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AO3: Visible Full-page Index Button

Moves or copies (setting is user configurable) the "Full-page index" button to the main work navigation bar for ease of access

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// ==UserScript==
// @name           AO3: Visible Full-page Index Button
// @namespace      https://github.com/w4tchdoge
// @version        1.3.4-20240611_164932
// @description    Moves or copies (setting is user configurable) the "Full-page index" button to the main work navigation bar for ease of access
// @author         w4tchdoge
// @homepage       https://github.com/w4tchdoge/MISC-UserScripts
// @match          *://archiveofourown.org/*chapters/*
// @match          *://archiveofourown.org/*works/*
// @exclude        *://archiveofourown.org/*works/*/bookmarks
// @exclude        *://archiveofourown.org/*works/*/navigate
// @icon           https://archiveofourown.org/favicon.ico
// @license        AGPL-3.0-or-later
// @history        1.3.4 — Add @exclude rule so that userscript doesn't run on /navigate pages. Add match rule so that userscript runs on chaptes pages that don't include "works" in the URL
// @history        1.3.3 — Minor cleanup
// @history        1.3.2 — Modify the match rule so that it matches collections/*/works URLs as well; Add an exlude role so it doesn't work on works/*/bookmarks pages as it isn't designed to
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
`use strict`;
/* IMPORTANT – Change this value depending on whether or not you want the initial "Full-page index" button remove from the "Chapter Index" dropdown – IMPORTANT */
const remove_ini_fpi_btn = true;
/* IMPORTANT- Change this value to false if you do not want a "Full-page index" button when viewing an entire work */
const enti_wrk_fpi_btn = true;
// Only execute the rest of the script if the "Chapter Index" element exists (this is so it doesn't throw an error in the console when viewing an entire work or a single chapter work)
if (document.querySelector(`ul.work.navigation.actions li[class="chapter"]`) != null) {
// Find the "Chapter Index" button on the main work navbar
const ch_indx_btn = document.querySelector(`ul.work.navigation.actions li[class="chapter"]`);
// Get the "Full-page index" button using XPATH
const ini_fpi_btn = document.evaluate(`//*[@id="chapter_index"]/li[*/text()[contains(.,'Full-page index')]]`, document, null, XPathR###lt.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
// Get the href attribute of the "Full-page index" button that normally lives within the "Chapter Index" dropdown
const fpi_href = ini_fpi_btn.querySelector(`a`).getAttribute(`href`);
// Create a slightly modified copy of the "Full-page index" button element
const fpi_button = Object.assign(document.createElement(`a`), {
id: `navbar_full_page_index_btn`,
href: fpi_href,
innerHTML: `Full-page index`
// Append the modified copy to the "Chapter Index" button element such that it appears to the right of it in the main work navbar
// Code to run if the original "Full-page index" button is to be removed
if (remove_ini_fpi_btn == true) {
// Remove the "Full-page index" button from the "Chapter Index" dropdown if remove_ini_fpi_btn is set to true
// Remove the padding-right on the "Go" button in the "Chapter Index" dropdown
document.querySelector(`ul#chapter_index select#selected_id+span`).setAttribute(`style`, `padding-right: 0 !important;`);
// Add a "Full-page index" button when viewing an entire work (enti_wrk_fpi_btn must be set to true)
if (document.querySelector(`ul.work.navigation.actions li.chapter.bychapter`) != null && enti_wrk_fpi_btn) {
// Find the "Chapter by Chapter" button on the main work navbar
const ch_by_ch_btn = document.querySelector(`ul.work.navigation.actions li.chapter.bychapter`);
// Construct href for the "Full-page Index" button
const fpi_href = (function () {
curr_page_url = new URL(window.location),
fpi_href = `${curr_page_url.pathname}/navigate`;
return fpi_href;
// Create the "Full-page index" button element
const fpi_button = Object.assign(document.createElement(`a`), {
id: `navbar_full_page_index_btn`,
href: fpi_href,
style: `margin-left: 0.3em`,
innerHTML: `Full-page index`
// Append the "Full-page index" button to the "Chapter by Chapter" button