
AO3: Get Current Chapter Word Count

Counts and displays the number of words in the current chapter

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v1.2.1-20240705_2323042024-07-05

    AO3 WordCount v1.2.1

    Prevent script from running on multi-chapter works which only have 1 chapter published.

  • v1.2.0-20240605_2154522024-06-05

    AO3 WordCount v1.2.0

    Replace \w with [\p{Letter}\p{Mark}\p{Number}\p{Connector_Punctuation}] in the regular expession as that is the proper JavaScript equivalent to Ruby's [[:word:]]. Add support for most Unicode scripts supported in regular expressions. Use Array.from() instead of the spread syntax to convert the RegExpStringIterator into a countable array. Add ://archiveofourown.org/*chapters/ as a @match rule so that the script can work on URLs such as https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/141182779. Add ://archiveofourown.org/*works//navigate as an @exclude rule so the script does not run on the index page.

  • v1.1.3-20240526_1629432024-05-26

    AO3 WordCount v1.1.3

    Get rid of the element containing the words "Chapter Text" using removeChild() so I don't have to use RegEx to get rid of it. Also some miscellaneous cleanup

  • v1.1.2-20240405_0357352024-04-04

    AO3 WordCount v1.1.2

    Switch to using Intl.NumberFormat for making the word count thousands separated

  • v1.1.1-20240314_2107402024-03-14

    AO3 WordCount v1.1.1

    Modify the match rule so that it matches collections//works URLs as well; Add an exlude role so it doesn't work on works//bookmarks pages as it isn't designed to

  • v1.1.0-20230909_1512472023-09-09

    AO3 WordCount v1.1.0

    Implement a counting method that uses an attempted conversion of the Ruby regex code used by AO3 to JavaScript

  • v1.0.1-20230629_1237422023-06-29

    remove unused parameter from Word_Counter

  • v1.0.0-20230621_1630582023-06-21

    add icon to script before i forget AGAIN

  • v1.0.0-20230621_1629032023-06-21

    update script description

  • v1.0.0-20230621_1619182023-06-21

    remove unnecessary Boolean()

  • v1.0.0-20230621_1600232023-06-21Imported from URL