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YouTube Volume Assistant

Enhances the volume control on YouTube by providing additional information and features.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube Volume Assistant
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.2.6
// @description  Enhances the volume control on YouTube by providing additional information and features.
// @author       CY Fung
// @license      MIT License
// @match        https://www.youtube.com/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=youtube.com
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @unwrap
// @allFrames
// @inject-into page
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
//    AudioContext.prototype._createGain = AudioContext.prototype.createGain;
const insp = o => o ? (o.polymerController || o.inst || o || 0) : (o || 0);
/** @type {globalThis.PromiseConstructor} */
const Promise = (async () => { })().constructor; // YouTube hacks Promise in WaterFox Classic and "Promise.resolve(0)" nevers resolve.
const PromiseExternal = ((resolve_, reject_) => {
const h = (resolve, reject) => { resolve_ = resolve; reject_ = reject };
return class PromiseExternal extends Promise {
constructor(cb = h) {
if (cb === h) {
/** @type {(value: any) => void} */
this.resolve = resolve_;
/** @type {(reason?: any) => void} */
this.reject = reject_;
let wm = new WeakMap();
AudioContext.prototype.createGain = function(...args){
return this.createdGain || (this.createdGain = this._createGain(...args));
function getMediaElementSource() {
return wm.get(this) || null;
function getGainNode() {
return wm.get(this) || null;
AudioContext.prototype._createMediaElementSource = AudioContext.prototype.createMediaElementSource;
AudioContext.prototype.createMediaElementSource = function (video, ...args) {
let createdMediaElementSource = wm.get(video);
if (createdMediaElementSource) return createdMediaElementSource;
wm.set(video, createdMediaElementSource = this._createMediaElementSource(video, ...args));
video.getMediaElementSource = getMediaElementSource;
return createdMediaElementSource;
MediaElementAudioSourceNode.prototype._connect = MediaElementAudioSourceNode.prototype.connect;
MediaElementAudioSourceNode.prototype.connect = function (gainNode, ...args) {
this._connect(gainNode, ...args);
wm.set(this, gainNode);
this.getGainNode = getGainNode;
function addDblTap(element, doubleClick) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45804917/dblclick-doesnt-work-on-touch-devices
let expired
let doubleTouch = function (e) {
if (e.touches.length === 1) {
if (!expired) {
expired = e.timeStamp + 400
} else if (e.timeStamp <= expired) {
// remove the default of this event ( Zoom )
// then reset the variable for other "double Touches" event
expired = null
} else {
// if the second touch was expired, make it as it's the first
expired = e.timeStamp + 400
element.addEventListener('touchstart', doubleTouch)
element.addEventListener('dblclick', doubleClick)
function createCSS() {
if (document.querySelector('#iTFoh')) return;
let style = document.createElement('style');
style.id = 'iTFoh';
style.textContent = `
.video-tip-offseted {
let volumeSlider = null;
let volumeTitle = '';
let volumeSpan = null;
let lastContent = null;
let gainNode = null;
function refreshDOM() {
volumeSlider = document.querySelector('.ytp-volume-panel[role="slider"][title]');
if (volumeSlider) {
volumeTitle = volumeSlider.getAttribute('title');
} else {
volumeTitle = '';
function setDblTap() {
if (!volumeSlider) return;
if (volumeSlider.hasAttribute('pKRyA')) return;
volumeSlider.setAttribute('pKRyA', '');
addDblTap(volumeSlider, (e) => {
let target = null;
try {
target = e.target.closest('.ytp-volume-area').querySelector('.ytp-mute-button');
} catch (e) { }
if (target !== null) {
const e2 = new MouseEvent('contextmenu', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
view: window
let template = document.createElement('template');
let ktid = 0;
async function changeVolumeText() {
try {
if (ktid > 1e9) ktid = 9;
const tid = ++ktid;
const volumeSpan_ = volumeSpan;
if (!volumeSpan_ || !lastContent) return;
if (lastContent && lastContent !== volumeSpan_.textContent) return;
if (volumeSpan_ !== volumeSpan || volumeSpan_.isConnected !== true) return;
let video = document.querySelector('#player video[src]');
if (!video) return;
const ytdPlayerElement = document.querySelector('ytd-player');
if (!ytdPlayerElement) return;
const ytdPlayerCntX = insp(ytdPlayerElement);
const ytdPlayerCnt = ytdPlayerCntX.getPlayerPromise ? ytdPlayerCntX : ytdPlayerElement;
let ytdPlayerPlayer_ = ytdPlayerElement.player_ || insp(ytdPlayerElement).player_ || 0;
if (!ytdPlayerPlayer_ && typeof ytdPlayerCnt.getPlayerPromise === 'function') ytdPlayerPlayer_ = await ytdPlayerCnt.getPlayerPromise();
if (tid !== ktid) return;
if (!ytdPlayerPlayer_ || !ytdPlayerPlayer_.getVolume) return;
if (typeof ytdPlayerPlayer_.getVolume !== 'function') console.error('ytdPlayerPlayer_.getVolume is not a function', typeof ytdPlayerPlayer_.getVolume);
let actualVolume = null;
try {
actualVolume = await ytdPlayerPlayer_.getVolume();
} catch (e) { }
if (tid !== ktid) return;
if (!volumeSpan_ || !lastContent || actualVolume === null) return;
if (lastContent && lastContent !== volumeSpan_.textContent) return;
if (volumeSpan_ !== volumeSpan || volumeSpan_.isConnected !== true) return;
if (video.isConnected !== true) return;
if (gainNode === null) {
let source = video.getMediaElementSource ? video.getMediaElementSource() : null;
if (source) {
gainNode = source.getGainNode ? source.getGainNode() : null;
let gainValue = (((gainNode || 0).gain || 0).value || 0);
let m = gainValue || 1.0;
let normalized = video.volume * 100;
if (!volumeSpan_ || !lastContent) return;
if (lastContent && lastContent !== volumeSpan_.textContent) return;
if (volumeSpan_ !== volumeSpan || volumeSpan_.isConnected !== true) return;
let gainText = gainValue ? `<span class="volume-tip-gain">Gain = ${+(gainValue.toFixed(2))}</span><br>` : '';
template.innerHTML = `
<span class="volume-tip-offset">
<span class="volume-tip-volume">Volume: ${(m * actualVolume).toFixed(1)}% </span><br>
<span class="volume-tip-normalized"> Normalized: ${(m * normalized).toFixed(1)}%</span>
if (volumeSpan.textContent !== template.content.textContent && lastContent === volumeSpan.textContent) {
volumeSpan.innerHTML = template.innerHTML;
lastContent = volumeSpan.textContent;
} catch (e) {
function addVideoEvents() {
let video = document.querySelector('#player video[src]');
if (!video) return;
if (video.hasAttribute('zHbT0')) return;
video.setAttribute('zHbT0', '');
video.addEventListener('volumechange', changeVolumeText, false)
// let ktid = 0;
let goChecking = false;
const asyncNavigateFinish = async () => {
goChecking = false;
const f = () => {
if (!volumeSlider) return;
goChecking = true;
return true;
f() || setTimeout(f, 300);
const onNavigateFinish = () => {
document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', onNavigateFinish, true);
let r80Promise = null;
setInterval(() => {
if (r80Promise) {
r80Promise = null;
}, 80);
const filterFn = t => t.textContent === volumeTitle;
// const r0Fn = r => requestAnimationFrame(r);
const laterFn = async () => {
// let tid = Date.now();
// ktid = tid;
// r80Promise = new PromiseExternal();
// await r80Promise.then();
if (!goChecking) return;
// if (ktid !== tid) return;
if (!volumeSpan) {
let elms = [...document.querySelectorAll('#player .ytp-tooltip div.ytp-tooltip-text-wrapper span.ytp-tooltip-text')];
if (elms.length > 0) {
elms = elms.filter(filterFn);
if (elms[0]) {
HTMLElement.prototype.closest.call(elms[0], '#player .ytp-tooltip').classList.add('video-tip-offseted');
volumeSpan = elms[0];
lastContent = volumeSpan.textContent;
if (volumeSpan && (!volumeSpan.isConnected || volumeSpan.textContent !== lastContent)) {
// volumeSpan.textContent = volumeTitle;
let p = document.querySelector('.video-tip-offseted');
if (p) p.classList.remove('video-tip-offseted');
let m = document.querySelector('.volume-tip-offset');
if (m) m.remove();
volumeSpan = null;
lastContent = null;
if (volumeSpan) {
// await new Promise(r0Fn);
// if (ktid === tid) {
// }
new MutationObserver(function () {
}).observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });