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Paywall redirect to Archive.today

Redirect spiegel.de faz.net zeit.de zerohedge.com Süddeutsche Zeitung SZPlus tagesspiegel paywall pages to archive.today

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// ==UserScript==
// @name            Paywall redirect to Archive.today
// @name:de         Paywall weiterleitung auf Archive.today
// @namespace       https://greasyfork.org/en/users/20068-cuzi
// @version         2.17
// @description     Redirect spiegel.de faz.net zeit.de zerohedge.com Süddeutsche Zeitung SZPlus tagesspiegel paywall pages to archive.today
// @description:de  Leitet Spiegel.de faz.net zerohedge.com zeit.de/ Online Plus/Paywall/S+ Süddeutsche Zeitung SZPlus tagesspiegel Seiten automatisch auf archive.today
// @icon            https://spiegel.de/favicon.ico
// @author          cuzi
// @license         GPL-3.0-or-later
// @match           https://www.spiegel.de/*
// @match           https://www.zeit.de/*
// @match           https://www.zerohedge.com/*
// @match           https://www.faz.net/*
// @match           https://m.faz.net/*
// @match           https://www.sueddeutsche.de/*
// @match           https://sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de/*
// @match           https://www.tagesspiegel.de/*
// @match           https://archive.today/*
// @match           https://archive.ph/*
// @match           https://archive.is/*
// @match           https://archive.fp/*
// @match           https://archive.li/*
// @match           https://archive.md/*
// @match           https://archive.vn/*
// @grant           GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant           GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @connect         archive.today
// @connect         archive.ph
// @connect         archive.is
// @connect         archive.fp
// @connect         archive.li
// @connect         archive.md
// @connect         archive.vn
// ==/UserScript==
/* global GM */
/* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */
(async function () {
'use strict'
const scriptName = 'Paywall redirect to Archive.today'
const hostnames = [
function sleep (t) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t))
function checkAvailability (hostname) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
const onResponse = function (response) {
if ((response.status >= 200 && response.status <= 400) || response.status === 429) {
} else {
reject(new Error('HOST_UNAVAILABLE'))
url: `https://${hostname}/`,
method: 'GET',
timeout: 5000,
headers: {
Range: 'bytes=0-63'
onload: onResponse,
ontimeout: onResponse,
onerror: onResponse
function showSpinner (msg) {
let style = document.getElementById('check_host_style')
if (!style) {
style = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style'))
style.setAttribute('id', 'check_host_style')
style.textContent = `
#check_host_spinner {
position: fixed;
background: #fff;
height: 2.2em;
top: 1em;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, 0);
z-index: 1000;
border-radius: 5px;
border: 1px solid black;
color: black;
min-width: 7em;
#check_host_spinner .spinner-element {
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-name: slide;
animation-timing-function: linear;
animation-direction: alternate-reverse;
animation-play-state: running;
background-color: #000;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 2px solid #fff;
color: #fff;
height: 1em;
margin: auto;
margin-left: 0;
width: 1em;
margin-top: -0.5em;
@keyframes slide {
from {
to {
let div = document.getElementById('check_host_spinner')
if (!div) {
div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
div.setAttribute('id', 'check_host_spinner')
const text = div.appendChild(document.createElement('span'))
text.setAttribute('id', 'check_host_text')
const spinner = div.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))
document.getElementById('check_host_text').innerHTML = msg || ''
document.querySelector('#check_host_spinner .spinner-element').style.display = 'block'
function stopSpinner () {
const e = document.querySelector('#check_host_spinner .spinner-element')
if (e) {
e.style.display = 'none'
async function archivePage (url) {
window.setTimeout(() => showSpinner('archive'), 0)
// Check which hostname of archive is currently available
let workingHostname = null
for (const hostname of hostnames) {
try {
window.setTimeout(() => showSpinner(hostname), 0)
await checkAvailability(hostname)
workingHostname = hostname
} catch (err) {
if (err && 'message' in err && err.message === 'HOST_UNAVAILABLE') {
console.debug(`${hostname} is NOT available`)
} else {
throw err
if (workingHostname) {
document.location.href = `https://${workingHostname}/?run=1&url=${encodeURIComponent(url)}`
} else {
window.setTimeout(() => {
showSpinner(`<a href="https://archive.today/?run=1&url=${encodeURIComponent(url)}">Try archive.today</a>`)
}, 200)
window.alert(scriptName +
'\n\nSorry, all of the archive.today domains seem to be down.\n\nChecked:\n' +
hostnames.join('\n') +
'\n\nIf you are using a Cloudflare DNS, try to switch to another DNS provider or use a ###. Currently Cloudflare can\'t reliably resolve archive.today.')
GM.registerMenuCommand(scriptName + ' - Archive.today page', () => archivePage(document.location.href))
let running = false
let firstRun = true
async function main () {
if (running) {
if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('spiegel') !== -1 && document.location.pathname.length > 1 && (
document.querySelector('[data-area="paywall"]') || (
document.querySelector('#Inhalt article header #spon-spplus-flag-l') && document.querySelectorAll('article h2').length === 1
) {
running = true
} else if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('tagesspiegel') !== -1 && document.querySelector('#paywal').length !== 0) {
running = true
} else if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('zeit.de') !== -1 &&
document.location.pathname.length > 1 && (
document.querySelector('.zplus-badge__link') ||
document.getElementById('paywall').childElementCount != 0 ||
('k5aMeta' in window && window.k5aMeta.paywall === 'hard')
) {
running = true
} else if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('.faz.net') !== -1 &&
document.location.pathname.endsWith('.html') &&
document.querySelectorAll('.atc-HeadlineText').length === 1 && (
document.querySelector('[class*=atc-ContainerPaywall]') || // desktop  www.faz.net
document.querySelector('[id*=paywall]')) // mobile m.faz.net
) {
if (firstRun) {
// Wait a little the first time to let bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean do the job
// if it fails to unblock the page, we will archive it in the second run
firstRun = false
await sleep(3000)
} else {
running = true
} else if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('zerohedge.com') !== -1 &&
document.location.pathname.length > 1 && (
document.querySelector('[class*=PremiumOverlay] [class*=PremiumOverlay]') ||
('__NEXT_DATA__' in window && window.__NEXT_DATA__.props.pageProps.node.isPremium === true)
) {
running = true
} else if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('sz-magazin.sueddeutsche.de') !== -1 &&
document.location.search.indexOf('reduced=true') !== -1 &&
document.querySelector('.articlemain__inner--reduced .paragraph--reduced')
) {
running = true
} else if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('sueddeutsche.de') !== -1 &&
document.location.search.indexOf('reduced=true') !== -1 &&
document.querySelector('#sz-paywall iframe')
) {
running = true
} else if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('archive') !== -1 &&
document.querySelector('form#submiturl [type=submit]')
) {
running = true
// Insert url and press submit button
const m = document.location.search.match('url=([^&]+)')
if (m) {
const url = decodeURIComponent(m[1])
document.querySelector('form#submiturl input#url').value = url
document.querySelector('form#submiturl [type=submit]').click()
} else if (
document.location.hostname.indexOf('archive') !== -1 &&
) {
running = true
// Redirect to history of this page, if there is also a paywall in this archive
// Only redirect once for this session
const key = document.location.href
const alreadyRedirected = window.sessionStorage.getItem(key)
const historyLink = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#HEADER form a')).filter(e => e.textContent.indexOf('history') !== -1).shift()
if (!alreadyRedirected && historyLink) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem(key, '1')
firstRun = false
await main()
await sleep(1000)
await main()
await sleep(5000)
await main()