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Copiable Operation ID For Swagger UI API Docs

Add operation ID, as well as an icon to copy the operation ID, to all API operations on any Swagger UI page

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  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Copiable Operation ID For Swagger UI API Docs
  3. // @name:fr ID opération copiable pour docs API Swagger UI
  4. // @namespace tomchen.org
  5. // @include https://*
  6. // @include http://*
  7. // @grant GM_setClipboard
  8. // @version 1.1
  9. // @author Tom Chen (tomchen.org)
  10. // @license MIT
  11. // @description Add operation ID, as well as an icon to copy the operation ID, to all API operations on any Swagger UI page
  12. // @description:fr Ajoutez l'ID opération, ainsi qu'une icône pour copier l'ID opération, à toutes les opérations d'API sur une page de Swagger UI
  13. // ==/UserScript==
  14. const swaggerUi = document.getElementById("swagger-ui");
  15. if (swaggerUi) {
  16. const opElId2opId = (opElId) => {
  17. const slices = opElId.split("-");
  18. return slices[slices.length - 1];
  19. };
  20. const addCopiableOpIdToOpBlock = (opBlock) => {
  21. const summary = opBlock.querySelector("div.opblock-summary");
  22. const arrow = opBlock.querySelector("button.opblock-control-arrow");
  23. const opId = opElId2opId(opBlock.id);
  24. if (!summary.querySelector(".opblock-summary-operation-id")) {
  25. const span = document.createElement("span");
  26. span.innerHTML = opId;
  27. span.className = "opblock-summary-operation-id";
  28. summary.insertBefore(span, arrow);
  29. }
  30. const span = opBlock.querySelector("span.opblock-summary-operation-id");
  31. if (!span.querySelector("div.copy-to-clipboard")) {
  32. const div = document.createElement("div");
  33. div.className = "view-line-link copy-to-clipboard";
  34. div.innerHTML =
  35. '<svg width="15" height="16"><use href="#copy" xlink:href="#copy"></use></svg>';
  36. div.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
  37. e.stopPropagation();
  38. GM_setClipboard(opId);
  39. });
  40. span.appendChild(div, arrow);
  41. }
  42. };
  43. const observeOptions = {
  44. subtree: true,
  45. childList: true,
  46. attributes: true,
  47. };
  48. const observeCallback = () => {
  49. const opBlocks = document.querySelectorAll(".opblock");
  50. if (opBlocks.length === 0) {
  51. return;
  52. }
  53. [...opBlocks].forEach(addCopiableOpIdToOpBlock);
  54. };
  55. const observer = new MutationObserver(observeCallback);
  56. observer.observe(swaggerUi, observeOptions);
  57. }