Brings the 500 character limit comments to non "beta" imgur users
// ==UserScript== // @name ImgurComment500Limit // @namespace // @version 0.4 // @description Brings the 500 character limit comments to non "beta" imgur users // @author SleepProgger // @match* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; function _injectME(){ function _func(){ Imgur.Caption.Reply.defaultProps.maxLength = 500; var __hook_ajax = $.ajax; $.ajax = function(x){ // The only way i found to circumvent the character limit is to use the "new" API. // There probably is some nicer way, but meh this works if(!x.url || ! x.url.startsWith("/gallery/action/caption/")){ return __hook_ajax(x); } // Rewrite request to the "new" API format var nData = {}; var s = x.url.split("/"); // JS Are you kidding me ? WHY NO RSPLIT ? nData.post_id = s[s.length - 1]; nData.comment =; nData.platform = "api"; nData.parent_id =; nData.has_admin_badge = false; = JSON.stringify(nData); x.url = "" + imgur._.apiClientId; x.xhrFields = { withCredentials:true }; x.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.imgur.v1+json'}; // We also have to rewrite the response now which sucks x.dataFilter = function (r, type) { r = JSON.parse(r); var ret = { success: true, data: { caption: { id:, hash:, caption: r.comment, author: r.account.username, author_id: r.account_id, ups: r.upvote_count, downs: r.downvote_count, best_score: 0.2, // No clue where to get this, so lets just fake it points: r.point_count, datetime: r.created_at.replace("T", " ").replace("Z", ""), // Do i suck at JS; or does JS suck ? parent_id: r.parent_id, deleted: r.deleted_at != null, on_album:, album_cover:, // Not sure this is correct title: "", // No clue. Post title this reply is on ? platform: "yoMomma", has_admin_badge: false, // Naw, don't have that } } }; return JSON.stringify(ret); } return __hook_ajax(x); }; }; function _waitForImgur(){ if(window.Imgur && Imgur.Caption){ console.log("Imgur is ready"); _func(); return; } console.log("Waiting for imgur"); setTimeout(_waitForImgur, 250); // This is pretty ugly, should use some observer instead, but i am lazy. } _waitForImgur(); } var s = document.createElement('script'); s.textContent = '(' + _injectME + ')()'; console.log("Inject into", document.location, ":", s.textContent); document.head.appendChild(s); })();