Automatically does steps.
// ==UserScript== // @name bypasser // @namespace lemons // @match https://** // @match* // @match *://*/direct/?* // @grant none // @icon // @license GPLv3.0-or-later // @version 1.0.6 // @resource NOTYF_CSS // @require // @author lemons // @description Automatically does steps. // @noframes // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== const notyfCss = GM_getResourceText("NOTYF_CSS"); GM_addStyle(notyfCss); const notyf = new Notyf({ duration: 5000 }); (async () => { if (window.location.hostname.includes("r.")) window.location.hostname = window.location.hostname.replace("r.", ""); if (window.location.hostname === "") { const [encodedUserId, linkCustom] = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname.slice(1)).split("/").slice(-2); const BASE = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" const loopTimes = encodedUserId.length; let decodedUserId = BASE.indexOf(encodedUserId[0]); for (let i = 1; i < loopTimes; i++) decodedUserId = 62 * decodedUserId + BASE.indexOf(encodedUserId[i]); const payloads = { social: (url) => JSON.stringify({ type: "c_social_started", payload: { url } }), readArticles: { 1: JSON.stringify({ type: "c_monetization", payload: { type: "readArticles", payload: { event: "start" } } }), 2: JSON.stringify({ type: "c_monetization", payload: { type: "readArticles", payload: { event: "closeClicked" } } }) }, browserExtension: { 1: JSON.stringify({ type: "c_monetization", payload: { type: "browserExtension", payload: { event: "start" } } }), 2: (token) => JSON.stringify({ type: "c_monetization", payload: { type: "browserExtension", payload: { event: "confirm", token } } }) } } WebSocket.prototype.oldSendImpl = WebSocket.prototype.send; WebSocket.prototype.send = function (data) { this.oldSendImpl(data); this.addEventListener( "message", async (e) => { const sleep = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms)); const data = JSON.parse(; if (data.error) return; const payload = data.payload; switch (data.type) { case "s_link_info": notyf.success("got link info") if (payload.socials) socials.push(...payload.socials); const monetizationTypes = ["readArticles", "browserExtension"]; for (const type of monetizationTypes) { if (payload.monetizationScript.includes(type)) { activeMonetizationTypes.push(type) } } break; case "s_start_recaptcha_check": this.oldSendImpl(payloads.captcha); break; case "s_recaptcha_okay": if (socials.length) { for (const [index, social] of socials.entries()) { notyf.success(`performing social #${index+1}`) this.oldSendImpl(; await sleep(3 * 1000); } } if (activeMonetizationTypes.length) { for (const type of activeMonetizationTypes) { switch (type) { case "readArticles": notyf.success("reading articles...") this.oldSendImpl(payloads.readArticles["1"]); this.oldSendImpl(payloads.readArticles["2"]); break; case "browserExtension": notyf.success("skipping browser extension step") if (activeMonetizationTypes.includes("readArticles")) await sleep(11 * 1000); this.oldSendImpl(payloads.browserExtension["1"]) break; } } } break; case "s_monetization": if (payload.type !== "browserExtension") break; this.oldSendImpl(payloads.browserExtension["2"](payload.payload.token)) break; case "s_link_destination": notyf.success("done!") const url = new URL(payload.url); localStorage.clear(window.location.href); if (url.searchParams.has("duf")) { window.location.href = window.atob(url.searchParams.get("duf").split("").reverse().join("")) }; window.location.href = payload.url; break; } }, false ); this.send = function (data) { this.oldSendImpl(data); }; } notyf.success("patched websocket") let socials = []; let activeMonetizationTypes = []; } else if (window.location.hostname == "") { const uuid = new URLSearchParams("t") fetch(`${uuid}/pageOpened`); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 11 * 1000)); const { destination } = await fetch(`${uuid}/destination`).then(r => r.json()); const url = new URL(destination); if (url.searchParams.has("duf")) { window.location.href = window.atob(url.searchParams.get("duf").split("").reverse().join("")) }; window.location.href = destination; notyf.success("wait 11 seconds") } else { if (new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.has("duf")) { var link = document.createElement("a"); link.referrerPolicy = "no-referrer"; link.rel = "noreferrer"; link.href = window.atob(new URL(window.location.href).searchParams.get("duf").split("").reverse().join(""));; }; } })();