Enables voice-to-text functionality on chat.openai by holding down the 'v' key and speaking into your microphone, using the Web Speech API, and automatically inserting the transcribed text into the chat input field.
// ==UserScript== // @name ChatGPT Voice-to-Text // @namespace openai_voice_to_text // @version 2.6 // @description Enables voice-to-text functionality on chat.openai by holding down the 'v' key and speaking into your microphone, using the Web Speech API, and automatically inserting the transcribed text into the chat input field. // @author letsplayto 1 // @match https://chat.openai.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); recognition.lang = 'en-US'; recognition.continuous = true; recognition.interimR###lts = false; let isListening = false; let finalTranscript = ''; let lastR###lt = ''; const langSelector = document.createElement('select'); langSelector.style.position = 'fixed'; langSelector.style.top = '10px'; langSelector.style.right = '10px'; langSelector.style.zIndex = '99999'; langSelector.style.fontSize = '18px'; langSelector.style.padding = '10px'; langSelector.style.borderRadius = '5px'; langSelector.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; langSelector.addEventListener('change', event => { recognition.lang = event.target.value; }); langSelector.style.backgroundColor = '#565759'; const langOptions = [ { label: 'English (US)', value: 'en-US' }, { label: 'English (UK)', value: 'en-GB' }, { label: 'Español (España)', value: 'es-ES' }, { label: 'Español (México)', value: 'es-MX' }, { label: 'Français (France)', value: 'fr-FR' }, { label: 'Français (Canada)', value: 'fr-CA' }, { label: 'Italiano (Italia)', value: 'it-IT' }, { label: 'Deutsch (Deutschland)', value: 'de-DE' }, { label: '日本語 (日本)', value: 'ja-JP' }, { label: '中文 (##)', value: 'zh-CN' }, { label: '한국어 (대한민국)', value: 'ko-KR' }, { label: 'Português (Brasil)', value: 'pt-BR' }, { label: 'Русский (Россия)', value: 'ru-RU' }, { label: 'العربية (السعودية)', value: 'ar-SA' }, { label: 'Nederlands (Nederland)', value: 'nl-NL' }, { label: 'Dansk (Danmark)', value: 'da-DK' }, { label: 'Norsk Bokmål (Norge)', value: 'nb-NO' }, { label: 'Svenska (Sverige)', value: 'sv-SE' }, { label: 'Suomi (Suomi)', value: 'fi-FI' }, { label: 'Polski (Polska)', value: 'pl-PL' }, { label: 'Čeština (Česká republika)', value: 'cs-CZ' }, { label: 'Slovenčina (Slovensko)', value: 'sk-SK' }, { label: 'Magyar (Magyarország)', value: 'hu-HU' }, { label: 'Română (România)', value: 'ro-RO' }, { label: 'Български (България)', value: 'bg-BG' }, { label: 'Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)', value: 'el-GR' }, { label: 'Türkçe (Türkiye)', value: 'tr-TR' }, { label: 'Samoan (Samoa)', value: 'sm' }, ]; langOptions.forEach(option => { const langOption = document.createElement('option'); langOption.value = option.value; langOption.textContent = option.label; if (option.value === recognition.lang) { langOption.selected = true; } langSelector.appendChild(langOption); }); document.body.appendChild(langSelector); const micIcon = document.createElement('div'); micIcon.style.position = 'fixed'; micIcon.style.bottom = '10px'; micIcon.style.right = '10px'; micIcon.style.zIndex = '99999'; micIcon.style.fontSize = '18px'; micIcon.style.color = 'white'; micIcon.style.padding = '10px'; micIcon.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'; micIcon.style.borderRadius = '5px'; micIcon.style.fontWeight = 'bold'; micIcon.textContent = 'Press and hold V to talk'; document.body.appendChild(micIcon); document.addEventListener('keydown', event => { if (event.key === 'v' && !isListening) { micIcon.textContent = 'Recording... (Release V to Stop)'; startRecognition(); } }); document.addEventListener('keyup', event => { if (event.key === 'v' && isListening) { micIcon.textContent = 'Press and hold V to talk'; stopRecognition(); } }); recognition.addEventListener('r###lt', event => { const transcript = Array.from(event.r###lts) .map(r###lt => r###lt[0].transcript) .join(''); if (event.r###lts[0].isFinal) { if (transcript !== lastR###lt) { lastR###lt = transcript; finalTranscript += transcript; insertText(finalTranscript); finalTranscript = ''; } } }); function startRecognition() { isListening = true; recognition.start(); console.log('Recording... (Release V to Stop)'); } function stopRecognition() { isListening = false; recognition.stop(); console.log('Stopped Recording'); lastR###lt = ''; } function insertText(text) { const input = document.querySelector('textarea'); input.value += text; } })();