A user extension that modifies many sites.
// ==UserScript== // @name Lift Web Restrictions: Modified // @description A user extension that modifies many sites. // @version 1.0 // @author Somebody#0000 // @namespace https://github.com/ // @supportURL https://github.com/ // @license N/A // @match https://google.com/* // @match https://classroom.google.com/* // @match https://docs.google.com/* // @match https://slides.google.com/* // @match https://www.bing.com/* // @match https://www.yahoo.com/* // @match https://duckduckgo.com/* // @match https://www.aol.com/* // @match https://youtube.com/* // @match https://www.netflix.com/* // @match https://www.facebook.com/* // @match https://www.instagram.com/* // @match https://twitter.com/* // @match https://www.reddit.com/* // @match https://discord.com/* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_addElement // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-start // @antifeature Tracking, slight analytics. // @antifeature Ads, replaces advertisements with our ads. // ==/UserScript== (function() { "use strict"; // Ad video blocker const blockAdVideos = () => { const videoElements = document.querySelectorAll("video"); for (let i = 0; i < videoElements.length; i++) { const videoElement = videoElements[i]; if (videoElement.duration < 10) { // Assuming ads are usually shorter than 10 seconds videoElement.pause(); videoElement.src = ""; videoElement.remove(); } } }; // Click "Skip Ad" button const clickSkipAdButton = () => { const skipAdButton = document.querySelector(".skip-ad-button"); if (skipAdButton) { skipAdButton.click(); } }; // Watch age-restricted YouTube videos const watchAgeRestrictedVideos = () => { const consentButton = document.querySelector(".consent-button"); const playerContainer = document.querySelector(".html5-video-player"); if (consentButton && playerContainer) { consentButton.click(); playerContainer.classList.remove("age-restricted-mode"); } }; // Call the functions to modify the website blockAdVideos(); clickSkipAdButton(); watchAgeRestrictedVideos(); })();