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06/06/2023 00:48:42

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// ==UserScript==
// @name        LazyAutoScrollerJS
// @namespace   https://github.com/Grrraou/lazyAutoScrollerJS
// @match        https://9gag.com/*
// @license MIT
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0
// @author      -
// @description 06/06/2023 00:48:42
// ==/UserScript==
// Create the start and stop buttons
const autoscrollButton = document.createElement('button');
autoscrollButton.innerHTML = '►'; // Play icon
autoscrollButton.style.position = 'fixed';
autoscrollButton.style.bottom = '20px';
autoscrollButton.style.right = '20px';
autoscrollButton.style.width = '30px';
autoscrollButton.style.height = '30px';
autoscrollButton.style.backgroundColor = 'green';
autoscrollButton.style.borderRadius = '50%';
autoscrollButton.style.display = 'flex';
autoscrollButton.style.justifyContent = 'center';
autoscrollButton.style.alignItems = 'center';
autoscrollButton.style.fontSize = '14px';
autoscrollButton.style.color = 'white';
autoscrollButton.style.cursor = 'pointer';
// Create the speed control slider
const speedSlider = document.createElement('input');
speedSlider.type = 'range';
speedSlider.min = '1';
speedSlider.max = '10';
speedSlider.value = '5';
speedSlider.style.width = '200px';
speedSlider.style.position = 'fixed';
speedSlider.style.bottom = '70px';
speedSlider.style.right = '20px';
// Select the element to be scrolled
const elementToScroll = document.documentElement; // Change this to the desired element
// Set the initial scroll speed and interval in milliseconds
let scrollSpeed = parseInt(speedSlider.value);
const scrollInterval = 10; // Adjust this value to change the scroll interval
let isScrolling = false;
let scrollIntervalId;
// Function to start or stop autoscrolling
function toggleAutoscroll() {
if (isScrolling) {
autoscrollButton.style.backgroundColor = 'green';
autoscrollButton.innerHTML = '►'; // Play icon
} else {
scrollSpeed = parseInt(speedSlider.value);
scrollIntervalId = setInterval(autoscroll, scrollInterval);
autoscrollButton.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
autoscrollButton.innerHTML = '◼'; // Stop icon
isScrolling = !isScrolling;
// Function to scroll the element
function autoscroll() {
elementToScroll.scrollBy(0, scrollSpeed); // Scrolls vertically, adjust the X and Y values for horizontal scrolling
// Add click event listener to the autoscroll button
autoscrollButton.addEventListener('click', toggleAutoscroll);
// Append the autoscroll button and speed control slider to the document body