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Remove PW images

Hide any images that you would prefer not to see on the Politics and War website

Install this script?
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Remove PW images
// @namespace   https://politicsandwar.com/nation/id=98616
// @description Hide any images that you would prefer not to see on the Politics and War website
// @version     0.1
// @author      Talus
// @license     GPL-3.0-or-later
// @match       *://*.politicsandwar.com/*
// @run-at      document-start
// @require     https://openuserjs.org/src/libs/sizzle/GM_config.js
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var configId = 'blockedImgUrlsConfig';  // Configuration ID for GM_config
// Create the GM_config object
var config = new GM_config({
id: configId,
title: 'Blocked Image URLs Configuration',
fields: {
blockedImgUrls: {
label: 'Blocked URLs (one per line)',
type: 'textarea',
cols: 50,
rows: 10
events: {
save: function() {
var newBlockedUrls = config.get('blockedImgUrls').split('\n').map(url => url.trim());
GM_setValue('blockedImgUrls', newBlockedUrls);
blockImages(newBlockedUrls); // Block the images based on the updated URLs
// Register a menu command to open the configuration interface
GM_registerMenuCommand('Manage Blocked URLs', config.open.bind(config));
// Retrieve the blocked URLs from the user script settings
var blockedImgUrls = GM_getValue('blockedImgUrls', []);
// Block the images based on the stored blocked URLs
// Function to block the images based on the provided URLs
function blockImages(urls) {
var css = urls.map(url => `img[src*="${decodeURIComponent(url)}"] { display: none !important; }`).join('\n');
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = css;