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Bilibili Comment Search

Add comment searching support in Bilibili.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Bilibili 评论搜索
// @name:en         Bilibili Comment Search
// @name:zh         Bilibili 评论搜索
// @namespace       npm/vite-plugin-monkey
// @version         0.2.0
// @author          pacexy <[email protected]>
// @description     让 Bilibili 支持评论搜索。
// @description:en  Add comment searching support in Bilibili.
// @description:zh  让 Bilibili 支持评论搜索。
// @license         MIT
// @icon            https://www.bilibili.com/favicon.ico
// @homepage        https://github.com/pacexy/userscript-bilibili-comment-search#readme
// @homepageURL     https://github.com/pacexy/userscript-bilibili-comment-search#readme
// @source          https://github.com/pacexy/userscript-bilibili-comment-search.git
// @supportURL      https://github.com/pacexy/userscript-bilibili-comment-search/issues
// @match           *://www.bilibili.com/video/av*
// @match           *://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep*
// @match           *://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ss*
// @match           *://www.bilibili.com/video/BV*
// @require         https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/umd/react.production.min.js
// @require         https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/umd/react-dom.production.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
(e=>{const o=document.createElement("style");o.dataset.source="vite-plugin-monkey",o.textContent=e,document.head.append(o)})(" #comment-search-root{float:right}#comment-search-root button{margin-left:auto;border:none;padding:4px 8px;border-radius:4px}#comment-search-root dialog[open]{display:block}#comment-search-root dialog{display:none;width:800px;margin:auto;padding:1em;border-radius:8px;border:none;outline:none;overflow:hidden}#comment-search-root dialog .header{display:flex;align-items:center}#comment-search-root dialog .header h1{font-size:15px;color:var(--text1)}#comment-search-root dialog .header h1 span{color:var(--text3)}#comment-search-root dialog input{padding:5px 10px;border:1px solid var(--Ga1);border-radius:4px;background-color:var(--bg3);color:var(--text1);outline:none;width:100%;margin-top:20px}#comment-search-root dialog .note{color:var(--text3);margin:10px 0}#comment-search-root dialog .comment-tree{height:500px;overflow:auto;overscroll-behavior:contain}#comment-search-root .comment-item{display:flex}#comment-search-root .comment-item-avatar{border-radius:50%;background-color:var(--Ga1);margin-right:10px;flex-shrink:0}#comment-search-root .comment-item-username{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;margin-bottom:4px;color:#61666d;margin-right:12px}#comment-search-root .comment-item-message{font-size:14px;color:var(--text1)}#comment-search-root .comment-item-highlight{background-color:#f8eec2}#comment-search-root .comment-item-time{color:var(--text3);margin-top:4px} ");
(function (require$$0, require$$0$1) {
'use strict';
function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) {
return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, "default") ? x["default"] : x;
var jsxRuntime = { exports: {} };
var reactJsxRuntime_production_min = {};
* @license React
* react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var f = require$$0, k = Symbol.for("react.element"), l = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), m$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, n = f.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, p = { key: true, ref: true, __self: true, __source: true };
function q(c, a, g) {
var b, d = {}, e = null, h = null;
void 0 !== g && (e = "" + g);
void 0 !== a.key && (e = "" + a.key);
void 0 !== a.ref && (h = a.ref);
for (b in a)
m$1.call(a, b) && !p.hasOwnProperty(b) && (d[b] = a[b]);
if (c && c.defaultProps)
for (b in a = c.defaultProps, a)
void 0 === d[b] && (d[b] = a[b]);
return { $$typeof: k, type: c, key: e, ref: h, props: d, _owner: n.current };
reactJsxRuntime_production_min.Fragment = l;
reactJsxRuntime_production_min.jsx = q;
reactJsxRuntime_production_min.jsxs = q;
jsxRuntime.exports = reactJsxRuntime_production_min;
var jsxRuntimeExports = jsxRuntime.exports;
var client = {};
var m = require$$0$1;
client.createRoot = m.createRoot;
client.hydrateRoot = m.hydrateRoot;
var main = { exports: {} };
(function(module) {
module.exports = /******/
function(modules) {
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function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
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return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
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exports: {},
id: moduleId,
loaded: false
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__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
__webpack_require__.p = "";
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function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
module2.exports = __webpack_require__(1);
/* 1 */
function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
var _Highlighter = __webpack_require__(2);
var _Highlighter2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Highlighter);
exports["default"] = _Highlighter2["default"];
module2.exports = exports["default"];
/* 2 */
function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _extends = Object.assign || function(target) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var source = arguments[i];
for (var key in source) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
return target;
exports["default"] = Highlighter2;
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj };
function _objectWithoutProperties(obj, keys) {
var target = {};
for (var i in obj) {
if (keys.indexOf(i) >= 0)
if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i))
target[i] = obj[i];
return target;
var _highlightWordsCore = __webpack_require__(3);
var _propTypes = __webpack_require__(4);
var _propTypes2 = _interopRequireDefault(_propTypes);
var _react = __webpack_require__(14);
var _memoizeOne = __webpack_require__(15);
var _memoizeOne2 = _interopRequireDefault(_memoizeOne);
Highlighter2.propTypes = {
activeClassName: _propTypes2["default"].string,
activeIndex: _propTypes2["default"].number,
activeStyle: _propTypes2["default"].object,
autoEscape: _propTypes2["default"].bool,
className: _propTypes2["default"].string,
findChunks: _propTypes2["default"].func,
highlightClassName: _propTypes2["default"].oneOfType([_propTypes2["default"].object, _propTypes2["default"].string]),
highlightStyle: _propTypes2["default"].object,
highlightTag: _propTypes2["default"].oneOfType([_propTypes2["default"].node, _propTypes2["default"].func, _propTypes2["default"].string]),
sanitize: _propTypes2["default"].func,
searchWords: _propTypes2["default"].arrayOf(_propTypes2["default"].oneOfType([_propTypes2["default"].string, _propTypes2["default"].instanceOf(RegExp)])).isRequired,
textToHighlight: _propTypes2["default"].string.isRequired,
unhighlightTag: _propTypes2["default"].oneOfType([_propTypes2["default"].node, _propTypes2["default"].func, _propTypes2["default"].string]),
unhighlightClassName: _propTypes2["default"].string,
unhighlightStyle: _propTypes2["default"].object
function Highlighter2(_ref) {
var _ref$activeClassName = _ref.activeClassName;
var activeClassName = _ref$activeClassName === void 0 ? "" : _ref$activeClassName;
var _ref$activeIndex = _ref.activeIndex;
var activeIndex = _ref$activeIndex === void 0 ? -1 : _ref$activeIndex;
var activeStyle = _ref.activeStyle;
var autoEscape = _ref.autoEscape;
var _ref$caseSensitive = _ref.caseSensitive;
var caseSensitive = _ref$caseSensitive === void 0 ? false : _ref$caseSensitive;
var className = _ref.className;
var findChunks = _ref.findChunks;
var _ref$highlightClassName = _ref.highlightClassName;
var highlightClassName = _ref$highlightClassName === void 0 ? "" : _ref$highlightClassName;
var _ref$highlightStyle = _ref.highlightStyle;
var highlightStyle = _ref$highlightStyle === void 0 ? {} : _ref$highlightStyle;
var _ref$highlightTag = _ref.highlightTag;
var highlightTag = _ref$highlightTag === void 0 ? "mark" : _ref$highlightTag;
var sanitize = _ref.sanitize;
var searchWords = _ref.searchWords;
var textToHighlight = _ref.textToHighlight;
var _ref$unhighlightTag = _ref.unhighlightTag;
var unhighlightTag = _ref$unhighlightTag === void 0 ? "span" : _ref$unhighlightTag;
var _ref$unhighlightClassName = _ref.unhighlightClassName;
var unhighlightClassName = _ref$unhighlightClassName === void 0 ? "" : _ref$unhighlightClassName;
var unhighlightStyle = _ref.unhighlightStyle;
var rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["activeClassName", "activeIndex", "activeStyle", "autoEscape", "caseSensitive", "className", "findChunks", "highlightClassName", "highlightStyle", "highlightTag", "sanitize", "searchWords", "textToHighlight", "unhighlightTag", "unhighlightClassName", "unhighlightStyle"]);
var chunks = (0, _highlightWordsCore.findAll)({
var HighlightTag = highlightTag;
var highlightIndex = -1;
var highlightClassNames = "";
var highlightStyles = void 0;
var lowercaseProps = function lowercaseProps2(object) {
var mapped = {};
for (var key in object) {
mapped[key.toLowerCase()] = object[key];
return mapped;
var memoizedLowercaseProps = (0, _memoizeOne2["default"])(lowercaseProps);
return (0, _react.createElement)("span", _extends({
}, rest, {
children: chunks.map(function(chunk, index) {
var text = textToHighlight.substr(chunk.start, chunk.end - chunk.start);
if (chunk.highlight) {
var highlightClass = void 0;
if (typeof highlightClassName === "object") {
if (!caseSensitive) {
highlightClassName = memoizedLowercaseProps(highlightClassName);
highlightClass = highlightClassName[text.toLowerCase()];
} else {
highlightClass = highlightClassName[text];
} else {
highlightClass = highlightClassName;
var isActive = highlightIndex === +activeIndex;
highlightClassNames = highlightClass + " " + (isActive ? activeClassName : "");
highlightStyles = isActive === true && activeStyle != null ? Object.assign({}, highlightStyle, activeStyle) : highlightStyle;
var props = {
children: text,
className: highlightClassNames,
key: index,
style: highlightStyles
if (typeof HighlightTag !== "string") {
props.highlightIndex = highlightIndex;
return (0, _react.createElement)(HighlightTag, props);
} else {
return (0, _react.createElement)(unhighlightTag, {
children: text,
className: unhighlightClassName,
key: index,
style: unhighlightStyle
module2.exports = exports["default"];
/* 3 */
function(module2, exports) {
module2.exports = /******/
function(modules) {
var installedModules = {};
function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
if (installedModules[moduleId])
return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
var module3 = installedModules[moduleId] = {
exports: {},
id: moduleId,
loaded: false
modules[moduleId].call(module3.exports, module3, module3.exports, __webpack_require__);
module3.loaded = true;
return module3.exports;
__webpack_require__.m = modules;
__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
__webpack_require__.p = "";
return __webpack_require__(0);
/* 0 */
function(module3, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
module3.exports = __webpack_require__(1);
/* 1 */
function(module3, exports2, __webpack_require__) {
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _utils = __webpack_require__(2);
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "combineChunks", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _utils.combineChunks;
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "fillInChunks", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _utils.fillInChunks;
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "findAll", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _utils.findAll;
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "findChunks", {
enumerable: true,
get: function get() {
return _utils.findChunks;
/* 2 */
function(module3, exports2) {
Object.defineProperty(exports2, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports2.findAll = function findAll(_ref) {
var autoEscape = _ref.autoEscape, _ref$caseSensitive = _ref.caseSensitive, caseSensitive = _ref$caseSensitive === void 0 ? false : _ref$caseSensitive, _ref$findChunks = _ref.findChunks, findChunks = _ref$findChunks === void 0 ? defaultFindChunks : _ref$findChunks, sanitize = _ref.sanitize, searchWords = _ref.searchWords, textToHighlight = _ref.textToHighlight;
return fillInChunks({
chunksToHighlight: combineChunks({
chunks: findChunks({
totalLength: textToHighlight ? textToHighlight.length : 0
var combineChunks = exports2.combineChunks = function combineChunks2(_ref2) {
var chunks = _ref2.chunks;
chunks = chunks.sort(function(first, second) {
return first.start - second.start;
}).reduce(function(processedChunks, nextChunk) {
if (processedChunks.length === 0) {
return [nextChunk];
} else {
var prevChunk = processedChunks.pop();
if (nextChunk.start <= prevChunk.end) {
var endIndex = Math.max(prevChunk.end, nextChunk.end);
processedChunks.push({ start: prevChunk.start, end: endIndex });
} else {
processedChunks.push(prevChunk, nextChunk);
return processedChunks;
}, []);
return chunks;
var defaultFindChunks = function defaultFindChunks2(_ref3) {
var autoEscape = _ref3.autoEscape, caseSensitive = _ref3.caseSensitive, _ref3$sanitize = _ref3.sanitize, sanitize = _ref3$sanitize === void 0 ? identity : _ref3$sanitize, searchWords = _ref3.searchWords, textToHighlight = _ref3.textToHighlight;
textToHighlight = sanitize(textToHighlight);
return searchWords.filter(function(searchWord) {
return searchWord;
}).reduce(function(chunks, searchWord) {
searchWord = sanitize(searchWord);
if (autoEscape) {
searchWord = escapeRegExpFn(searchWord);
var regex = new RegExp(searchWord, caseSensitive ? "g" : "gi");
var match = void 0;
while (match = regex.exec(textToHighlight)) {
var start = match.index;
var end = regex.lastIndex;
if (end > start) {
chunks.push({ start, end });
if (match.index == regex.lastIndex) {
return chunks;
}, []);
exports2.findChunks = defaultFindChunks;
var fillInChunks = exports2.fillInChunks = function fillInChunks2(_ref4) {
var chunksToHighlight = _ref4.chunksToHighlight, totalLength = _ref4.totalLength;
var allChunks = [];
var append = function append2(start, end, highlight) {
if (end - start > 0) {
if (chunksToHighlight.length === 0) {
append(0, totalLength, false);
} else {
var lastIndex = 0;
chunksToHighlight.forEach(function(chunk) {
append(lastIndex, chunk.start, false);
append(chunk.start, chunk.end, true);
lastIndex = chunk.end;
append(lastIndex, totalLength, false);
return allChunks;
function identity(value) {
return value;
function escapeRegExpFn(str) {
return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
/* 4 */
function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
(function(process) {
module2.exports = __webpack_require__(13)();
}).call(exports, __webpack_require__(5));
/* 5 */
function(module2, exports) {
var process = module2.exports = {};
var cachedSetTimeout;
var cachedClearTimeout;
function defaultSetTimout() {
throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined");
function defaultClearTimeout() {
throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined");
(function() {
try {
if (typeof setTimeout === "function") {
cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
} else {
cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
} catch (e) {
cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
try {
if (typeof clearTimeout === "function") {
cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
} else {
cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
} catch (e) {
cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
function runTimeout(fun) {
if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {
return setTimeout(fun, 0);
if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {
cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
return setTimeout(fun, 0);
try {
return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);
} catch (e) {
try {
return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0);
} catch (e2) {
return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0);
function runClearTimeout(marker) {
if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {
return clearTimeout(marker);
if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {
cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
return clearTimeout(marker);
try {
return cachedClearTimeout(marker);
} catch (e) {
try {
return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker);
} catch (e2) {
return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker);
var queue = [];
var draining = false;
var currentQueue;
var queueIndex = -1;
function cleanUpNextTick() {
if (!draining || !currentQueue) {
draining = false;
if (currentQueue.length) {
queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);
} else {
queueIndex = -1;
if (queue.length) {
function drainQueue() {
if (draining) {
var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
draining = true;
var len = queue.length;
while (len) {
currentQueue = queue;
queue = [];
while (++queueIndex < len) {
if (currentQueue) {
queueIndex = -1;
len = queue.length;
currentQueue = null;
draining = false;
process.nextTick = function(fun) {
var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
queue.push(new Item(fun, args));
if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {
function Item(fun, array) {
this.fun = fun;
this.array = array;
Item.prototype.run = function() {
this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
process.title = "browser";
process.browser = true;
process.env = {};
process.argv = [];
process.version = "";
process.versions = {};
function noop() {
process.on = noop;
process.addListener = noop;
process.once = noop;
process.off = noop;
process.removeListener = noop;
process.removeAllListeners = noop;
process.emit = noop;
process.prependListener = noop;
process.prependOnceListener = noop;
process.listeners = function(name2) {
return [];
process.binding = function(name2) {
throw new Error("process.binding is not supported");
process.cwd = function() {
return "/";
process.chdir = function(dir) {
throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported");
process.umask = function() {
return 0;
/* 6 */
function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
(function(process) {
var emptyFunction = __webpack_require__(7);
var invariant = __webpack_require__(8);
var warning = __webpack_require__(9);
var assign = __webpack_require__(10);
var ReactPropTypesSecret = __webpack_require__(11);
var checkPropTypes = __webpack_require__(12);
module2.exports = function(isValidElement, throwOnDirectAccess) {
var ITERATOR_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator;
var FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = "@@iterator";
function getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {
var iteratorFn = maybeIterable && (ITERATOR_SYMBOL && maybeIterable[ITERATOR_SYMBOL] || maybeIterable[FAUX_ITERATOR_SYMBOL]);
if (typeof iteratorFn === "function") {
return iteratorFn;
var ANONYMOUS = "<<anonymous>>";
var ReactPropTypes = {
array: createPrimitiveTypeChecker("array"),
bool: createPrimitiveTypeChecker("boolean"),
func: createPrimitiveTypeChecker("function"),
number: createPrimitiveTypeChecker("number"),
object: createPrimitiveTypeChecker("object"),
string: createPrimitiveTypeChecker("string"),
symbol: createPrimitiveTypeChecker("symbol"),
any: createAnyTypeChecker(),
arrayOf: createArrayOfTypeChecker,
element: createElementTypeChecker(),
instanceOf: createInstanceTypeChecker,
node: createNodeChecker(),
objectOf: createObjectOfTypeChecker,
oneOf: createEnumTypeChecker,
oneOfType: createUnionTypeChecker,
shape: createShapeTypeChecker,
exact: createStrictShapeTypeChecker
function is(x, y) {
if (x === y) {
return x !== 0 || 1 / x === 1 / y;
} else {
return x !== x && y !== y;
function PropTypeError(message) {
this.message = message;
this.stack = "";
PropTypeError.prototype = Error.prototype;
function createChainableTypeChecker(validate) {
function checkType(isRequired, props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {
componentName = componentName || ANONYMOUS;
propFullName = propFullName || propName;
if (secret !== ReactPropTypesSecret) {
if (throwOnDirectAccess) {
"Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use `PropTypes.checkPropTypes()` to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types"
if (props[propName] == null) {
if (isRequired) {
if (props[propName] === null) {
return new PropTypeError("The " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` is marked as required " + ("in `" + componentName + "`, but its value is `null`."));
return new PropTypeError("The " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` is marked as required in " + ("`" + componentName + "`, but its value is `undefined`."));
return null;
} else {
return validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName);
var chainedCheckType = checkType.bind(null, false);
chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true);
return chainedCheckType;
function createPrimitiveTypeChecker(expectedType) {
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {
var propValue = props[propName];
var propType = getPropType(propValue);
if (propType !== expectedType) {
var preciseType = getPreciseType(propValue);
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of type " + ("`" + preciseType + "` supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected ") + ("`" + expectedType + "`."));
return null;
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createAnyTypeChecker() {
return createChainableTypeChecker(emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull);
function createArrayOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) {
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
if (typeof typeChecker !== "function") {
return new PropTypeError("Property `" + propFullName + "` of component `" + componentName + "` has invalid PropType notation inside arrayOf.");
var propValue = props[propName];
if (!Array.isArray(propValue)) {
var propType = getPropType(propValue);
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of type " + ("`" + propType + "` supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected an array."));
for (var i = 0; i < propValue.length; i++) {
var error = typeChecker(propValue, i, componentName, location, propFullName + "[" + i + "]", ReactPropTypesSecret);
if (error instanceof Error) {
return error;
return null;
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createElementTypeChecker() {
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
var propValue = props[propName];
if (!isValidElement(propValue)) {
var propType = getPropType(propValue);
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of type " + ("`" + propType + "` supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected a single ReactElement."));
return null;
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createInstanceTypeChecker(expectedClass) {
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
if (!(props[propName] instanceof expectedClass)) {
var expectedClassName = expectedClass.name || ANONYMOUS;
var actualClassName = getClassName(props[propName]);
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of type " + ("`" + actualClassName + "` supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected ") + ("instance of `" + expectedClassName + "`."));
return null;
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createEnumTypeChecker(expectedValues) {
if (!Array.isArray(expectedValues)) {
return emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull;
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
var propValue = props[propName];
for (var i = 0; i < expectedValues.length; i++) {
if (is(propValue, expectedValues[i])) {
return null;
var valuesString = JSON.stringify(expectedValues);
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of value `" + propValue + "` " + ("supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected one of " + valuesString + "."));
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createObjectOfTypeChecker(typeChecker) {
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
if (typeof typeChecker !== "function") {
return new PropTypeError("Property `" + propFullName + "` of component `" + componentName + "` has invalid PropType notation inside objectOf.");
var propValue = props[propName];
var propType = getPropType(propValue);
if (propType !== "object") {
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of type " + ("`" + propType + "` supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected an object."));
for (var key in propValue) {
if (propValue.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var error = typeChecker(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName + "." + key, ReactPropTypesSecret);
if (error instanceof Error) {
return error;
return null;
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createUnionTypeChecker(arrayOfTypeCheckers) {
if (!Array.isArray(arrayOfTypeCheckers)) {
return emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfTypeCheckers.length; i++) {
var checker = arrayOfTypeCheckers[i];
if (typeof checker !== "function") {
"Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType. Expected an array of check functions, but received %s at index %s.",
return emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull;
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < arrayOfTypeCheckers.length; i2++) {
var checker2 = arrayOfTypeCheckers[i2];
if (checker2(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, ReactPropTypesSecret) == null) {
return null;
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` supplied to " + ("`" + componentName + "`."));
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createNodeChecker() {
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
if (!isNode(props[propName])) {
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` supplied to " + ("`" + componentName + "`, expected a ReactNode."));
return null;
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes) {
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
var propValue = props[propName];
var propType = getPropType(propValue);
if (propType !== "object") {
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of type `" + propType + "` " + ("supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected `object`."));
for (var key in shapeTypes) {
var checker = shapeTypes[key];
if (!checker) {
var error = checker(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName + "." + key, ReactPropTypesSecret);
if (error) {
return error;
return null;
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function createStrictShapeTypeChecker(shapeTypes) {
function validate(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) {
var propValue = props[propName];
var propType = getPropType(propValue);
if (propType !== "object") {
return new PropTypeError("Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` of type `" + propType + "` " + ("supplied to `" + componentName + "`, expected `object`."));
var allKeys = assign({}, props[propName], shapeTypes);
for (var key in allKeys) {
var checker = shapeTypes[key];
if (!checker) {
return new PropTypeError(
"Invalid " + location + " `" + propFullName + "` key `" + key + "` supplied to `" + componentName + "`.\nBad object: " + JSON.stringify(props[propName], null, "  ") + "\nValid keys: " + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(shapeTypes), null, "  ")
var error = checker(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName + "." + key, ReactPropTypesSecret);
if (error) {
return error;
return null;
return createChainableTypeChecker(validate);
function isNode(propValue) {
switch (typeof propValue) {
case "number":
case "string":
case "undefined":
return true;
case "boolean":
return !propValue;
case "object":
if (Array.isArray(propValue)) {
return propValue.every(isNode);
if (propValue === null || isValidElement(propValue)) {
return true;
var iteratorFn = getIteratorFn(propValue);
if (iteratorFn) {
var iterator = iteratorFn.call(propValue);
var step;
if (iteratorFn !== propValue.entries) {
while (!(step = iterator.next()).done) {
if (!isNode(step.value)) {
return false;
} else {
while (!(step = iterator.next()).done) {
var entry = step.value;
if (entry) {
if (!isNode(entry[1])) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
return false;
function isSymbol(propType, propValue) {
if (propType === "symbol") {
return true;
if (propValue["@@toStringTag"] === "Symbol") {
return true;
if (typeof Symbol === "function" && propValue instanceof Symbol) {
return true;
return false;
function getPropType(propValue) {
var propType = typeof propValue;
if (Array.isArray(propValue)) {
return "array";
if (propValue instanceof RegExp) {
return "object";
if (isSymbol(propType, propValue)) {
return "symbol";
return propType;
function getPreciseType(propValue) {
if (typeof propValue === "undefined" || propValue === null) {
return "" + propValue;
var propType = getPropType(propValue);
if (propType === "object") {
if (propValue instanceof Date) {
return "date";
} else if (propValue instanceof RegExp) {
return "regexp";
return propType;
function getPostfixForTypeWarning(value) {
var type = getPreciseType(value);
switch (type) {
case "array":
case "object":
return "an " + type;
case "boolean":
case "date":
case "regexp":
return "a " + type;
return type;
function getClassName(propValue) {
if (!propValue.constructor || !propValue.constructor.name) {
return propValue.constructor.name;
ReactPropTypes.checkPropTypes = checkPropTypes;
ReactPropTypes.PropTypes = ReactPropTypes;
return ReactPropTypes;
}).call(exports, __webpack_require__(5));
/* 7 */
function(module2, exports) {
function makeEmptyFunction(arg) {
return function() {
return arg;
var emptyFunction = function emptyFunction2() {
emptyFunction.thatReturns = makeEmptyFunction;
emptyFunction.thatReturnsFalse = makeEmptyFunction(false);
emptyFunction.thatReturnsTrue = makeEmptyFunction(true);
emptyFunction.thatReturnsNull = makeEmptyFunction(null);
emptyFunction.thatReturnsThis = function() {
return this;
emptyFunction.thatReturnsArgument = function(arg) {
return arg;
module2.exports = emptyFunction;
/* 8 */
function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
(function(process) {
function invariant(condition, format, a, b, c, d, e, f2) {
if (!condition) {
var error;
if (format === void 0) {
error = new Error("Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.");
} else {
var args = [a, b, c, d, e, f2];
var argIndex = 0;
error = new Error(format.replace(/%s/g, function() {
return args[argIndex++];
error.name = "Invariant Violation";
error.framesToPop = 1;
throw error;
module2.exports = invariant;
}).call(exports, __webpack_require__(5));
/* 9 */
function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
(function(process) {
var emptyFunction = __webpack_require__(7);
var warning = emptyFunction;
module2.exports = warning;
}).call(exports, __webpack_require__(5));
/* 10 */
function(module2, exports) {
var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var propIsEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
function toObject(val) {
if (val === null || val === void 0) {
throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined");
return Object(val);
function shouldUseNative() {
try {
if (!Object.assign) {
return false;
var test1 = new String("abc");
test1[5] = "de";
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test1)[0] === "5") {
return false;
var test2 = {};
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
test2["_" + String.fromCharCode(i)] = i;
var order2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test2).map(function(n2) {
return test2[n2];
if (order2.join("") !== "0123456789") {
return false;
var test3 = {};
"abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach(function(letter) {
test3[letter] = letter;
if (Object.keys(Object.assign({}, test3)).join("") !== "abcdefghijklmnopqrst") {
return false;
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
module2.exports = shouldUseNative() ? Object.assign : function(target, source) {
var from;
var to = toObject(target);
var symbols;
for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {
from = Object(arguments[s]);
for (var key in from) {
if (hasOwnProperty.call(from, key)) {
to[key] = from[key];
if (getOwnPropertySymbols) {
symbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(from);
for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
if (propIsEnumerable.call(from, symbols[i])) {
to[symbols[i]] = from[symbols[i]];
return to;
/* 11 */
function(module2, exports) {
module2.exports = ReactPropTypesSecret;
/* 12 */
function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
(function(process) {
function checkPropTypes(typeSpecs, values, location, componentName, getStack) {
module2.exports = checkPropTypes;
}).call(exports, __webpack_require__(5));
/* 13 */
function(module2, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var emptyFunction = __webpack_require__(7);
var invariant = __webpack_require__(8);
var ReactPropTypesSecret = __webpack_require__(11);
module2.exports = function() {
function shim(props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName, secret) {
if (secret === ReactPropTypesSecret) {
"Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types"
shim.isRequired = shim;
function getShim() {
return shim;
var ReactPropTypes = {
array: shim,
bool: shim,
func: shim,
number: shim,
object: shim,
string: shim,
symbol: shim,
any: shim,
arrayOf: getShim,
element: shim,
instanceOf: getShim,
node: shim,
objectOf: getShim,
oneOf: getShim,
oneOfType: getShim,
shape: getShim,
exact: getShim
ReactPropTypes.checkPropTypes = emptyFunction;
ReactPropTypes.PropTypes = ReactPropTypes;
return ReactPropTypes;
/* 14 */
function(module2, exports) {
module2.exports = require$$0;
/* 15 */
function(module2, exports) {
var simpleIsEqual = function simpleIsEqual2(a, b) {
return a === b;
function index(r###ltFn) {
var isEqual = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : simpleIsEqual;
var lastThis = void 0;
var lastArgs = [];
var lastR###lt = void 0;
var calledOnce = false;
var isNewArgEqualToLast = function isNewArgEqualToLast2(newArg, index2) {
return isEqual(newArg, lastArgs[index2]);
var r###lt = function r###lt2() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, newArgs = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
newArgs[_key] = arguments[_key];
if (calledOnce && lastThis === this && newArgs.length === lastArgs.length && newArgs.every(isNewArgEqualToLast)) {
return lastR###lt;
calledOnce = true;
lastThis = this;
lastArgs = newArgs;
lastR###lt = r###ltFn.apply(this, newArgs);
return lastR###lt;
return r###lt;
module2.exports = index;
var mainExports = main.exports;
const Highlighter = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(mainExports);
var CommentType = /* @__PURE__ */ ((CommentType2) => {
CommentType2[CommentType2["VIDEO"] = 1] = "VIDEO";
CommentType2[CommentType2["TOPIC"] = 2] = "TOPIC";
CommentType2[CommentType2["ACTIVITY"] = 4] = "ACTIVITY";
CommentType2[CommentType2["SHORT_VIDEO"] = 5] = "SHORT_VIDEO";
CommentType2[CommentType2["BAN_INFO"] = 6] = "BAN_INFO";
CommentType2[CommentType2["NOTICE"] = 7] = "NOTICE";
CommentType2[CommentType2["LIVE_ACTIVITY"] = 8] = "LIVE_ACTIVITY";
CommentType2[CommentType2["ACTIVITY_ARTICLE"] = 9] = "ACTIVITY_ARTICLE";
CommentType2[CommentType2["LIVE_NOTICE"] = 10] = "LIVE_NOTICE";
CommentType2[CommentType2["ALBUM"] = 11] = "ALBUM";
CommentType2[CommentType2["COLUMN"] = 12] = "COLUMN";
CommentType2[CommentType2["TICKET"] = 13] = "TICKET";
CommentType2[CommentType2["AUDIO"] = 14] = "AUDIO";
CommentType2[CommentType2["JURY"] = 15] = "JURY";
CommentType2[CommentType2["REVIEW"] = 16] = "REVIEW";
CommentType2[CommentType2["DYNAMIC"] = 17] = "DYNAMIC";
CommentType2[CommentType2["PLAYLIST"] = 18] = "PLAYLIST";
CommentType2[CommentType2["MUSIC_PLAYLIST"] = 19] = "MUSIC_PLAYLIST";
CommentType2[CommentType2["COMIC_1"] = 20] = "COMIC_1";
CommentType2[CommentType2["COMIC_2"] = 21] = "COMIC_2";
CommentType2[CommentType2["COMIC_3"] = 22] = "COMIC_3";
CommentType2[CommentType2["COURSE"] = 33] = "COURSE";
return CommentType2;
})(CommentType || {});
var CommentSort = /* @__PURE__ */ ((CommentSort2) => {
CommentSort2[CommentSort2["TIME"] = 0] = "TIME";
CommentSort2[CommentSort2["LIKES"] = 1] = "LIKES";
CommentSort2[CommentSort2["REPLIES"] = 2] = "REPLIES";
return CommentSort2;
})(CommentSort || {});
const name = "userscript-bilibili-comment-search";
const version = "0.2.0";
function assertEl(el) {
if (!el) {
throw new Error("Element not found");
return el;
function debug(message) {
console.log(`[${name}] ${message}`);
function extractVideoId(url) {
const match = url.match(/\/video\/(BV\w+)\//);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(`Failed to extract video id from url: ${url}`);
return match[1];
function formatDateTime(ts) {
const date = new Date(ts * 1e3);
return date.toLocaleString("zh-CN", {
year: "numeric",
month: "2-digit",
day: "2-digit",
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
hour12: false
const PAGE_LIMIT = 20;
const replies = [];
async function fetchComments(videoId) {
if (replies.length > 0) {
return replies;
const pageSize = 20;
let page = 1;
while (true) {
const params = new URLSearchParams({
type: CommentType.VIDEO.toString(),
oid: videoId,
sort: CommentSort.TIME.toString(),
pn: page.toString(),
ps: pageSize.toString()
debug(`fetch comments: page ${page}`);
const response = await fetch(
{ credentials: "include" }
const data = await response.json();
if (data.code !== 0) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch comments: ${data.message}`);
if (!data.data) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch comments: ${data.message}`);
replies.push(...data.data.replies ?? []);
if (page * pageSize >= Math.min(PAGE_LIMIT * pageSize, data.data.page.count)) {
return replies;
let keyword = "";
function App() {
const dialogRef = require$$0.useRef(null);
const inputRef = require$$0.useRef(null);
const [comments, setComments] = require$$0.useState();
const promiseRef = require$$0.useRef(null);
return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs(jsxRuntimeExports.Fragment, { children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs(
ref: dialogRef,
onClick: (e) => {
const rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
if (e.clientY < rect.top || e.clientY > rect.bottom || e.clientX < rect.left || e.clientX > rect.right) {
children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs("div", { className: "header", children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs("h1", { children: [
"Bilibili Comment Search ",
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs("span", { children: [
] })
] }),
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx("button", { onClick: () => {
var _a;
return (_a = dialogRef.current) == null ? void 0 : _a.close();
}, children: "X" })
] }),
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx(
ref: inputRef,
placeholder: "搜索评论",
onKeyDown: (e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter" && promiseRef.current) {
keyword = e.currentTarget.value;
promiseRef.current.then((allComments) => {
const comments2 = searchComments(allComments);
}).catch((e2) => {
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs("div", { className: "note", children: [
"Note: 由于性能和 Rate Limit 的原因,目前仅会加载 ",
" ",
"页评论,即 ",
" * 20 条评论,及其至多 3 条子评论。"
] }),
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx("div", { className: "comment-tree", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx(CommentTree, { comments }) })
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx(
onClick: () => {
var _a, _b;
(_a = dialogRef.current) == null ? void 0 : _a.showModal();
(_b = inputRef.current) == null ? void 0 : _b.focus();
const videoId = extractVideoId(window.location.href);
promiseRef.current = fetchComments(videoId);
children: "搜索评论"
] });
const CommentTree = ({ comments, sub = false }) => {
if (!comments)
return null;
return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx("ul", { children: comments.sort((c1, c2) => c1.ctime - c2.ctime).map((comment) => /* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs(
className: "comment-item",
style: {
marginTop: sub ? "10px" : "20px"
children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx(
src: comment.member.avatar,
className: "comment-item-avatar",
style: {
width: sub ? "28px" : "40px",
height: sub ? "28px" : "40px"
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs(
className: "comment-item-content",
style: {
...!sub && {
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column"
children: [
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx("span", { className: "comment-item-username", children: comment.member.uname }),
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx(
className: "comment-item-message",
highlightClassName: "comment-item-highlight",
searchWords: [keyword],
autoEscape: true,
textToHighlight: comment.content.message
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx("div", { className: "comment-item-time", children: formatDateTime(comment.ctime) }),
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx(CommentTree, { comments: comment.replies, sub: true })
)) });
function searchComments(allComments) {
return allComments.filter((comment) => {
var _a;
return comment.content.message.includes(keyword) || ((_a = comment.replies) == null ? void 0 : _a.some((reply) => reply.content.message.includes(keyword)));
function run() {
const id = "comment-search-root";
let root = document.querySelector(`#${id}`);
if (root) {
debug("root exists");
const container = assertEl(document.querySelector("#commentapp"));
root = document.createElement("div");
root.id = id;
/* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx(require$$0.StrictMode, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx(App, {}) })
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
const timer = setInterval(() => {
try {
} catch (error) {
}, 500);
})(React, ReactDOM);