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Extra Fabulous Comics simplifier and next and previous buttons

Adds previous and next buttons/links to Extra Fabulous Comics to make it easier to read a lot of older comics.

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Extra Fabulous Comics simplifier and next and previous buttons
// @namespace   Tehhund
// @match       *://*.extrafabulouscomics.com/*
// @icon        https://static.wixstatic.com/media/904535_d7187dcb8545431db8f80865f59ef376%7Emv2.png/v1/fill/w_32%2Ch_32%2Clg_1%2Cusm_0.66_1.00_0.01/904535_d7187dcb8545431db8f80865f59ef376%7Emv2.png
// @grant       none
// @version     24
// @author      Tehhund
// @description Adds previous and next buttons/links to Extra Fabulous Comics to make it easier to read a lot of older comics.
// @license     MIT
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==
const blankScreenUntilLoad = () => {
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = '* { filter: brightness(0); }';
style.id = 'tehhundScriptBlankStyle';
setTimeout(() => { // prevents running before document.head loads. May need to switch to a MutationObserver.
const unBlankScreen = () => {
document.body.style.backgroundColor = "black";
const scriptTag = document.getElementById('tehhundScriptBlankStyle');
if (scriptTag) {
const calculateCurrentPrevNext = () => {
let currentComic = window.location.href;
currentComic = currentComic.slice(-5); // example: https://www.extrafabulouscomics.com/____1
currentComic = parseInt(currentComic.replace(/\D/g, ''));
let nextComic = currentComic + 1;
nextComic = nextComic.toString().padStart(5, '_');
nextComic = 'https://www.extrafabulouscomics.com/' + nextComic;
let prevComic = currentComic - 1;
prevComic = prevComic.toString().padStart(5, '_');
prevComic = 'https://www.extrafabulouscomics.com/' + prevComic;
return { 'current': currentComic, 'next': nextComic, 'prev': prevComic };
const addLinks = () => {
let nextPrevLinks = document.getElementsByClassName('tehhundScript');
while (nextPrevLinks.length > 0) {
nextPrevLinks[0].remove(); // For of was skipping elements so this fixes that.
let comic = document.querySelectorAll('img')[0].cloneNode();
document.body.innerHTML += '<style>* { background: black; }</style>';
const allElems = document.body.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (let elem of allElems) {
//elem.style.filter = 'brightness(0%)';
comic.style.paddingTop = '7rem';
comic.style.paddingBottom = '7rem';
/*const currentComic = window.location.href;
document.body.innerHTML += '<a class="tehhundScript tehhundScriptPrev" href="https://paulkoepke.com/redirector/?redirectUrl=' + currentComic + '&direction=prev" style="position: fixed;top: 5rem;left: 0;border: 1px solid #000000;font-size: 1rem;">Prev</button>';
document.body.innerHTML += '<a class="tehhundScript tehhundScriptPrev" href="https://paulkoepke.com/redirector/?redirectUrl=' + currentComic + '&direction=prev" style="position: fixed;bottom: 5rem;left: 0;border: 1px solid #000000;font-size: 1rem;">Prev</button>';
document.body.innerHTML += '<a class="tehhundScript tehhundScriptNext" href="https://paulkoepke.com/redirector/?redirectUrl=' + currentComic + '&direction=next" style="position: fixed;top: 5rem;right: 0;border: 1px solid #000000;font-size: 1rem;">Next</button>';
document.body.innerHTML += '<a class="tehhundScript tehhundScriptNext" href="https://paulkoepke.com/redirector/?redirectUrl=' + currentComic + '&direction=next" style="position: fixed;bottom: 5rem;right: 0;border: 1px solid #000000;font-size: 1rem;">Next</button>';*/
const topNextLink = document.createElement('a');
topNextLink.style.position = 'fixed';
topNextLink.style.top = '5rem';
topNextLink.style.right = '0';
topNextLink.style.border = '1px solid #000000';
topNextLink.style.fontSize = '1rem';
topNextLink.classList = 'tehhundScript tehhundScriptNext';
topNextLink.href = calculateCurrentPrevNext()['next'];
topNextLink.textContent = 'Next';
const bottomNextLink = topNextLink.cloneNode(true);
bottomNextLink.style.top = '';
bottomNextLink.style.bottom = '5rem';
const topPrevLink = topNextLink.cloneNode(true);
topPrevLink.style.right = '';
topPrevLink.style.left = '0';
topPrevLink.href = calculateCurrentPrevNext()['prev'];
topPrevLink.textContent = 'Prev';
const bottomPrevLink = topPrevLink.cloneNode(true);
bottomPrevLink.style.top = '';
bottomPrevLink.style.bottom = '5rem';
// EFC website is slow to load new pages. This should speed it up a bit.
const linkRels = ['prefetch', 'preload', 'preconnect', 'dns-prefetch', 'prerender'];
for (let rel of linkRels) {
document.head.innerHTML += '<link link rel="' + rel + '" href="' + calculateCurrentPrevNext()['next'] + '" >';
document.head.innerHTML += '<link link rel="' + rel + '" href="' + calculateCurrentPrevNext()['prev'] + '" >';
//Move the whole body up a bit.
/*document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.position = 'relative';
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.top = '-2rem';*/
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {