
Gegenstimme Dark Mode colourful like/dislike buttons

Changes colour of the like or dislike button if activated, so it's easier to see if video already was rated. Red dislike, green like.

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/* ==UserStyle==@name           Gegenstimme Dark Mode colourful like/dislike buttons@version        1.1@namespace      userstyles.world/user/782754-picblick@description    Changes colour of the like or dislike button if activated, so it's easier to see if video already was rated. Red dislike, green like.@author         [email protected]@include@license        MIT==/UserStyle== */@-moz-document domain("gegenstimme.tv") {.video-bottom .video-info .video-info-first-row .video-actions-rates .video-actions .action-button.action-button-like.activated svg {color: green !important;}.video-bottom .video-info .video-info-first-row .video-actions-rates .video-actions .action-button.action-button-dislike.activated svg {color: red !important;}}