Traverse every page in Torn in search for eggs
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
fix ugly css on float buttonmove float button to bottom of screen
Update some urls, add back old casino urls (some claims they spawn eggs)Added option to enable a floating button instead of sidebarAdded options toggle button to the main forum post: click the toggle button to swap between floating style or sidebar style
remove unnecessary pages (multiple archives, forums, etc)add chedburn's company page, report players page
move a page at the end of the list to prevent confusion of the list ending because of crimes2.0 pageLoad CSS at the end of script to fix issues with TornPDA
fix faction warfare territory view instead of two ranked war views Added authenticate.php page to list
Update css compatibility function to work with firefox+greasemonkey and other edge cases
add style function to help compatibility with TornPDA usersUpdated casino page urls (loader.php to page.php)
changed long press to take 2.5 seconds instead of 1 second to reset
update page list to include new shops, crimes, and some other sub-pages
Added attack log and attack page (against Chedburn) to list
Change resetting the navigator number to be long press instead of double-clickAdd the navigator button to mobile (should be a long bar below player info bars)added missing pc.php pageremoved most forum linksfixed forum links when not already on the forums page
fix name change issues
fix sidebar mobile desktop view not appearing
change name to Heasley's Egg NavigatorFix sidebar link not being added when on mobile desktop modeadded fortune teller link
added way more urls to the array (180 total)