Add "🗣️", "🀄", and "⏹️" buttons to read aloud elements with the "prose" class in English, Chinese, and to stop reading aloud respectively.
Introducing the "Read Aloud ChatGPT" user script for Tampermonkey! This script allows you to easily listen to the text in ChatGPT by adding "🗣️" and "🀄" buttons for reading aloud in English and Chinese, respectively. A "⏹️" button is also available for stopping the speech synthesis at any time. Enhance your ChatGPT experience by enabling audio playback and enjoy a more interactive and accessible way of engaging with the content.
Chinese (Simplified):
向您介绍适用于 Tampermonkey 的 "Read Aloud ChatGPT" 用户脚本!此脚本通过添加 "🗣️" 和 "🀄" 按钮,分别用于以英语和汉语朗读,使您可以轻松收听 ChatGPT 中的文本。另外还提供了一个 "⏹️" 按钮,可随时停止语音合成。启用音频播放以增强您的 ChatGPT 体验,并以更互动、更易访问的方式享受与内容的互动。