properly implemented var boxFunStuffToggleState = false; var isRunning = false; // Tracker requires manual click to start as there is not yet functionality for checking if the page is fully loaded before starting //Local storage variables for settings var rareAlert; var idleAlert; let claimAlert; //Get settings values from local storage (async () => { rareAlert = await GM.getValue('rareAlert', false); idleAlert = await GM.getValue('idleAlert', false); claimAlert = await GM.getValue('claimAlert', false); if (rareAlert == true) { rareAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; } else { rareAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; } if (idleAlert == true) { idleAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; } else { idleAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; } if (claimAlert) { claimAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; } else { claimAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; } })(); //Messages to display const loadingText = 'Loading...'; const startingText = 'Press ↺ to start tracking'; const redirectText = 'Tracking progress is saved in the background.<br>Return to the tracked skill page to view details.'; const unavailableText = 'This page cannot be tracked.<br>Please try another.'; const gatherPages = ['Woodcutting', 'Mining', 'Farming', 'Fishing', 'Thieving']; const craftPages = ['Smelting', 'Smithing', 'Forging', 'Alchemy', 'Cooking']; const combatPages = ['One-handed', 'Two-handed', 'Ranged', 'Defense']; const blacklistedPages = ['Inventory', 'Equipment', 'House', 'Merchant', 'Market', 'Daily Quests', 'Quest Shop', 'Leaderboards', 'Changelog', 'Settings', 'Discord', 'Reddit', 'Patreon', 'Rules', 'Terms of Use', 'Privacy Policy', 'Guild']; const boneList = ['Bone', 'Medium Bone', 'Large Bone', 'Giant Bone', 'Fang', 'Medium Fang', 'Large Fang']; const rareList = ['Blueprint', 'Ring', 'Amulet', 'Rune', 'Off-hand', 'Map']; const combatPotionList = ['Combat XP Potion', 'Super Combat XP Potion', 'Divine Combat XP Potion', 'Combat Loot Potion', 'Super Combat Loot Potion', 'Divine Combat Loot Potion', 'Health Potion', 'Super Health Potion', 'Divine Health Potion']; const gatheringPotionList = ['Gather Level Potion', 'Super Gather Level Potion', 'Divine Gather Level Potion', 'Gather XP Potion', 'Super Gather XP Potion', 'Divine Gather XP Potion', 'Gather Yield Potion', 'Super Gather Yield Potion', 'Divine Gather Yield Potion']; const craftingPotionList = ['Craft Level Potion', 'Super Craft Level Potion', 'Divine Craft Level Potion', 'Craft XP Potion', 'Super Craft XP Potion', 'Divine Craft XP Potion', 'Preservation Potion', 'Super Preservation Potion', 'Divine Preservation Potion']; const milestones = new Map([ //Level : Total XP Required [10, 3794], [25, 93750], [40, 485725], [55, 1480644], [70, 3443692], [85, 6794343], [100, 12000000] ]); const cardList = document.getElementsByClassName('card'); const trackerComponent = document.getElementsByTagName("tracker-component"); //Variables used by tracker var hasRun = false; var hasPlayed = false; var notifStatus = false; var soundStorage = 0; const trackedSkill = { name: '', startingXp: 0, currentXp: 0, startingFood: 0, currentFood: 0, startingCombatPotions: 0, currentCombatPotions: 0, startingGatheringPotions: 0, currentGatheringPotions: 0, startingCraftingPotions: 0, currentCraftingPotions: 0, startingArrows: 0, currentArrows: 0, startingCoins: 0, currentCoins: 0, startingKills: 0, currentKills: 0, startingDust: 0, currentDust: 0, startingDrops: 0, currentDrops: 0, currentLevel: 0, currentLevelXP: 0, nextLevelXP: 0, startTime: new Date(), coinsInitialized: false, bonesInitialized: false, potsInitialized: false, dustInitialized: false, reset: function () { = ''; this.startingXp = 0; this.currentXp = 0; this.startingFood = 0; this.currentFood = 0; this.startingCombatPotions = 0; this.currentCombatPotions = 0; this.startingGatheringPotions = 0; this.currentGatheringPotions = 0; this.startingCraftingPotions = 0; this.currentCraftingPotions = 0; this.startingArrows = 0; this.currentArrows = 0; this.startingCoins = 0; this.currentCoins = 0; this.startingKills = 0; this.currentKills = 0; this.currentDust = 0; this.startingDust = 0; this.startingDrops = 0; this.currentDrops = 0; this.currentLevel = 0; this.currentLevelXP = 0; this.nextLevelXP = 0; this.startTime = new Date(); this.coinsInitialized = false; this.bonesInitialized = false; this.potsInitialized = false; this.dustInitialized = false; } }; //Main Flexbox var trackerWindow = document.createElement('div'); trackerWindow.className = 'trackerWindow'; document.body.appendChild(trackerWindow); //Dynamically create number of flexbox columns var column = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { column[i] = document.createElement('div'); column[i].className = 'trackerColumn trackerColumn' + i; } //Show first column by default trackerWindow.appendChild(column[1]); //Title (header) for settings box var titleSettingsBox = document.createElement('div'); var settingsHeaderLeft = document.createElement('div'); var settingsHeaderRight = document.createElement('div'); titleSettingsBox.className = 'trackerHeader'; settingsHeaderLeft.className = 'flexItemLeft'; settingsHeaderRight.className = 'flexItemRight'; settingsHeaderLeft.innerHTML = 'Settings' settingsHeaderRight.innerHTML = 'v' + GM_info.script.version; column[2].appendChild(titleSettingsBox); titleSettingsBox.appendChild(settingsHeaderLeft); titleSettingsBox.appendChild(settingsHeaderRight); //Title (header) for stat box var titleStatsBox = document.createElement('div'); var statsHeaderLeft = document.createElement('div'); var statsHeaderCenter = document.createElement('div'); var statsHeaderRight = document.createElement('div'); titleStatsBox.className = 'trackerHeader'; statsHeaderLeft.className = 'flexItemLeft trackerIcon'; statsHeaderRight.className = 'flexItemRight'; statsHeaderCenter.className = 'flexItemCenter'; column[1].appendChild(titleStatsBox); titleStatsBox.appendChild(statsHeaderLeft); titleStatsBox.appendChild(statsHeaderCenter); titleStatsBox.appendChild(statsHeaderRight); //Title (header) for history box var titleHistoryBox = document.createElement('div'); var historyHeaderLeft = document.createElement('div'); var historyHeaderCenter = document.createElement('div'); var historyHeaderRight = document.createElement('div'); historyHeaderLeft.className = 'flexItemLeft trackerIcon'; historyHeaderRight.className = 'flexItemRight'; historyHeaderCenter.className = 'flexItemCenter'; titleHistoryBox.className = 'trackerHeader'; historyHeaderLeft.innerHTML = 'History'; column[3].appendChild(titleHistoryBox); titleHistoryBox.appendChild(historyHeaderLeft); titleHistoryBox.appendChild(historyHeaderCenter); titleHistoryBox.appendChild(historyHeaderRight); //Box for tracked stats var trackerStatBox = document.createElement('div'); trackerStatBox.className = 'trackerStatBox'; column[1].appendChild(trackerStatBox); //Box for messages var messageBox = document.createElement('div'); messageBox.className = 'messageBox'; column[1].appendChild(messageBox); //Box for notif messages var notifBox = document.createElement('div'); notifBox.className = "trackerNotifBox"; notifBox.innerText = 'Rare drop! Click to dismiss.'; notifBox.addEventListener("click", function () { dismissAlert(); }); //Box for history var trackerHistoryBox = document.createElement('div'); trackerHistoryBox.className = 'trackerStatBox'; trackerHistoryBox.innterHTML = 'History'; column[3].appendChild(trackerHistoryBox); //Button to toggle rare drop sound alerts var rareAlertButton = document.createElement('div'); if (rareAlert == true) { rareAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; } else { rareAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; } rareAlertButton.title = 'Toggle repeated sound notifications when a rare item is found'; rareAlertButton.innerHTML = 'Rare drop sound'; rareAlertButton.addEventListener("click", function () { toggleRareAlert(); }); column[2].append(rareAlertButton); //Button to toggle idle sound alerts var idleAlertButton = document.createElement('div'); if (idleAlert == true) { idleAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; } else { idleAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; } idleAlertButton.title = 'Toggle repeated sound notifications when your action stops'; idleAlertButton.innerHTML = 'Idle sound'; idleAlertButton.addEventListener("click", function () { toggleIdleAlert(); }); column[2].append(idleAlertButton); //Button to toggle idle sound alerts const claimAlertButton = document.createElement('div'); if (claimAlert) { claimAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; } else { claimAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; } claimAlertButton.title = 'Toggle repeated sound notifications when house or quest has something to claim'; claimAlertButton.innerHTML = 'Claim sound'; claimAlertButton.addEventListener("click", function () { toggleClaimAlert(); }); column[2].append(claimAlertButton); //Title (header) for fun stuff var titleFunStuffBox = document.createElement('div'); var funStuffHeaderLeft = document.createElement('div'); titleFunStuffBox.className = 'trackerHeader'; funStuffHeaderLeft.className = 'flexItemLeft'; funStuffHeaderLeft.innerHTML = 'Utilities'; column[2].appendChild(titleFunStuffBox); titleFunStuffBox.appendChild(funStuffHeaderLeft); //Main box for nav buttons var box2 = document.createElement('div'); box2.className = "trackerNavBar"; document.body.appendChild(box2); //Sub box for nav buttons that can be minimized var subButtonBox = document.createElement('div'); subButtonBox.className = "trackerSubNavBar"; box2.appendChild(subButtonBox); //Box for fun stuff var boxFunStuff = document.createElement('div'); boxFunStuff.className = 'boxStyle boxSettings'; column[2].appendChild(boxFunStuff); //navButton to minimize tracker var closeButton = document.createElement('div'); closeButton.className = 'trackerNavButton'; closeButton.title = 'Minimize tracker'; closeButton.innerHTML = '☰'; box2.appendChild(closeButton); closeButton.addEventListener("click", function () { showTracker(); }); //navButton to open settings var settingsButton = document.createElement('div'); settingsButton.className = 'trackerNavButton'; settingsButton.title = 'Open settings menu'; settingsButton.innerHTML = '⚙'; subButtonBox.appendChild(settingsButton); settingsButton.addEventListener("click", function () { showSettings(); }); //navButton for fun stuff! var funStuffButton = document.createElement('div'); funStuffButton.className = 'trackerNavButton'; funStuffButton.title = 'History'; funStuffButton.innerHTML = '☀'; subButtonBox.appendChild(funStuffButton); funStuffButton.addEventListener("click", function () { showFunStuff(); }); //navButton for history var saveHistoryButton = document.createElement('div'); saveHistoryButton.className = 'trackerButton'; saveHistoryButton.title = 'Manually save current stat window in history panel. Also saved automatically when clicking reset'; saveHistoryButton.innerHTML = 'Save History'; saveHistoryButton.addEventListener("click", function () { saveTrackerHistory(); }); column[2].appendChild(saveHistoryButton); //navButton to reset tracker stats var resetButton = document.createElement('div'); resetButton.className = 'trackerNavButton'; resetButton.title = 'Restart tracker'; resetButton.innerHTML = '↺'; subButtonBox.appendChild(resetButton); resetButton.addEventListener("click", function () { resetTracker(); }); function resetTracker() { //Reset all stats in the tracker //saveTrackerHistory(); //Save current stat box to history trackerStatBox.innerHTML = ''; //Clear stat box content immediately messageBox.innerHTML = ''; hasPlayed = false; let currentSkill = getCurrentSkill(); if (checkAllowedSkill(currentSkill)) { trackedSkill.reset(); = getCurrentSkill(); parseCards(true); messageBox.innerHTML = loadingText; isRunning = true; hasRun = true; } //If unallowed skill, show error message then return to inactive or loading state else { messageBox.innerHTML = unavailableText; if (isRunning == true) { setTimeout(function () { showMessage(loadingText); }, 2000); } else { setTimeout(function () { showMessage(startingText); }, 2000); } } } function showTracker() { //minimize the tracker UI if (boxToggleState == true) { document.body.removeChild(trackerWindow); box2.removeChild(subButtonBox); boxToggleState = false; } else { document.body.appendChild(trackerWindow); box2.appendChild(subButtonBox); boxToggleState = true; } } function showSettings() { //toggle showing column2 if (boxSettingsToggleState == false) { trackerWindow.appendChild(column[2]); boxSettingsToggleState = true; } else { trackerWindow.removeChild(column[2]); boxSettingsToggleState = false; } } function showFunStuff() { //toggle showing column3 if (boxFunStuffToggleState == false) { trackerWindow.appendChild(column[3]); boxFunStuffToggleState = true; } else { trackerWindow.removeChild(column[3]); boxFunStuffToggleState = false; } } function toggleRareAlert() { //toggle sound alert for rare drop if (rareAlert == true) { // console.log('become red!'); rareAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; rareAlert = false; (async () => { await (GM.setValue('rareAlert', false)); })(); } else { // console.log('become green!'); rareAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; rareAlert = true; (async () => { await (GM.setValue('rareAlert', true)); })(); } } function toggleIdleAlert() { //toggle sound alert for rare drop if (idleAlert == true) { idleAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; idleAlert = false; (async () => { await (GM.setValue('idleAlert', false)); })(); } else { idleAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; idleAlert = true; (async () => { await (GM.setValue('idleAlert', true)); })(); } } function toggleClaimAlert() { //toggle sound alert for rare drop if (claimAlert) { claimAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOff'; claimAlert = false; (async () => { await (GM.setValue('claimAlert', false)); })(); } else { claimAlertButton.className = 'trackerButton trackerButtonOn'; claimAlert = true; (async () => { await (GM.setValue('claimAlert', true)); })(); } } function playAlert() {; } function startAlert() { console.log('startAlert() ran!'); if (!hasPlayed) { console.log ('...and hasPlayed was false!'); soundStorage = setInterval(playAlert, soundInterval); document.body.appendChild(notifBox); hasPlayed = true; } } function dismissAlert() { clearInterval(soundStorage); document.body.removeChild(notifBox); //hasPlayed = false; } function idlePlaySound() { if (document.getElementsByClassName("ring").length == 0) {; } } function claimPlaySound() { const primaryElements = document.getElementsByClassName("primary"); if (primaryElements.length > 0) { for (const element of primaryElements) { if (element.innerText == 'Claim') {; return; } } } } function showMessage(text) { messageBox.innerHTML = text; } function checkAllowedSkill(skill) { //return true if the skill is a valid skill (not blacklisted menu options) if (blacklistedPages.includes(skill)) { return false; } else { return true; } } function getCurrentSkill() { //Return the name of the skill currently in view return document.getElementsByClassName('title')[0].innerText; } function removeCommas(string) { //Remove commas from a string and return it as a number if (string === "Empty") return 0; // Set value to 0 if the string passed in is "Empty" return Number(string.replace(/,/g, "")); } function groupArr(data, n) { //Split an array into a 2d array, 3 items each var group = []; for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (i >= n && i % n === 0) { j++; } group[j] = group[j] || []; group[j].push(data[i]) } return group; } function splitConsumables(list, firstRun = false) { //Loop through a 2d array of consumables generated by groupArr(), parse necessary values, then return them properly formatted //'splitConsumables: ' + + list + 'first run: ' + firstRun); for (const consumable of list) { // console.log("i" + consumable); // console.log("i0" + consumable[0]); if (combatPotionList.indexOf(consumable[0]) > 0) { trackedSkill.currentCombatPotions = removeCommas(consumable[1]); if (firstRun) { trackedSkill.startingCombatPotions = trackedSkill.currentCombatPotions } } if (gatheringPotionList.indexOf(consumable[0]) > 0) { //console.log('current gather potions:' + trackedSkill.currentGatheringPotions); //console.log('displayed gather potions: ' + consumable[1]); //console.log('starting gather potions: ' + trackedSkill.startingGatheringPotions); //console.log(trackedSkill.currentGatheringPotions = removeCommas(consumable[1])); trackedSkill.currentGatheringPotions = removeCommas(consumable[1]); if (firstRun) { //console.log('initialized starting gathers at' + trackedSkill.currentGatheringPotions); trackedSkill.startingGatheringPotions = trackedSkill.currentGatheringPotions; } } if (craftingPotionList.indexOf(consumable[0]) > 0) { trackedSkill.currentCraftingPotions = removeCommas(consumable[1]); if (firstRun) { trackedSkill.startingCraftingPotions = trackedSkill.currentCraftingPotions; } } if (consumable.length > 2 && consumable[2].includes('HP')) { trackedSkill.currentFood = removeCommas(consumable[1]); //"Set currentFood to " + trackedSkill.currentFood); if (firstRun) { trackedSkill.startingFood = trackedSkill.currentFood; } } if (consumable[0].includes('Arrow')) { trackedSkill.currentArrows = removeCommas(consumable[1]); //"Set currentArrows to " + trackedSkill.currentArrows); if (firstRun) { trackedSkill.startingArrows = trackedSkill.currentArrows; } } } } function parseTrackerComponent() { //Parse the tracker component for current xp progress let values = trackerComponent[0].innerText.split('\n'); let progress = values[values.length - 1]; if (progress.includes(' / ')) { //Check if skill is max level progress = progress.split(' / '); trackedSkill.nextLevelXP = removeCommas(progress[1].slice(0, -3)); } else { progress = [progress, 0]; trackedSkill.nextLevelXP = 0; } //console.log(values); //console.log(progress); trackedSkill.currentLevel = values[1].split(' / ')[0].slice(4,7).trim(); trackedSkill.currentLevelXP = removeCommas(progress[0]); //console.log(trackedSkill.currentLevelXP, trackedSkill.nextLevelXP); } /* function initializeCards() { for (let i = 0; i < cardList.length; i++) { let cardText = cardList[i].innerText.split('\n'); if (cardText[0] == 'Loot') { //If loot card, loop through all items and record coins/kills for (let j = 0; j < cardText.length; j++) { if (cardText[j] == 'Coins') { //Get starting coins trackedSkill.currentCoins = removeCommas(cardText[j + 1]); trackedSkill.startingCoins = trackedSkill.currentCoins; //console.log('initial coins', trackedSkill.startingCoins, trackedSkill.currentCoins); } if (cardText[j].includes('Bone') || cardText[j].includes('Fang')) { //Get starting kills trackedSkill.currentKills = removeCommas(cardText[j + 1]); trackedSkill.startingKills = trackedSkill.currentKills; //console.log('initial kills', trackedSkill.startingKills, trackedSkill.currentKills); } } } //Get food, arrow, potion count from Consumables card if (cardText[0] == 'Consumables') { splitConsumables(groupArr(cardText.slice(1), 3), true); } //Get skill xp from Stats card if (cardText[0] == 'Stats') { trackedSkill.currentXp = removeCommas(cardText[cardText.length - 1].slice(0, -3)); trackedSkill.startingXp = trackedSkill.currentXp; } } } */ function parseCards(firstRun = false) { //Find all cards, parse necessary values, then store them properly formatted //console.log('parseCards: ' +; for (const card of cardList) { let cardText = card.innerText.split('\n'); if (cardText[0] == 'Loot') { //If loot card, loop through all items and record coins/kills for (let j = 0; j < cardText.length; j++) { if (cardText[j] == 'Coins') { //Get starting coins trackedSkill.currentCoins = removeCommas(cardText[j + 1]); if (firstRun) { trackedSkill.startingCoins = trackedSkill.currentCoins; } } if (cardText[j].includes('Bone') || cardText[j].includes('Fang')) { //Get starting kills trackedSkill.currentKills = removeCommas(cardText[j + 1]); if (firstRun) { trackedSkill.startingKills = trackedSkill.currentKills; } } if (cardText[j].includes('Stardust')) { //Get starting stardust trackedSkill.currentDust = removeCommas(cardText[j + 1]); if (firstRun) { trackedSkill.startingDust = trackedSkill.currentDust; } } if (notifStatus == false) { //Check for rare drop if (rareList.some(v => cardText[j].includes(v))) { //Check if there's at least one rare drop from rareList present {notifStatus = true;} } /*if ( cardText[j].includes('Blueprint') || cardText[j].includes('Ring') || cardText[j].includes('Amulet') || cardText[j].includes('Rune') || cardText[j].includes('Dagger') || cardText[j].includes('Map') || ) {notifStatus = true;} */ } } } //Get food, arrow, potion count from Consumables card if (cardText[0] == 'Consumables') { //'Found consumables card!'); if (firstRun) { splitConsumables(groupArr(cardText.slice(1), 3), true); } else {splitConsumables(groupArr(cardText.slice(1), 3));} //'consumables:' + consumables); } //Get skill xp from Stats card if (cardText[0] == 'Stats') { trackedSkill.currentXp = removeCommas(cardText[cardText.length - 1].slice(0, -3)); if (firstRun) { trackedSkill.startingXp = trackedSkill.currentXp; } //"Set currentXp to " + trackedSkill.currentXp); //'xp: ' + currentXp); } } } function trackerLoop() { //main loop run by the main interval timer let currentSkill = getCurrentSkill(); if (isRunning == true && boxToggleState == true) { if ( == currentSkill) { parseTrackerComponent(); parseCards(); displayBox("active"); showMessage(''); } else { displayBox("inactive"); trackerStatBox.innerHTML = ''; //messageBox.innerHTML = redirectText; } } if (notifStatus) startAlert(); if (idleAlert) idlePlaySound(); if (claimAlert) claimPlaySound(); } function timerFormat(startTime, endTime) { //Return time between two dates in readable format let seconds = ((Math.trunc((endTime - startTime) / 1000)) % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0'); let minutes = ((Math.trunc((endTime - startTime) / 1000 / 60)) % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0'); let hours = ((Math.trunc((endTime - startTime) / 1000 / 60 / 60)) % 24).toString().padStart(2, '0'); let days = ((Math.trunc((endTime - startTime) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24))).toString(); if (days > 0) { return days + ':' + hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds; } else if (hours > 0) { return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds; } else { return minutes + ':' + seconds; } } function determineTimer(durationTimer) { if (durationTimer >= 3600000) { //3600000ms = 1 hour return dayjs.duration(durationTimer).format('HH:mm:ss'); } if (durationTimer >= 86400000) { //86400000ms = 1 day return dayjs.duration(durationTimer).format('D:HH:mm:ss'); } return dayjs.duration(durationTimer).format('m:ss'); } function getIcon(skill) { //Account for one-handed image being named improperly return skill.toLowerCase() + '.png'; } function calcMilestone(givenLevel) { //Based on given level, return the next milestone level's total xp requirement for (const [level, xp] of milestones) { if (givenLevel < level) { return [level, xp]; } } return [0,0]; //if no milestone found } function saveTrackerHistory() { historyHeaderCenter.innerHTML = statsHeaderCenter.innerHTML; historyHeaderRight.innerHTML = statsHeaderRight.innerHTML; trackerHistoryBox.innerHTML = trackerStatBox.innerHTML; } function displayBox(status) { //console.log('displayBox: ' +; let currentSkill = getCurrentSkill(); let elapsedTimeMs = Math.abs( - trackedSkill.startTime); //elapsed time in ms for calc //console.log('elapsed time sec ', elapsedTimeMs / 1000); let elapsedTimeMins = elapsedTimeMs / 1000 / 60; //elapsed time in minutes for calc let elapsedTimeHours = elapsedTimeMs / 1000 / 60 / 60; //elapsed time in hours for calc let formattedTimeMins = Math.trunc(elapsedTimeMins); //elapsed time in minutes but formatted for display // console.log(trackedSkill.currentXp); let earnedXp = trackedSkill.currentXp - trackedSkill.startingXp; let xpPerMinute = Math.floor(earnedXp / elapsedTimeMins); let xpPerHour = Math.floor(earnedXp / elapsedTimeHours); let xpPerMs = earnedXp / elapsedTimeMs; //console.log(xpPerMs); let usedArrows = trackedSkill.startingArrows - trackedSkill.currentArrows; let arrowsPerHour = Math.floor(usedArrows / elapsedTimeHours); let usedFood = trackedSkill.startingFood - trackedSkill.currentFood; let foodPerHour = Math.floor(usedFood / elapsedTimeHours); let earnedCoins = trackedSkill.currentCoins - trackedSkill.startingCoins; let coinsPerHour = Math.floor(earnedCoins / elapsedTimeHours); let enemyKills = trackedSkill.currentKills - trackedSkill.startingKills; let killsPerHour = Math.floor(enemyKills / elapsedTimeHours); let earnedDust = trackedSkill.currentDust - trackedSkill.startingDust; let dustPerHour = Math.floor(earnedDust / elapsedTimeHours); const usedCombatPotions = trackedSkill.startingCombatPotions - trackedSkill.currentCombatPotions; const combatPotionsPerHour = Math.floor(usedCombatPotions / elapsedTimeHours); const usedGatheringPotions = trackedSkill.startingGatheringPotions - trackedSkill.currentGatheringPotions; const gatheringPotionsPerHour = Math.floor(usedGatheringPotions / elapsedTimeHours); const usedCraftingPotions = trackedSkill.startingCraftingPotions - trackedSkill.currentCraftingPotions; const craftingPotionsPerHour = Math.floor(usedCraftingPotions / elapsedTimeHours); let requiredXP = 0; let estimatedLevelTime = 0; if (trackedSkill.nextLevelXP > 0) { requiredXP = trackedSkill.nextLevelXP - trackedSkill.currentLevelXP; estimatedLevelTime = requiredXP / xpPerMs; } let requiredXpMilestone = 0; let estimatedMilestoneTime = 0; let milestoneLevel = calcMilestone(trackedSkill.currentLevel); //[Level, Total XP] //console.log(milestoneLevel) if (milestoneLevel[0] > 0) { //Check if a milestone level was found requiredXpMilestone = milestoneLevel[1] - trackedSkill.currentXp; estimatedMilestoneTime = requiredXpMilestone / xpPerMs; } //console.log('requirexpmilestone: ', requiredXpMilestone, 'currentXp:', trackedSkill.currentXp, ) //console.log('estimated milestone time: ', estimatedMilestoneTime/1000) //console.log(( + estimatedLevelTime)); //(trackedSkill.currentLevel) - trackedSkill.currentXp); //console.log(, ( + estimatedLevelTime)); let boxContents = ''; let boxDivider = '<hr style="border-color:gray;"></hr>'; let boxXP = '<p class="trackerStatXP" title="Total XP earned" style="color:LightGreen;"><span>XP: ' + earnedXp.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> 
(' + xpPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; let boxCoins = '<p class="trackerStatCoins" title="Total coins earned">Coins: ' + earnedCoins.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> 
(' + coinsPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; let boxKills = '<p class="trackerStatKills" title="Total enemies defeated
Dungeon monsters are only tallied after completing a dungeon">Kills: ' + enemyKills.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> 
(' + killsPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; let boxDust = '<p class="trackerStatDust" title="Total dust dropped">Dust: ' + earnedDust.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> 
(' + dustPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; let boxFood = '<p class="trackerStatFood" title="Total food consumed">Food: ' + usedFood.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> 
(' + foodPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; let boxArrows = '<p class="trackerStatArrows" title="Total arrows consumed\">Arrows: ' + usedArrows.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> 
(' + arrowsPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; const boxCombatPotions = '<p class="trackerStatCombatPots" title="Total combat potions consumed">Combat Pots: ' + usedCombatPotions.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> (' + combatPotionsPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; const boxGatheringPotions = '<p class="trackerStatGatheringPots" title="Total gathering potions consumed\">Gathering Pots: ' + usedGatheringPotions.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> (' + gatheringPotionsPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; const boxCraftingPotions = '<p class="trackerStatCraftingPots" title="Total crafting potions consumed">Crafting Pots: ' + usedCraftingPotions.toLocaleString('en') + '<span class="trackerStatRight"> (' + craftingPotionsPerHour.toLocaleString('en') + '/h)</span></p>'; let boxNextLevel = '<p class="trackerStatMilestone" title="ETA until next level - ' + timerFormat(, ( + estimatedLevelTime)) + '" style="border-top: 1px solid gray"> Level up ' + dayjs(( - estimatedLevelTime)).toNow() + '</p>'; let boxNextMilestone = '<p class="trackerStatMilestone" title="ETA until next tier - ' + timerFormat(, ( + estimatedMilestoneTime)) + '"> Tier up ' + dayjs(( - estimatedMilestoneTime)).toNow() + '</p>'; let boxInactiveText = '<b>' + + " - " + timerFormat(trackedSkill.startTime, + '</b><hr>' + redirectText; // If on correct skill page, show full details if (currentSkill == && isRunning == true && status == 'active') { if (earnedXp > 0) { boxContents += boxXP; } if (earnedCoins > 0) { boxContents += boxCoins; } if (enemyKills > 0) { boxContents += boxKills; } if (earnedDust > 0) { boxContents += boxDust; } if (usedFood > 0) { boxContents += boxFood; } if (usedCombatPotions > 0) { boxContents += boxCombatPotions; } if (usedGatheringPotions > 0) { boxContents += boxGatheringPotions; } if (usedCraftingPotions > 0) { boxContents += boxCraftingPotions; } if (usedArrows > 0) { boxContents += boxArrows; } if (earnedXp > 0 && trackedSkill.currentLevel < 100) { // boxContents += boxNextLevel; boxContents += boxNextLevel; //console.log(milestoneLevel[0]); //console.log(trackedSkill.currentLevel); if ((milestoneLevel[0] - 1) != trackedSkill.currentLevel) { //Don't display milestone progress if next tier is only 1 level away boxContents += boxNextMilestone; } } statsHeaderLeft.innerHTML = '<img src="assets/misc/' + getIcon( + '">'; statsHeaderCenter.innerHTML = ' ' +; statsHeaderRight.innerHTML = determineTimer(( - trackedSkill.startTime)); trackerStatBox.innerHTML = boxContents; } statsHeaderLeft.innerHTML = '<img style="vertical-align: middle; width: 24px; height: 24px; image-rendering: pixelated" src="assets/misc/' + getIcon( + '">'; statsHeaderCenter.innerHTML =; statsHeaderRight.innerHTML = (determineTimer(( - (trackedSkill.startTime)))); //return [boxTitle, ''] //return only title if inactive } dayjs.extend(window.dayjs_plugin_relativeTime); dayjs.extend(window.dayjs_plugin_duration); showMessage(startingText); setInterval(trackerLoop, timeInterval); //Recurring stat box updater /*------------------------ UI Components Below ------------------------*/ const styles = ` .trackerNavBar { bottom: 4px; right: 24px; background: #0D2234; border: 2px solid #51606D; padding: 4px; opacity: .7; border-radius: 5px; position: fixed; display: flex; } .trackerSubNavBar { display: flex; margin-right: auto; order: -1; } .trackerNotifBox { bottom: 4px; right: 140px; background: crimson; border: 2px solid #51606D; padding: 4px; opacity: .7; border-radius: 5px; position: fixed; display: flex; font-size: 12px; } .trackerNavButton { padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; line-height: 1; user-select: none; } .trackerWindow { background: #0D2234; opacity: .7; border: 2px solid #51606D; border-radius: 5px; position: fixed; bottom: 34px; right: 24px; min-height: 10px; min-width: 100px; max-width: 1000px; max-height: 1000px; display: inline-flex; } .trackerColumn { max-width: 500px; max-height: 500px; flex-direction: column; margin: 6px; display: flex; } .trackerHeader { user-select: none; display: flex; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; margin: 4px; } .trackerButton { text-align: center; user-select: none; border: 1px solid gray; border-radius: 5px; margin: 4px; padding: 0px 4px } .trackerStatBox { order: 2; } .trackerStatRight { float:right; } .trackerStatMilestone { color: CornflowerBlue; text-align:center; } .trackerStatXP { color: LightGreen; } .trackerStatCoins { color: Gold; } .trackerStatKills { color: Tomato; } .trackerStatDust { color: Wheat; } .trackerStatFood { color: Salmon; } .trackerStatCombatPots { color: Orange; } .trackerStatGatheringPots { color: Pink; } .trackerStatCraftingPots { color: LightBlue; } .trackerStatArrows { color: Wheat; } .boxStyle { background: #0D2234; flex: content; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; vertical-align: middle; } .trackerButtonOn { color:lightgreen; } .trackerButtonOff { color:salmon; } .trackerIcon{ height: 24px; image-rendering: pixelated; margin: -4px 4px 0px; } .boxFunStuff { order: 3; } .messageBox { order: 3; text-align: center; } .titleBox { display:flex; min-width: 150px; min-height: 24px; align-items: baseline; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; flex: 1; margin: 2px; } .boxSettings { order: 2; } .titleFunStuffBox { order: 1; } .titleSettingsBox{ } .flexItemLeft{ } .flexItemRight{ flex: 1; text-align: right; } .flexItemCenter{ text-align: center; } .trackerColumn1 { order: 3; min-width: 200px; } .trackerColumn2 { order: 2; } .trackerColumn3 { order: 1; min-width: 200px; } ` //Create stylesheet var styleSheet = document.createElement("style") styleSheet.innerText = styles document.head.appendChild(styleSheet)